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Anyone here follow NFL?

Old Ironmaker

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I see much about hockey here but nothing about football. This afternoon I'm getting 3 good 1PM games here on Bell, sometimes 4 some Sundays which is great. The Steelers game was close going into the 4th until Big Ben put up 16 or so unanswered points against a good Bengals team. One a beautiful 94yard pass and run, that don't happen everyday.


The question is, is it just me or does Rothlisburger look like he ate another small farm animal this week? His head is a big as a Brama Bulls now and he has more chins than a Chinese phone book. Man that guy is getting huge, that what makes his quickness and tight mobility even more amazing.


Good night Irene Cinnci, he just put 6 more up on the board. Cinnci giving up an averge of 79 yards on the ground and Lavion Bell blew them up for 235 combined rushing and recieving, so far. 5 minutes to go. 42-21 Pittsburg, 1/2 hour ago they were down by 3.


Puts the Steelers back into the Wildcard race.


The Winternet is getting a workout here on OFC today.

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1 guy, I'm surprised actually. I've been following the Bills since they were in the AFL. Mom is from North Tonawanda so I didn't have much choice. Had season tickets for a few years in the 90's. After those Super Bowls I can't really say fan. I've never been a fan of any team really, not in the sense of the word. Saw my first live Bills game OJ's rookie year, he wore #36 that night for his first exhibition game.There's a trivia question that will never come up.


The first day of school Mr. Ballard asked the class what they did over the summer, did I have a story for them, kind of trumped the I went to the cottage or Camp Whatchawanta stories.

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I always wondered why we pick the teams we do to be fans of? I was a fan of Dallas because Bob Hayes was a receiver then and he was once the fastest man in the world. The Bears and Dick Butkas the greatest middle linebacker ever to play the position and Gale Sayers probably the greatest running back to ever play the position. Our HS school team was the Bears and I played inside linebacker and running back. At the same time a Browns fan because our coach loved the Browns and our uniforms were exactly that of the Browns uniforms including the pumpkin head helmets. Stayed with the Bears for years because of the great defencive teams and the other greatest running back to ever play the late great Walter Sweetness Payton. Man there's many greatest to ever play at the same position for me, lets call it a tie. Regardless of him being a monster you can argue that OJ was as well. 3 way tie. Lets not forget Barry Sanders too. And if I don't mention Jim Brown I should be hung. Did I miss anyone.

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barry sanders is my favorite player of all time.


Ive actually followed many teams over the years, for me at least, its different then a hockey team


walter payton and perry made me fans of the bears waaay back.


i loved the 49'ers because of Montana


my fav qb of old is dan marino. man i wanted him to win a ring, soooo bad

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Manitou I once went into the stadium early to watch the first round of warm ups. I was 20 feet from Marino. He was throwing passes 20 yards on a rope. It sounded like a golf ball going by, zawhoosh. I have never heard that sound from a football before or since. I've heard a similar sound but not like that. He had the strongest arm I have ever seen, or heard. Footballs are not supposed to make a sound like that. No way. The only cooler guy under pressure had to be Montana. Marino got better in the last 5 minutes than the first 55. He was part of the Elway, Kelly and Marino class of 83', and in total there are currently 7 Hall of Famers from that single draft. One of the teams started the rumor that Marino had a drug problem at Pitt.to drop his worth so they could get him lower in the pool, Miami? No will say even today. That's why Marino went to Miami that wasn't looking for a QB but took him anyway, so goes the story. Elway refused to play for the Colts that had the #1 pick. He said he would play for the Yankees that had picked him in their draft. Steinbrener said he was the second coming of Mickey Mantle. I think he wouldn't play for Frank Kush who was known as a taskmaster and fitness freak. Marino wasn't known for time he spent in the weight room, none actually. Kush coached the Tiger Cats for a few years. Want a story about Kush, PM me, I can't tell it here. There are many documentaries and books written about a freaking NFL draft from 83'.

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haha awesome! another NFL freak. Ill pm ya for sure.


as a kid, I was introduced early though cards. I collected around age 6. my much older cousins collected as well. Their dad collected as well and was unfortunately killed in a accident where he was hit by a drunk driver.


by this time my cousins were mid twenties and passed the collection to me. and it was the best gift ever.


as a child i memorized every stat, every player. i wish i could still recall all that info.


I was like 10 and was super proud to have Fran Tarkenton rookie cards, nobody else knew who he was lol. if i remember right he debuted around 61-62? was born in virginia but in international falls(where i was born) he was a hometown hero

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Fran Tarkenton, I watched him play. He is a good friend of the man that owns Carmen's banquet center in Hamilton and has told us a few stories about them golfing together at Augusta where Mr. Tarkenton is a member. I have been forced to watch AFL and NFL ball since I was 4, so after 56 years I should remember some stuff. I played from 8 to 26. For a few years I never watched a entire game now I will spend Sundays watching all day. I've never seen faster and stronger kids as this last few seasons. When ever I see a helmet rolling along the field I look to see if there is a head in it. Pet peeve, those long corn roll braids the kids are wearing today. I loved it last week when someone tackled the receiver by the hair, totally legal the ref told him. H I wonder when the NFL will make a rule for that, there's a rule for everything else. He actually got an earful from the head coach. 20 years ago the coach told you to get a hair cut you did, not now, probably in his contract.


