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A fall from grace (the Duck Dynasty)


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The show has everything the more radical left hates, Christians that are true to their faith, guns and hunting, family, the ideal that hard work is good, a declared standard of right and wrong....I bet the rants, distortions and intollerance are just starting from those that hate all they stand for...this world has truly drawn up sides but as for me I love the show. Fall from grace.... no they seem to understand real grace fine.

Very well put! My wife, a non hunting female with anti redneck tendancies ( who knows why she married me??). Is a confirmed duck dynasty and Robertson family fan! What sold her was the lack of negativity in the show, and the open displays of family values. She can easily overlook blowing up beaver houses as she really appreciates seeing some values shown on TV. There viewership has crossed some boundaries that no one ever expected! Good job Phil, for sticking to your beliefs! I have no doubt it will all work out!

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Im also tired of people calling the guy a geniuous and well educated man. He made a duck call 30 yrs ago, that is all. Once his duck call cures cancer or ends the Palestinian Israeli dispute is when I'll call him a genious.


Lol good one. I agree with the man, but I'm not going to talk about him like he's some genius or something. I mean he made a duck call, and bowed out of playing high school football to go squirrel hunting.....

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Actually i don't consider homosexuals as sinners.

I just consider them as people. Like you. Like me.


If 'christianity' is as close minded and crazy as you make it out to be, i consider myself to be truly blessed in having nothing to do with it.


Well they are and so is everyone, hence the need for forgiveness and salvation... yet you use the name frodo... a character from an ex-athiests writings that include "Mere Christianity". There seems to have been some influence, I hope you decide to search for where truth is at. There are also ex-athiest writers like Alister McGrath and Josh McDowell you might consider, the narrow path is there for all ... but sadly like you most want nothing to do with it because of the implications on their life.


It is interesting how much people want to rant and rave but then shut down a discussion on freedom speach and viewpoints of what is right and wrong with insults and mocking and calling names seems they can't show the same respect that the man they are talking about.

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Im also tired of people calling the guy a geniuous and well educated man. He made a duck call 30 yrs ago, that is all. Once his duck call cures cancer or ends the Palestinian Israeli dispute is when I'll call him a genious.

Give him a little more credit that that. He was a starting quarterback for LSU, which is a big deal. I'm pretty sure that he can spell genius properly too.

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The show has everything the more radical left hates, Christians that are true to their faith, guns and hunting, family, the ideal that hard work is good, a declared standard of right and wrong....I bet the rants, distortions and intollerance are just starting from those that hate all they stand for...this world has truly drawn up sides but as for me I love the show. Fall from grace.... no they seem to understand real grace fine.

I consider my self left-wing, and I can tell you that I have no problem with faith, family, guns and hunting (I am on here after all). Just because I choose to take the stance of someone who is more concerned about the state of our citizens than oil does not mean that I automatically hate religion, guns, hunting and family (surprisingly, I'm part of a family as well!).


I don't agree with what Phil said, but I do believe that he is smart enough that he knew what he was getting into when he made those comments.

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Give him a little more credit that that. He was a starting quarterback for LSU, which is a big deal. I'm pretty sure that he can spell genius properly too.


But if they ignore him, mock him and dismiss him it saves them from looking at the changes in his life, his viewpoints and his faith


You wouldn't happen to be one of those guys who yells and waves a bible at yonge and dundas would you?


No, I prefer personal quiet discussions where I can argue science, history and theology, most just want to shut down the conversation or change the conversation.


When the watch tower people show up I always send them across the road to neighbourhood sinner,he's a BAPTIST minister,its fun watching them trying to get away from the door.





They do tend to run when you start a serious discussion.


I consider my self left-wing, and I can tell you that I have no problem with faith, family, guns and hunting (I am on here after all). Just because I choose to take the stance of someone who is more concerned about the state of our citizens than oil does not mean that I automatically hate religion, guns, hunting and family (surprisingly, I'm part of a family as well!).


I don't agree with what Phil said, but I do believe that he is smart enough that he knew what he was getting into when he made those comments.


Then you aren't "radical left wing", he probably knew but he also asked a direct question and wouldn't deny his beliefs. Creating a company worth millions... he is definitely an intelligent man but he is also aware of the implication of his declaration of faith and what it means and stood behind them.


Why is it always the hardcore religious folks that always use a thread like this to preach to the rest of us? Seriously, enjoy your life, I'll enjoy mine keep your religious Bull to yourself.


Because of your assumption it is Bull and the misrepresentations we see, when someone is deliberately misrepresenting the truth then it is better to tell them the truth than remain silent. To paraphrase the words of the ex-atheist Josh McDowell it isn't the evidence it is that they don't want to know and make a moral choice. Josh McDowell started writing a book as an atheist about the evidence and by the end of writing had become a Christian.

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You got something against Jo-Ho's ????

i do but it has nothing to do with faith. Oh wait its menonites in out area. Just about killed my kids and the individual lied right to my face about it. Seriously??? Anyhow im not hating mennonites, just the individuals involved. Id like to stick a duck call you know where, and make a call with compressed air. EDIT my apologies, These are my written expressed opinion and not those of A&E. have a blessed day! Edited by manitoubass2
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Because of your assumption it is Bull and the misrepresentations we see, when someone is deliberately misrepresenting the truth then it is better to tell them the truth than remain silent. To paraphrase the words of the ex-atheist Josh McDowell it isn't the evidence it is that they don't want to know and make a moral choice. Josh McDowell started writing a book as an atheist about the evidence and by the end of writing had become a Christian.


Keep preaching man, lol. Shouldn't you be on some street corner with a bible standing on top of a milk crate or something?

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I think he joined specifically to post on this thread ;)


No, you could have looked yourself....


Member Since 30 Sep 2013




Keep preaching man, lol. Shouldn't you be on some street corner with a bible standing on top of a milk crate or something?


Not very original, try reading my previous post.

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