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2015 Baseball Thread


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Do you like Mel Gibson........if so watch Conspiracy Theory if you haven't already. I'm sure you will enjoy it.



One of my favourite movies......why do you think Cueto failed so miserably in his start in Toronto, he was too worried about the sign stealing conspiracy in Toronto, so much so that he was giving signs on the mound

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the Dykstra story here


During a recent appearance on Colin Cowherd's show on Fox Sports, former big leaguer Lenny Dykstra admitted to spending "half a million bucks" on private investigators to dig up dirt on umpires during his playing career.

Dykstra says he then used the information not necessarily to bribe umpires, but to intimidate them into giving him favorable calls. "Fear does a lot to a man," he says. Here's the video:

"Their blood is just as red as ours. Some of them like women, some of them like men, some of them gamble," said Dykstra. He then imagined a scenario in which he asked the umpire if he "covered the spread last night" after a called strike, then the strike zone shrunk to his advantage.

"It wasn't a coincidence that I led the league in walks the next few years," he added. Dykstra led the league with 129 walks in 1993 while with the Phillies. His previous career high was 89 walks, though he missed plenty of time with injuries. Dykstra's walk rate did spike from 1993-94:


(Graph via FanGraphs)

Dykstra explained he was doing what "I had to do what I had to do to win, and to support my family."

It's worth noting Dykstra has had all sorts of financial and legal trouble in recent years, so his reputation is not the best at this time. He also told Cowherd he is working on a book, so this story about hiring private investigators to dig up dirt on umpires could be a ruse to help book sales.

If true though, these are some pretty serious admissions -- and allegations, he is saying umpires bet on baseball -- by Dykstra.

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Was reading an article about KC and how they sent scouts to the last 45 games at the Skydome (I will NEVER call it R0gers Centre...they don't deserve that recognition) and picked up a lot of info regarding our pitchers and hitters. They recalled that the one hitter they were most concerned about. It wasn't EE, JB, or JD, but Pillar. The scouts felt that whenever Pillar got on base, Donaldson would bat the same inning. They felt that Pillar was the "ignitor" of the team. That's pretty amazing how they were able to analyze and neutralize the fact the Jays led the majors in HRs and runs scored.


If we want to talk about other years of AA, let's not forget Shapiro. During the tenure of AA (2010-2015): 489-483 (0.503%). During the tenure of Shapiro (2010-2015): 475-496 (0.489%). Plus, AA won exec of the year and also Jays first trip to the playoffs in 22 years. And to do it in the most competitive division in the league.


Get ready for a rough ride...so disappointing!

Edited by FrankTheRabbit
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If we want to talk about other years of AA, let's not forget Shapiro. During the tenure of AA (2010-2015): 489-483 (0.503%). During the tenure of Shapiro (2010-2015): 475-496 (0.489%). Plus, AA won exec of the year and also Jays first trip to the playoffs in 22 years. And to do it in the most competitive division in the league.


Get ready for a rough ride...so disappointing!



Shapiro was exec of the year in 2005 and 2007

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Shapiro was exec of the year in 2005 and 2007


Kinda contradicts what Rogers said in their news statement:


“Alex has done a terrific job as GM of the Blue Jays over the past six seasons, and we would have loved it if he stayed with the club. Like the fans, we too are disappointed he has chosen not to accept our five-year contract offer, but we wish him the very best. Alex leaves behind an outstanding front office team and coaching staff that played a key role in shaping the team’s great run this season. They will continue to operate in leadership roles next year as we look to build upon the team’s success. We remain committed to putting a winning team on the field and look forward to many more exciting seasons for the Blue Jays.”


So the last sentence, they say that they're "committed to putting a winning team on the field," yet they sign a guy who won exec of the year 8 and 10 years ago, while AA just won it recently. So now we have no GM with the likely chance of Gibby not returning, and also a likely scenario of Price & Estrada not returning either. Yup, Rogers sure knows how to EFF things up!

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Kinda contradicts what Rogers said in their news statement:


“Alex has done a terrific job as GM of the Blue Jays over the past six seasons, and we would have loved it if he stayed with the club. Like the fans, we too are disappointed he has chosen not to accept our five-year contract offer, but we wish him the very best. Alex leaves behind an outstanding front office team and coaching staff that played a key role in shaping the team’s great run this season. They will continue to operate in leadership roles next year as we look to build upon the team’s success. We remain committed to putting a winning team on the field and look forward to many more exciting seasons for the Blue Jays.”


