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'Nudder One Of 'THOSE' Years?


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Has Crappy tire still got those $29.95 rod & reel combo 'SPECIALS' on? When a little kid hooks onto a big carp using a 5' panfish rod, 6 pound line & a worm (the hook pulled out after about 10 minutes) and I can't even get a nudge, on all the best gear & a groundbait (chum) recipe it takes an hour to mix, I think it's time to take up fishing sunfish & rock bass! I've been out 7 times on the 'carp trail,', had ONE fish on, and countless line 'twitches' & 'bumps,' and had people on BOTH sides of me catchin,' but for me . . . .. NOODNIK! I'm just on my way back to the Credit this mornin' (the 'regulars' report NO fish caught fron Wednesday on last week,) where MikeH & I showed up about 10:30 yesterday, NOT A CARP ANGLER IN SIGHT!? (Anybody else want drop over & outfish me too?) Eventually a few showed up, and landed 3 fish . . . . a far cry from previous years where it seemed there was always somebody yelling "FISH ON!" It would seem many of the members here, whether targeting carp or not, are catchin' 'em? How's the catchin' on ALL species in general this year so far? Anybody else gettin' shut right out?

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Time for a tactics change bro!

I used to sight fish for them using a light spinning rod, #6 Silver Thread monofilament line & a white Crappie jig.

I've also caught them this way with my 8 wt flyrod & floating line with a 10' leader & a dark nymph size #10 hook.

All along the urban areas of Lake "O" have many creeks & marinas where the fish come to spawn & feed.

Once they get into the shallows, you'll see pods of fish cruising about, as the day warms up, they seem to feed more.

The trick is to single out an individual & cast far enough ahead of the fish that the jig /fly will drop in front of his path. I've even had fish turn on a slightly short cast & whack the fly as it began sinking beside it. It is a rush to see 'em hit & a decent "tug-o-war" too.

Some guys that do the "carp thing" have been using weird candies for bottom fishing,eg:gummy bears, marshmallow bananas or strawberries,etc.

Even luncheon meat works & for catfish too .

Fish on, but find them visually before you park your butt on a rock & wait for them.

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I have been getting them on the steady basis. But nothing huge like last years fish. But then again mind you we are still in the month of MAY. June and mostly July is when things really start to shine for carp season.




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Crappieperchhunter and I took a run over to carp point Saturday afternoon but there was a constant stream of boats going through the locks for the first time this year so we figured that was the reason we didn't even get a line bump...


Yesterday we went back to terrorizing the crappie and Steve kept a half dozen slabs for his mother but I don't think they will be around much longer...dang weeds!


Actually. I didn't even set-up on Saturday as I seem to have sprained my casting arm wrist and only made a few casts on Sunday...Taking a percocet at night helps ease the pain enough to get some sleep...tylenol and advil just don't seem to cut it...I've done the cold treatments but am going to switch to heat next...this getting old sure isn't for sissies...sheeeeze...


Maybe drift fishing for pickerel will be easier on my wrist... :Gonefishing:

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STEVE, STEVE, STEVE...................... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


You have to have figgered out by now, that no matter how much you know(or think you know), how much time you have spent, how much money in gear, preparation, and bait you have spent, the bloody fish determine your success on any given day, regardless of your tactics, knowledge, presentations. You may think you have all the bases covered, but, the fish ultimately decide what is going to be acceptable to them.

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hey steve!


i had a pretty good week @ the Grand/Credit from like May 9-14 ... caught a couple of them ... it was probably the warm weather we got during those days ... and on top of that i still got the lucky baitneedle you gave me :D


it should get better soon, it's only may :)

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Yeah h h h . . . . I THINK I know most of the rules . . . . . but those dopey carp just won't follow 'em!


P. S.

I got a 7'+ / 80 to 90 pounder that it took THREE of us to get out of the water today though!! Unfortunately it was an ol' deadhead log, didn't fight much!

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I got one last Saturday afternoon fishing for pike. Had to go well over 10lbs. I was using a 7' Shimano Bullwhip Fighting rod with Raven 6lb test, Southbend Number 6 shelled hook, 2ft of line under my pencil thill float with a worm. I had been tossing spoons for an hour or so with no pike when I saw some water pigs basking in the sunlight. So I figure any idiot can catch a carp, so I rigged up what I had with me as described above and one of them on in about 5 minutes. Proving since I landed it that any idiot can really catch carp.... I really thought it would fight better but when I put the screws to it with the ole trusty bullwhip it just couldn't fight back I guess LOL.


Give a smallie in current or a rainbow ANYDAY!!!!

Edited by Canuck2fan
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So I figure any idiot can catch a carp, so I rigged up what I had with me as described above and one of them on in about 5 minutes. Proving since I landed it that any idiot can really catch carp....


The hell you say?... Care to rebutt that Photoz? :whistling:

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There's a bait on the market someone told me about that's guaranteed to

catch any fish in the immediate area.

Some kind of tube shaped body with a long, thin tail.

Usually brown/red in colour. Leters TNT on the side. :whistling:

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The hell you say?... Care to rebutt that Photoz? :whistling:


No rebuttal necessary...My bro-in-law and I could say the same about muskies...damn things wouldn't leave the bull bluegills we were fishing for alone last fall...raised six !


:oops: ...Come to think about it...that was the fall before the last one...like my friend Jack sez...''It's me age...don't you know''...

Edited by Beans
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They have become educated and learned your tactics Photoz :) Damn fish always traveling in schools!


Maybe pick up a can of spam and give it a try? :dunno: Can't hurt to try can it?


This is the absolute truth!... It's called conditioned learning, and if you fish the same places long enough with the same old tactics... you won't be nearly a successful as you first were.


Either change your bait drastically or go to a spot you've never been to before... I'll bet you an ice cold Pepsi you start catching fish again!

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Dont worry...you'll start getting into them soon I'm sure!! I went out and had some serious beginners luck. Managed to bring in 5 in 3 nights. Been out probably 6 times since and been skunked! I have noticed a lot of spawning activities....and I've heard they dont bite then...so hopefully in a few weeks they'll be nice and hungry!!! Good luck!

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Steve, I know, I know. Yeah, I do.


Some of the suggestions will get you into some fish. But I don't think you'll try them because there are a lot other things about the way you (and me) do this carping thing other than the catching part. Although, some catchings once in a while sure make it better.


Not much I can say (or I need to say), I enjoy all my outings, even those fishless trips. Nothing beats the laughs and talks on the bank, and when the buzzer goes off....


In my calculation, you will get into major number in a week.

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Yeah h h h h . . . . . the more fished a spot is, the craftier the carp get . . . . . they're still there, but are much more careful what they slurp up! Even my fave hole up in Peterpatch isn't producing much! Next week I'm off so I'll hit ALL the spots that aren't seeing much action.

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