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The way of the future... hopefully!


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The amount of mineral extraction neccesary to bring something like that to fruition on a large scale would likely negate any positive environmental effects lol. There seems to be a lot of research going into trying to find different substances to make them more efficient though. Very cool idea, though.

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Imagine if 50 years ago if someone said everybody could have a combined tv (in colour), phone, camera (with no film), stereo all contained in a computer that fit in your pocket for less then $50 a month (or less then $10 in 1964 $). You'd have to first try to explain what a computer is, if they let you finish before putting you in the looney bin.


I'm reluctant to ever say something like this is not possible anymore. It many not role out exactly like what was shown, but only time will tell.

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LOL, it would have been nice to see a cost per mile comparison between those and concrete or asphalt?


All those electronics out in the snow and rain? I am sure there wouldn't be issues?


Can the system be hacked? Turn now?


A cool idea! I am working on a plan for a stairway to heaven and also need funding!

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Unfortunately the 85 people who own just slightly more than 50% of the world's wealth say NOPE not on our watch. They want every oz of oil on the planet used up, before they will allow any alternatives to cut into their cash cow. The old I got mine no one else will ever get there's mentality.


Remember Rudolf, not the reindeer, but the diesel engine inventor. He got on a boat with plans for a gasoline engine that was going to use 1/2 the fuel or less of any motor at the time and was never seen again and POOF the plans went wherever he did. The truth is if that invention had any real potential for wide spread use we would NEVER have even heard about it LOL.


Now with my tinfoil hat off, If I win the lotto I am definitely doing the log cabin parking lot and yard with that stuff though.... Unless that whole cold fusion thing pans out.

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it's actually closer than you think.


i have a client who is working with the Finnish government to test these on their roadways starting this fall.


don't be surprised if you see similar technology in less than 5 years in North America.


thin film pv is also growing rapidly....another area where in 10 years from now (not much more than that) you'll see it covering many surfaces, generating power.


solar power is here to stay.

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