So the last sentence, they say that they're "committed to putting a winning team on the field," yet they sign a guy who won exec of the year 8 and 10 years ago, while AA just won it recently. So now we have no GM with the likely chance of Gibby not returning, and also a likely scenario of Price & Estrada not returning either. Yup, Rogers sure knows how to EFF things up!


right, so after he won his second exec of the year award, he was promoted from GM to president. As for Gibby, Im not a fan of his, he did well with what he had, but even he thought hiring him a second time around wasn't a good idea. but did it anyway. You have to look at this way, this was Beestons last year, hes retiring, done, where were the Jays when they started negotiating to bring in Shapiro, 27-30 in June? 51-50 in July? Rogers had to act to find a replacement in the wake of a possible flunker season. At that point, they had already signed the agreement to bring Shapiro in. They offered AA everything, they gave him a 1yr near the start of the season, then a 2yr in the middle, then a 5yr at the end. But, its the amount of control AA wold have to give up under Shapiro in order to stay, because Shapiro is a baseball guy, always has been, Beeston was a business guy, didn't want much to do with the on field product, left that to the GM, Shapiro is more hands on.


That is what I get from all this

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right, so after he won his second exec of the year award, he was promoted from GM to president. As for Gibby, Im not a fan of his, he did well with what he had, but even he thought hiring him a second time around wasn't a good idea. but did it anyway. You have to look at this way, this was Beestons last year, hes retiring, done, where were the Jays when they started negotiating to bring in Shapiro, 27-30 in June? 51-50 in July? Rogers had to act to find a replacement in the wake of a possible flunker season. At that point, they had already signed the agreement to bring Shapiro in. They offered AA everything, they gave him a 1yr near the start of the season, then a 2yr in the middle, then a 5yr at the end. But, its the amount of control AA wold have to give up under Shapiro in order to stay, because Shapiro is a baseball guy, always has been, Beeston was a business guy, didn't want much to do with the on field product, left that to the GM, Shapiro is more hands on.


That is what I get from all this

What we do know is, Paul Beeston officially announced his retirement Jan 26, 2015. Ed Rogers started asking around for a replacement in Nov 2014. If an organization had any real integrity, you certainly don't go asking around behind the back of Beeston and before he actually made an official decision. That's the bumbling of Rogers that's accentuated with not resigning AA. Beeston has been around in the league for a long time and you just don't do that to a guy like Beeston. And one of the first guys that Rogers contacts for a possible replacement is Reinsdorf, a good friend of Beeston. And to quote from Reinsdorf:


"I'm not responding to a request from Edward Rogers a beneficiary. You have to follow baseball procedure. A request for permission to interview someone has to be put in writing."


What kind of ball club owner does that, but only an idiot with zero knowledge of baseball and baseball etiquette?


There's already a formula in place that works and has made them a lot of money. And then they bring in an American who doesn't have any Canadian market experience to replace a successful, home grown employee from Montreal...it just blows my mind the stupidity of Rogers.

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Rogers has fubared this whole situation, from the get go. In any other business, heads would be rolling. I highly doubt that Ed is going to up and quit over this! I am betting the share holders are going to be pretty upset watching MLB's Executive of the Year leading another team to victory.

Exactly how does this team convince free agents to join them when they have once again proven that they are completely inept at running a baseball team? I had high hopes for next year and I will reserve judgement on Shapiro until he actually stands up and tells us how he is going to make the Jays a perennial contender.


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Rogers has fubared this whole situation, from the get go. In any other business, heads would be rolling. I highly doubt that Ed is going to up and quit over this! I am betting the share holders are going to be pretty upset watching MLB's Executive of the Year leading another team to victory.

Exactly how does this team convince free agents to join them when they have once again proven that they are completely inept at running a baseball team? I had high hopes for next year and I will reserve judgement on Shapiro until he actually stands up and tells us how he is going to make the Jays a perennial contender.



I think from here on out, whatever Rogers & Co. says is just lip service to get us trusting them with their baseball decisions. TRUST & ROGERS are certainly two words that don't go together.


Imagine being a player on the team...reaching that incredible high of finishing their season and then hearing how AA isn't coming back next year...it must be a punch in the gut for them, even if they don't say anything publicly.


Those six years that AA was on the team, he's built trust between the organization and the players. It's something that just isn't done overnight, but in one day, Rogers just tears that all apart...still can't believe it.

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I'd like to hold out judgement on Shapiro but what a first impression. Kick out the door the guy who got the team to the playoffs for the first time in 22 years. I wonder what Beaston thinks of this?


My biggest thing was that AA made deals no one saw coming and it didn't seem like we ever got fleeced. Tulo, Donaldson..... I doubt we will ever see trades like tht again in Toronto.

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As much as I think they might have made a mistake in letting AA go, I don't feel sorry for any players and their feelings about management. They are compensated very well to play baseball. In regards to attracting top notch players, it's up to the existing players to show that the Blue Jays are a top flight team and a good destination.

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Oh you`ll see big trades coming....Edwin....Joey Batts...Martin...for prospects...etc...etc...


Mark my words if the Jays are out of contention next season there will be changes...

That's the ironic part...we were competitive and made it to the 2nd round and therre are still changes. That's how messed up Rogers is.


No stability whatsoever. Whenever you have suits trying to manage an organization, this is what happens.