Every time I hear about someone losing a loved one because of drunk driving I want to give it to a drunk driver. I know quite a few people out here that drive drunk. One called the police on me for assaulting him when I tried to take his keys away, They arrested the idiot but the charges never stuck even though he admitted it.


I'm sorry to hear about your Uncle, I know how it feels, such a waste.

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I'm a huge football fan. Liked the Cowboys when I was younger, my grandmother passed that on to me, she loved Tom Landry's hats. I had a few buddies who played in the league, so cheered for the Seahawks for a while, and spent a half season cheering for the Bengals. If I had to pick a team it would be the Bills, only because they are the closest to home.

I watch the sport because I love it. I play in a few fantasy football leagues, so most of the time I am cheering for individual players to do well.

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Manitou I once went into the stadium early to watch the first round of warm ups. I was 20 feet from Marino. He was throwing passes 20 yards on a rope. It sounded like a golf ball going by, zawhoosh. I have never heard that sound from a football before or since. I've heard a similar sound but not like that. He had the strongest arm I have ever seen, or heard. Footballs are not supposed to make a sound like that. No way. The only cooler guy under pressure had to be Montana. Marino got better in the last 5 minutes than the first 55. He was part of the Elway, Kelly and Marino class of 83', and in total there are currently 7 Hall of Famers from that single draft. One of the teams started the rumor that Marino had a drug problem at Pitt.to drop his worth so they could get him lower in the pool, Miami? No will say even today. That's why Marino went to Miami that wasn't looking for a QB but took him anyway, so goes the story. Elway refused to play for the Colts that had the #1 pick. He said he would play for the Yankees that had picked him in their draft. Steinbrener said he was the second coming of Mickey Mantle. I think he wouldn't play for Frank Kush who was known as a taskmaster and fitness freak. Marino wasn't known for time he spent in the weight room, none actually. Kush coached the Tiger Cats for a few years. Want a story about Kush, PM me, I can't tell it here. There are many documentaries and books written about a freaking NFL draft from 83'.

Did you watch the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary on John Elway / Marino and Jim Kelly....tells the whole story how Marino fell so far in the draft and both Elway and Marino had the same agent. Also told how Jim Kelly almost went directly to the Buffalo Bills but a STUPID secretary of the Bills organization disrupted the meeting that Kelly and his agent were in and ready to sign on the dotted line. Instead the secretary told the agent he had a important phone call (from the Houston Gamblers), and he ended up with the Houston Gamblers for a couple years until Bill Polian brought him to Buffalo. BTW Polian has a book out now called "The Game Plan".......you might be interested in it as it has all the ins and outs on how he worked his magic as a GM for the BIlls, Panthers and the Colts.


On your other question who should be added as a great running back....Thurman Thomas and Emmitt Smith.

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I am a huge Dolphin fan have been since high school back in the early 80s. Needless to say I was a huge Marino fan,I have several jerseys for myself and my two sons.I even spent my honeymoon at Joe Robbie Stadium watching Marino torch Jim Everett and the Rams in Miami's first game at home after Hurricane Andrew in 92. Just last weekend while in Cleveland I ate at Shulas2 ,Don's restaurant in our hotel. I sure do miss the Marino days seems we have been looking for a replacement ever since with not much luck,although Tannehill looks to maturing nicely but he is no Marino, My wife is also a huge NFL fan,too bad though she has to be a 9er fan,I have been forced a couple times to go watch them in Detroit back when Young and Rice were there and have been forced to hear about the many superbowl titles. Thank-you Baltimore 2 seasons ago,that was sweet/

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I am a huge Dolphin fan have been since high school back in the early 80s. Needless to say I was a huge Marino fan,I have several jerseys for myself and my two sons.I even spent my honeymoon at Joe Robbie Stadium watching Marino torch Jim Everett and the Rams in Miami's first game at home after Hurricane Andrew in 92. Just last weekend while in Cleveland I ate at Shulas2 ,Don's restaurant in our hotel. I sure do miss the Marino days seems we have been looking for a replacement ever since with not much luck,although Tannehill looks to maturing nicely but he is no Marino, My wife is also a huge NFL fan,too bad though she has to be a 9er fan,I have been forced a couple times to go watch them in Detroit back when Young and Rice were there and have been forced to hear about the many superbowl titles. Thank-you Baltimore 2 seasons ago,that was sweet/

you must have a nice doghouse???lol.


thats awesome if you can banter back and forth with the wife about football:)

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you must have a nice doghouse???lol.


thats awesome if you can banter back and forth with the wife about football:)

only reason she is a 9er fan is when we met miami and the 49ers were playing in superbowl 1985,I guess I was a little abnoxious and she was cheering for whoever the fish were playing in the game and has been a fan ever since. That one hurt.

