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Thats one heck of a care package HH!!!


Im making cod tonight.


Honestly their really is no bad way


Im gonna grill mine in tinfoil bags with butter, seasoning salt, a whole onion, 2 cloves of garlic and pepper


Ill pre cook the onion and galic first because the cod cooks quickly on the grill


This is simple and tasty


Ill serve it with a side of panfries done extra crispy

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Joe, as for the cod, I like to bake it in the oven or on the bbq wrapped in tin foil. I like to put fresh thin slices of lemon on it and fresh dill , salt/pepper to taste. Served with rice of choice. Bake til flaky. Please do not over cook it. It should be moist. Just like smelts. :tease:

Edited by Brian B
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My niece lives in Prince Rupert and made a stop at my place a couple of weeks ago on her way to a three week trip across Europe. She over-nighted here at my place in Toronto and when she opened her luggage here at the house, half he bag was filled with frozen, vac packed fish.

She has been in "the Rupe" for a number of years and has be-befriended a number of First Nations folks. Many are fisherman and have invited her to go out and fish with them. They eat fresh seafood as often as they like.

So, her little care package contains;

-15 pounds of Pacific Halibut

-a number of Chum Salmon fillets

-half a dozen Pacific Black cod

The Halibut was simply delicious, prepared with my own coating. I have yet to cook any of the Cod, could use some advice on a good recipe if anyone has one!


Buddy in Campbell River on Vancouver Island cooks his cod battered and deep-fried.



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Thanks guys! Appreciate you input!

I was told that Pacific Black Cod is very rare and the best that the Pacific has to offer. It was suggested that I steam the fish in order to fully enjoy what it has to offer. Shag, I am hesitant to just batter it up, like any other fish.

Brian, I know it aint smelt and that's why it's still in my freezer, but I think your suggestion will likely be the recipe I follow for my first crack at the cod.


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This has nothing to do with cooking, but I am on a long road trip and keeping a blog. I have been unable to post pics to the blog that OTHER folks can see. Trying something here...




OK at least that provides a link, but it does not SHOW the picture. Back to the drawing board.......



Edited by akaShag
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or make fish and brewis, Brian might have a recipe.......


Not a big fan of that Doug.




The plot thickens on the cod. It's apparently smoked. I am to steam it for no more than 8 to 10 minutes, so I'll give that a go when I try the first fillet.



That will be lovely steamed. Do up some veggies with it Joe.


Did you happen to get any cod toungs as well? YUMMY

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Today is about the pork.


Once I had my fishing out of the way this morning, nice 7lb eater salmon, that I will give to an old friend that no longer can get out.


So home, wash off the pork belly, set the BBQ at 200 deg, on the rack it goes for 4 hours. ( I may do it longer, as I found the last time it was a bit to soft.




With that started, I am going to do my own version of a Pancetta. Ya the italians are going to rip this one apart I know it. LOL


I know this is not traditional, but Im sure it will be fine. Chillie pepper,fresh cracked pepper,smoke pepperika,sea salt and olive oil. Im missing herbs, so added cellery seed and dill.


From start to finish, then put on the BBQ for 4 hours as well at 200 deg. Will make great sandwiches for a couple of days as well. Oh, I am no butcher, but did ok. I scored the tendon areas to allow the fat to reduce. Also rolled it to have the fold on the botom and the cap on top. This is my first time.










Now the waiting game.

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Remember those peppers and garlic, ya you seen the bag. Turned it into a chutney to cover over the pork. Added some pepper and olive oil and simmered. :good:






Have only checked the temps on the BBQ,never lifted the lid. I can only keep it at 225, but thats no harm. 1+ hour to go.

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Well done an ate. Could of been on another hour, but is was good.








The bacon however, went in the trash. Im not sure what happen, but it smelt off . The last one I made, smelt like bacon and tasted like bacon. Oh well, 6 bux in the trash. Try again.


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  • 2 months later...

Nothing wrong with eating Pike as many here agree. They are a solid fish. I make a tomato pasta sauce with pike and Brandy. Simple toasted garlic on EVO, in go the fillets and sear on each side, a splash of Brandy, some in the pan too, chopped plum tomatoes, not pureed, finish with Parm cheese, lots of it, fresh Basil and Parsley. Of course the Pike will break up, you want that. Pour on any pasta, more cheese and drizzle with EVO. Best with a tube pasta so all the goodies get in the pasta. A new fave of ours is Pennoni lishe (no lines), 1/2 way between Penne and Rigatoni.


M2B2 bring up the cooking thread so I don't hi jack anymore threads.

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Thanks Rick, now lets keep them yummy viddles coming.


Something we tried for both Thanksgivings and it worked great. We did a 15 pound bird the day before let it cool carved it and wrapped it in a few kilo's of foil and into the fridge. I warmed it on low after adding some turkey stock to the bird and pan the next day an hour before dinner. It looked and tasted great. Much easier to do than all that cooking the day of. Doing just sides was a breeze. I would never had done that before because my Mother said you will die. No one died that day at least.

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To add to the Pike sauce Rick kindly copied here if you add clams, shrimp, scallops, crab or any other shell fish some of it or all to it you have Bouillabaisse or Brodetto. Hot pepper flakes to taste. A loaf of crusty bread, please no Dempster's imitation stuff and fergid aboud id. The best pasta with that is Angel Hair. Or you take a piece of day old bread toast it then put it on the bottom of a warm bowl and cover it in the fish sauce then drizzle with EVO.


Someone should be sued for calling that stuff in a plastic bag French or Italian bread. There has to be a law against it. The taste is closer to R-12 insulation than real bread.


Something not many do is warm bowls and plates in the microwave before serving food on them. Make sure there is no decorative metal on them. What a difference.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Sounds amazing bud! Ill have to try for sure!


My favorite is to chunk up the pike fillets.


Do a big pot of fish stock or chicken stock.


Add celery, carrots, potatoes, onion, garlic.


Cook that low and slow with the seasoning of your choice.


I use coarse salt, pepper, chive, garlic salt, garlic and onion powder, tumeric, chilli flake, parsley


Once the stock is is gtg , melt in 1/2 bar of butter.


Then at the end add pike for about 5-6 minutes.


Serve with a side of sourdough or cornbread, or chiabatta


We call it pike boil

Edited by manitoubass2
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E mail me a bowl of that stuff. Has anyone had Poor Mans Lobster using Pike? I've had it, it wasn't Lobster but it was good. I wasn't there when they made it. Boiled the Pike in copious amounts of Sea Salt then those cubes are drained dried then dipped in melted butter. How does it not fall apart boiling that long?


edit: tell your story, you have many friends here that care and would want to know.

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