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How Colours are viewed underwater?


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I am looking for a little help with, i know that certain colours while salmon fishing are only visible to a certain depth before they are seen by fish as black or grey. I have also seen or read somewhere a chart showing the colours and the dpeths to which fish see such as;


red will be visible from 0' - 30'
orange will be visible from 0' - 45'
yellow will be visible from 0' - 60'
green will be visible from 0'- 80'
blue willl be visible from 0' - 100'
purple will be visible from 0' - 120'


Has anyone seen this chart anywhere or have it?


Also, does anyone remember reading in the infisherman magazine a while back about the Lake Michigan charter captain that regularly targets salmon in 400 feet or more?



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I have a question about this though. This must be seen through our eyes, but what about the eyes of a fish, how do they see the various colours? I would be surprised if fish have the same eyes as humans, pickerel can see well in low light conditions, humans can't. If their eyes are different, has this study taken place using their eyes? Is that even possible? In addition to this, does a fish see red as red, like we do, or is it something different to them? Does anyone know?

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I have a question about this though. This must be seen through our eyes, but what about the eyes of a fish, how do they see the various colours? I would be surprised if fish have the same eyes as humans, pickerel can see well in low light conditions, humans can't. If their eyes are different, has this study taken place using their eyes? Is that even possible? In addition to this, does a fish see red as red, like we do, or is it something different to them? Does anyone know?



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Awesome !!! I posted a chart showing a walleyes vision here a few years ago and it was done by scientists quite interesting how complicated a walleyes vision really is !!! They can see many many many times better than a human can see different light waves !!!! Thanks for sharing and yes many variables in that too as to light penetration in different waters

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Another good read on the colour chart and fish vision. http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Home/Topics/FishandFisheries/Details.aspx?PostID=1702

There was another article I read on this earlier in the year from studying tagged Kings. They swim amazing distances, both vertically and horizontally during the course of a 24 hour period. Cant seem to find it now, But if I come across it I will post it.

Dan Keating is another Michigan Charter Captain who has studied the depths King will go to. His books are well worth the read. So much information in there I have to go back each spring and decide which chapters to try this year. I was at a seminar last spring where he was one of the speakers. Great guy and always wiling to help. In his intro it was mentioned that his average per outing catch for his Charters over the last (I think it was) 30 years was 17 fish per outing. :worthy:

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thanks guys



i have found the article i was looking for




Good read!!! Not sure how it will help me fishing from shore though LOL.


But it may explain why Rapala spools their reel with 10 colours of lead core and then calls it a down rigger combo :D

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