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Did you watch the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary on John Elway / Marino and Jim Kelly....tells the whole story how Marino fell so far in the draft and both Elway and Marino had the same agent. Also told how Jim Kelly almost went directly to the Buffalo Bills but a STUPID secretary of the Bills organization disrupted the meeting that Kelly and his agent were in and ready to sign on the dotted line. Instead the secretary told the agent he had a important phone call (from the Houston Gamblers), and he ended up with the Houston Gamblers for a couple years until Bill Polian brought him to Buffalo. BTW Polian has a book out now called "The Game Plan".......you might be interested in it as it has all the ins and outs on how he worked his magic as a GM for the BIlls, Panthers and the Colts.


On your other question who should be added as a great running back....Thurman Thomas and Emmitt Smith.

Great backs granted but regardless of Smiths record he can't be ranked as one of a hand full of greatest. He couldn't block worth a lick as far as I'm concerned. Thomas can be ranked up there as one of the best as well and it can be argued one of the greatest all around backs to ever play. No one picked up the blitz any better as he did.

I also loved Jerry Rice.


randall cunningham was a big favorite of mine as well. now that not going back too far but man o man did that dude have talent.


Wide receivers don't count as football players. ( just kidding) it's really any position where he doesn't need to shower afterwards, kickers maybe? No kickers for sure don't play football they are on a football team. But with Rice I can make an exception. He did it all. Looked like he was jogging and was doing a sub 4.5 40. Plus he went across the middle whenever asked as well as Andre Reid did his entire career. Rice didn't need to pull the antics wideouts do now, he acted like he belonged in the end zone and like a gentleman, not many gentlemen receivers out there today but I have to say it has calmed down the last few years since a few idiots retired.


Some players were sure fun to watch but won't go down in history as great. Cunningham was fun to watch for sure he was, he did things at the position that no one had ever done before and for some of the amazing athletic plays he made have ever done since.


Does anyone remember a linebacker named Tim Roscovich? I watched him when he was on the field when Philly was in Buffalo one Sunday. Drank motor oil so he could run smooth. Went out on the field for a coin toss once in College, after the hand shakes he opened his mouth and a bird flew out. There should be a Hall of Nuts.

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Jerry Rice was in a league of his own. Like you basically said. an athletic machine full of talent and class. thats why I like him so much. the position became a joke in the late 90's early 2000's when athletic guys got huge contracts to catch 3 balls per game and do nothing else


to me Cunningham was like the Barry Sanders of QBs lol. guy was sure athletic and entertaining.


the NFl is still very entertaining but boy has it changed


not only is the behaviour sickening but the rules have gone into the composed bin


I like the quiet guys that still handle themselves as well as they play. Wes Welker would be one


and any player that cant throw a block is meh, minus a few positions of course.

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Mister G, it was the 30-30 program I saw last month that I remembered the info I typed.. A great show as well as E-60.


Manitou, It can be a sucker shot when a wideout slams a safety coming across pursuing the ball carrier. Receivers must be careful when they decide to do that. Those DB's have more opportunities for payback, and they get do just that. When a receiver decides to take a shot like that they had better have their head on a swivel the rest of the game. It can be done more often but isn't, think about it. You will see a receiver blow up a DB more in the CFL because they play more zone and have a bigger field to line a guy up. It's a bit tougher for the DB;s to payback here because here the receiver's have more control of the pattern with all that motion.


You will never see receivers go for a beer with the DB's or be invited to any defensive guys BBQ;s, ever. Lucky if they are speaking by seasons end.

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ESPN 30 for 30 always has some great stories. One of my fav sports related shows. The Bo Jackson one was probably the best. If you haven't seen it, make a point of it.

agreed Bill


"Survive & Advance", the 1983 NC State & Jim Valvano Story is my favourite so far

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Watched an Espn 30 for 30. Called "the Bos". About Brian bosworth it was pretty good. I watched it last night. I have pretty much seen them all, and like bill said the Bo Jackson one is good what a freak of nature, a true beast. My favorite is "broke". And to answer the OP no I'm a real man and watch the CFL. Lol........... Not. Go


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Watched an Espn 30 for 30. Called "the Bos". About Brian bosworth it was pretty good. I watched it last night. I have pretty much seen them all, and like bill said the Bo Jackson one is good what a freak of nature, a true beast. My favorite is "broke". And to answer the OP no I'm a real man and watch the CFL. Lol........... Not. Go


I think you meant to say, "No real man watches the CFL"....LOL....:)

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huge blocks are part of the game dood


im not talking dirty hits. Im talking. blocks

That would be dude. A legal clean block can be a dirty hit. It's now a rule in the NFL, hitting a defenseless player, it was legal last season. So legal and dirty can be the same. Blindside is another term.

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