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So after all the reading this thread has to offer I think we can all agree that things need to change..However here we are bickering over who is the worst thief and liar..I dont like what the Cons have done in 8 years..With the new trade deal snuck in the back door, our oil going to china and our protected waters are all but gone. Now were dealing with American dairy heading this way. Bovine growth hormone was denied in Canada many time over the years for a reason. When will it end..We need a new leader and we need it now.

Edited by tb4me
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So after all the reading this thread has to offer I think we can all agree that things need to change..However here we are bickering over who is the worst thief and liar..I dont like what the Cons have done in 8 years..With the new trade deal snuck in the back door, our oil going to china and our protected waters are all but gone. Now were dealing with American dairy heading this way. Bovine growth hormone was denied in Canada many time over the years for a reason. When will it end..We need a new leader and we need it now.


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So after all the reading this thread has to offer I think we can all agree that things need to change..However here we are bickering over who is the worst thief and liar..I dont like what the Cons have done in 8 years..With the new trade deal snuck in the back door, our oil going to china and our protected waters are all but gone. Now were dealing with American dairy heading this way. Bovine growth hormone was denied in Canada many time over the years for a reason. When will it end..We need a new leader and we need it now.

Which leader would that be? That's the biggest issue all of us face., we need change, but will changing just for the sake of changing make anything better?

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Mr.Bass with all due respect that may be the nuttiest thing I have ever read here( with the odd exception on the hockey thread)you think this country could prosper with no imports or exports...I doubt it very much!!!

lol what would be so nutty about the hockey thread...lol

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Which leader would that be? That's the biggest issue all of us face., we need change, but will changing just for the sake of changing make anything better?

As for the new leader im not sure yet..Im leaning towards a young Justin or perhaps libertarian..We need a new vision here..I would never confuse Provincial with federal politics either, cause I hate Wynn and what she has done here. I like the idea of legalizing marijuana and taxing the heck out of it. If it were taxed like booze then we would be laughing. I also like the idea of asking the wealthy to pitch in a little more so us middle class can catch a bit of a break... The kid (42) is saying the right things to get my attention..Im far to young to remember his dad so that has no pull on me what so ever

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Even though I did not think this thread was a very good idea I find myself reading it everyday. It is amazing reading some of the ridiculous notions level headed people have when it comes to our country. If I remember correctly the same things I read here were the same things I heard sitting around the dinner table at my Noni and Nono's home when I was a kid in the 60's in NY and continue to today when we get together. They would say "All politicians are crooks, lets get some new crooks." Sound familiar?

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Mr.Bass with all due respect that may be the nuttiest thing I have ever read here( with the odd exception on the hockey thread)you think this country could prosper with no imports or exports...I doubt it very much!!!

Not now no, absolutely not.


The frame work and policy would have had to done 100 years ago or so.


We done messed up and no way can it be fixed(not just us, most countries as well).


And im not really against trade. Im against rediculous trade.


Here ill give you an example


When I worked for weyethaueser, we produced canadian lumber. We sold it all to the US at a price lower then it cost to produce. Then canada needs lumber. Instead of using our own resource, we buy back the lumber we produced at a markup plus currency exchange.


Does that make any sense to youse at all????


Im the nutty one?




And this is what we do with oil/gas, minerals etc as well.


Its the dumbest system ive ever seen.

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What im saying is we have a broken system


With proper policy canada should indeed have first right to our resources, then export.


We need nothing imported because we have what we need. Countries need us more then we need them.


But, with basically zero military presence and so many asinine policies we are in a place where literally nothing can improve drastically.


It can get worse, or a little better. Thats it.


Canada should have never bent to OPEC nor to the corperatization of our country by US and China.


It only sounds stupid because weve allowed lawyers and corperations and countries to manipulate us since the fed reserve and IMF

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Rick we just do not have enough consumers to be self sustained. Years ago when I was taking marketing the #1 trade partner of the US was Ontario, world wide, #2 was the rest of Canada. Go to any grocery store, big box store, car dealer wherever consumer goods are sold and you will find that at least 60% of the products we buy are from US owned corps, probably more I can't quantify the number right now. Made in Mexico or China but US corps. Right or wrong that's what we have. Hell even China with their billions of consumers could not be self sustained as Chairman Mao envisioned. They had to open their ports to imports so they could do many things including export. and joining the 21st Century. A manufacturing or mining company, to name a few in Canada can not survive today in a domestic only market. See Stelco Inc. Algoma Steel, Sydney Steel, Alta Steel. The list is interminable. As long as we were building a post WW2 Canada it worked. All the boats are built, the bridges and roads, the plants and skyscrapers. Now what?


As far as who is married to whom, I don't get what you mean to say there. We are married to the Yanks, and are kept barefoot and pregnant. That will not change in my lifetime, it's just the way it is. They fart and we need a colostomy.

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I don't want to live in a self sustained Canada, heck we don't have a single golf club manufacturer and my choice of fishing equipment would be slim pickins. What kind of life would that be? We would be good to go as far as Whiskey and Beer though, Maple Syrup too I suppose.

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I get the us first others next, 110% agreement. Now if our illustrious leaders can get it that would be a step in the right direction. We still need to cow tow to a Queen in some country most Canadians will ever visit, some might not even know where it is. This is 2015 for C's sakes not 1715. Bow to a Royal? That's just not in my DNA. When you became a Canadian did you have to pledge allegiance to the Queen? I think the generation of Canadians born now will end that Bull in 30 years, less would make me more than happy. I would love to see Canada become independent of this British rule in my lifetime. How I am digressing to this I have no idea other than to say that's what I do. Sorry all.


What clubs are Canadian? If they can knock 5 strokes off the card I'm a customer!

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Ill get back to ya on the clubs OI.


My pops sells em.


They are unreal good(made by a tennis racquet company, that sells to the big brands)


Prices are dirt cheap in comparison.


Ive only tried them out though, probably buy a set around xmas.


$1500 clubs for 60% less, all because its direct source and no stupid labels/advertising

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