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Small pellet stove?


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I have a unique layout of my old house in Brantford..I have 2 rooms toward the back of this old house that barely have heat. Im looking for a small pellet stove suitable enough to heat those 2 rooms with the aid of a small fan? We only sit back there to watch tv or to just relax. Would love some input..I looked quickly with google but when i search pellet stoves only the big ones show up. Can anyone recommend a small one for what I need? Does it exist at all?


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We have a small 3 bedroom ranch that we heat almost exclusively with a wood burning stove from Lopi.....it's a convection design that need no fan to push out the heat into the rest of the home. It's their model called "Answer" and designed for small homes or small spaces like you are referring to.


Now mind you these are top rated wood/pellet/gas/electric burning stoves and may be prices higher then any you would find in a Home Depot or other discounted suppliers but when it comes to heating your home with a wood product don't mess around and jeopardize the safety of your family.


We have had our stove over 15 years now without any problems and LOVE it.......we spent a little extra to get the solid brass door and also a etched glass with elk on them and glad we did because not only does it heat the home but adds beauty in our living room.


Here is there website and they even have short videos to show how their convention design works PLUS they now have pellets stoves available.


Click on the below link and make sure you watch the 7 minute video on "Lopi Wood Stoves".




Good Luck on your hunt for the right stove for your home.

Edited by Mister G
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A large pellet stove may take up less space than a smaller wood stove,pellet stoves generally require less clearance than woodstoves.

They can be operated at various levels of pellet feed so you can turn the "heat" up or down as needed.

Another thing I love,you can turn them off when you want instead of waiting till the wood burns down.

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You don't say what you heat the rest of the house with. Check with your insurance company before installing either wood or pellet.

I currently heat with a gas furnace. Its a new furnace installed last year. The installers ran a cold air return and a heat run to the back room of the house.but it makes no difference and just blows cold air into the room by the time it gets back there..Right now were running one of those lame electric fireplaces to heat those 2 rooms..Needless to say its getting expensive. The reason I look toward a pellet stove is I think they direct vent much like a furnace or a hot water tank.Am I wrong? I would consider a wood stove also if I can get away without running a chimney pipe all the way up past the second story of the house. Im looking to install it in the back of the house where its only single story.

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yes they direct vent, mines got a 2 ft at best exhaust out as for small not sure how small you want it i have a 35000btu unit that heats 1400sft no problem havn't really seen them much smaller, home hardware, tsc sell some decent ones, the smaller napoleaon a great unit as well.

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Some insurance companies won't insure you if you have a wood or pellet stove.

definatley something to keep in mind but for every one that won't there are 5 that will provided it is wett certified.


i know all-state won't.. whether it is wett certified or not. so now i have my auto and home separate. i'll be switching come renewal time to take advantage of multi policy discount (if it makes sense to do so).

Edited by Raf
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i installed the 1500sqft englander pellet stove from canadian tire. What a pile of junk! i installed it with the pipe kit directly out the wall. Got it WETT certified and i ran it for about a month until it smoked back. My wife was at home and she called and said theres smoke coming out of the pellet stove and i was like you may get a bit of smoke not a big deal and shes like NO theres smoke coming out of the pellet stove!!! She took a picture and send it to me and the whole room was filled with smoke. i told her to grab the dogs and get the heck out of the house. I raced home taking me about 20minutes by the time i got home my entire house was filled with smoke. Thinking back it was probably a bad idea but i covered my face with a shirt and i ran in, booted the pipe off and dragged the sucker outside and pushed it off my deck. Thank god i work for a restoration company and i have access to the proper equipment and chemicals to get rid of the stinky burn pellet smell out of the house or i'd have a major insurance claim on my hands. NEVER will i buy another pellet stove they are terrible. No wonder why insurance companies aren't insuring people.
i'd get a gas fireplace for back there or see if you can find a little better "energy efficient" electric heaters like the convect air convention heater.

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Take my advice go with gas! Clean, efficient, turn it on when you need it, turn it off when you don't, set the thermostat and don't worry about it even if the power goes out. No bags of pellets to buy, store, carry, your wife will be much happier and so will you.

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