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The past week of troutin'


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Last weekend's cold snap did wonders for our ice up here, making beautiful conditions for ice travel, since the slush was getting pretty horrific the week prior.  Team Polaris was out in full force chasing squaretails...

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Family day was finally the opener for specks and lakers in Zone 11, which meant I could finally have more options for speck fishing than stocked, year-round lakes.

Day 1 we weren't on the ice until the afternoon, but we managed 3 nice ones for the pan

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The next day I was able to sneak out for a couple hours at first light for some natural lakers on a lake close to home. Managed 3 fish including this nice one...

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My dad came up north for the weekend, and we hit some beautiful weather on Saturday to go speckin'...+2, trails and lakes both in beautiful shape, and the specks were on! Can't ask for more than that for a mid-winter day.

They started small..

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Little bigger...

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By lunch time we had iced 7 trout up to 15", keeping 4 for dinner and carefully releasing the others.

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In the afternoon we shifted gears and hit another lake that produces size, not numbers, hoping to cap the day with a big girl.

My dad was jigging a cleo in a mess of branches in 10 fow when this chunky 2-pounder took a bite...

Not a giant but a great fish and end to the day.

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Still chipping away at my ever-growing list of lakes looking for my speckasaurus :)
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Looks like some solid, back lake outings.


I'm always interested in different homemade tip up designs. Lets see a close up pic if you have one.

They're pretty much the same as the Leechman tipups, made by a guy in North Bay and stocked by a few shops in the area, and I put a rattle reel on the moving arm and set it loose enough that when the fish runs out of travel on the arm it freespools
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Darlin' specks JoeyT. And lucky to have that good snow.

Ya know, it showed up a month late, but we ended up having a pretty damn good snow year up here all things considered. Another 15-20 cm coming over the next couple days and overnite lows -15 -20 for the rest of the week should mean well get great conditions for at least the whole of March, hopefully a week or two into April even. The best is yet to come, fishing wise

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