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There are many in the baseball world who think that there will be very few changes in personnel, many think Lacava will be named GM, he was assistant GM.


I think the main reason people are so shocked, is because is a change from the status quot, Beeston was there from day 1, and the organization was run the same way since day 1. They needed a new president, and their first choice went to Boston, this was choice number 2


They didn't just let AA go, they gave him a multi year, multi million dollar deal, but he turned it down, because Shapiro wants a say in trade dealings, which is more common than not.

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A bit of humour regarding the AA negotiations. Lol. Although, I might be able to believe this to be true of what went down behind closed doors. lol.





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So AA is gone... Who is still on the team:



Donaldson (Hank Aaron Award winner BTW)

Bautista (who is getting old, now 35, may not have many more years left anyway)















Yeah sure, a couple holes to fill in the rotation/bullpen but it's not like they're in complete shambles. Last I checked AA doesn't play on the field (I doubt he ever has in his life lol). Sure he is well liked by the team too, but when the players go out for a pint after the game I highly doubt they invite AA to come. I think the problem here is too many people get caught up in the corporate/front office politics of a team ala Toronto Maple Leafs and tend to forget that baseball is played on the field by the players more than any of the other big 4 sports.


Looking back at that lineup I posted there I am still very confident going into next season. Shapiro has never had a budget to work with in Cleveland, and has had success in the past. Think what might be possible when he's overseeing a team that has some money to spend. Up until July 31, everyone wanted AA's head anyway. I just hope they can strike gold again in scouting and development so we're not basement dwellers in a couple years.


PS: We don't even know who the next GM might be anyway.

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Shapiro was interviewed and hired, before the Jays took off; they were a 500 team. Shapiro was hired based on his ability to show a profit in a small market arena. I'm guessing he told the Rogers folks what they wanted to hear, that he could take a team that had been losing money for years and make them profitable. I'm guessing that both he and the Rogers folks were shocked by the way the team reacted to the trades and the ensuing winning.

Today's news conference should give us an indication of what mind set Shapiro is bringing to the table. We'll find out if he is going to appeal to the fans or try and appeal to the Rogers folks. That goal post has moved as a result of the teams success, let's see if he notices!


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I'm still in the mindset that all of this makes no sense at all and I'm struggling to find the reason why Rogers couldn't get AA to resign.


AA delivered the goods and Rogers ownership should have given anything that AA was asking for and if the speculation in the media is true, you give AA the reigns for final player decisions. He's been through it all, from beginning to end. So, for Rogers to hand the success of AA to someone with no Canadian market experience, let alone he's not even Canadian, is such a perplexing concept. Why would any owner of a company do that? Maybe, this concept of thinking is the reason why Ed Rogers is not the CEO of Rogers Co.


Again, not only was AA liked and respected by the players and staff, they trusted AA and with Shapiro coming in, he'll have to really dig deep and earn the trust of them.


What was noted in the media, but I don't think it was mentioned here, was how AA, knowing that his future wasn't certain, secured the future jobs of the front office and staff through to 2016. He went out of his way to make sure they were taken care of, before his own security was in place. That is a true sign of leadership and from that, I have an even greater amount of respect for him, both as a person and as the proper GM for the club. Heck, if anything, AA should have been promoted to President after this season's immense success. Rogers made a boatload of cash with the leadership of Beeston and AA, and Rogers couldn't be bothered to give him a slam dunk offer to re-sign him. It really puts an enormous question mark an even bigger "what the hell" remark on Rogers.

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Frank, you have to look at the time lines....

Last November, Rogers tried to replace Beeston with The Cubs GM. They had to ask permission to do so from the Cub's owner as their GM was under contract. Turns out that the owner of the Cubs is a very good friend of Beestons and he let Beeston know about the call.

Frankly (no pun intended!), that pissed off both Beeston and AA. Showed a complete lack of class and given Beeston's loyalty to the Jays, it was a really stupid move.

Fast forward to May/June timeline and now Rogers has a full blown search on, to replace Beeston. Remember, at that time, the Jays were a sub 500 team with a fairly large payroll. Their record at the indicated that they weren't going to be a playoff team and that they would again, lose money this year. Rogers finds Shapiro, who is accustomed to dealing with a limited budget and he tells Rogers what they want to hear... he can make the Jays a money maker.

I took the better part of two to three months to get Shapiro's package together and guess what, the Jays are on a roll and people are coming to the park and watching on TV. The folks at Rogers were probably the most surprised people on the planet. They were caught completely off guard and have been in damage control since August, when they announced the signing of Shapiro.

A little back history here... AA worked in his family business, HVAC and left it as he didn't feel it was the right career for him. He is a man of simple needs and is steadfast in his belief that he has to enjoy what he is doing. He could not see himself working for Rogers after the way they treated Beeston.

I'm wiling to be that AA had made his mind up long before Shapiro was announced and that's why both he and Beeston, opened up and made the big trades.

Hope that makes sense.


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