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NHL makes 12-year deal with Rogers for broadcast rights


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I am a skeptic just heard all the interviews and propaganda and I don't buy it for one second I don't believe Rogers will give their customers more for less.

I believe there will be some sort of Sportsnet hockey package be it regional or national and I bet it will cause your cable bill to increase.

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I am a skeptic just heard all the interviews and propaganda and I don't buy it for one second I don't believe Rogers will give their customers more for less.

I believe there will be some sort of Sportsnet hockey package be it regional or national and I bet it will cause your cable bill to increase.


No worries at all. If you don't like their prices you can go……. NOWHERE else!

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Rogers broadcasting free games ? hahahahahah… the only way this could happen is if the games are sold out, like blackouts. the ONLY reason to broadcast games would be the revenue from commercials but even that might pale beside ppv etc..


glad CBC didn't try to match them, people would be screaming for corp heads if they spent $5.xx billions for ALL rights.

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I work in the telecom industry . We will be going to picking channels in the near future, whether delivered by cable, satelite, or the Internet. Not saying bills will go down but you will be able to get more channels that you actually watch for your 70 bucks. Any case I'm a fan of the deal I'm pretty sure my stock options will be too :)


Rogers stock went down today, lol!

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Another step towards an american-style culture. I'm sure it's seen as good by stock holders, but not for Canada as whole in my opinion. I trust the CBC way more than I trust the majority of privately owned corporation. The CBC (as much as they are floaty and eye-rolling liberal sometimes) does good work. I find it disturbing how some of our Canadian traditions are being treated as 'expenses'.


TSN sure is hurting now; first Jay Onrait, now this! haha.

Edited by Rod Caster
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Kypreos is such a blabbering hypocrite. He constantly spins his opinion to sound like a hockey god. One game he says "x team needs to play the puck up the boards harder". Then the next clip is of another team doing exactly that, and hes all " see, they just play the puck too hard up the boards. They need to go up the middle to be succesful". Drives me nuts

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Rogers stock went down today, lol!


Pretty much every stock in Canada went down yesterday lol.



Not sure the positioning behind the purchase , Pretty sure were not going to see hockey on ppv, Btw, Sportsnet is rogers basic cable tier, the cheapest of the cheap 35 dollars a month.

Edited by Freshtrax
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Hockey Night in Canada will still be around for many, many years. Don Cherry is 79 though.




Kypreos is such a blabbering hypocrite. He constantly spins his opinion to sound like a hockey god.

Agreed. The main drawback is if Nick Kypreos shows up more with his yapping.


Correction, Cherry is still old though.

Edited by ehg
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Pretty much every stock in Canada went down yesterday lol.



Not sure the positioning behind the purchase , Pretty sure were not going to see hockey on ppv, Btw, Sportsnet is rogers basic cable tier, the cheapest of the cheap 35 dollars a month.


No I don`t think it will go the pay per game route, but I believe there will be some sort of package put forth i.e the Canadian package for xxx amount of $$$$ per month...you`ll still get your HNIC broadcast and call me cynical but I believe if you want more you`ll be paying more.

I have not yet seen a cable or satellite provider give their customers more for less quite the opposite in fact.

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So, Rogers/Bell took over ownership of the Leafs and the first thing they did was fire Brian Burke... too rough around the edges and not the kind of personality they wanted in their fold.

I simply can't see the folks at Rogers wanting to deal with Cherry when he has one of his "tense moments".

Hockey over the air, for free IS our Canadian tradition. It just happens to be called Hockey Night in Canada.

What about the folks who don't have cable/sat and rely on antennaes to watch the game. Oh, never mind, those folks aren't Rogers customers so who cares?

And anyone who thinks that this won't affect the CBC, is dreaming. A huge portion of CBC's revenue stream comes from HNIC. Without that revenue, the only content that CBC will be able to afford will be "Who's who in the Hinterland".

Yesterday's decision will have long standing effects on the way we watch TV, not just sports.


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TV in Canada I believe is going to change drastically.

Supposedly we will be able to pick only the channels we wish to watch.
With all the channels that are available that are "thrown in" with the packages, I think that many will not get enough support to continue.
I know that my satellite channels will get real thin after the change. Lots of junk my family or I never watch.

This is what makes me think that a lot of channels may become PPV.

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TV in Canada I believe is going to change drastically.

Supposedly we will be able to pick only the channels we wish to watch.

With all the channels that are available that are "thrown in" with the packages, I think that many will not get enough support to continue.

I know that my satellite channels will get real thin after the change. Lots of junk my family or I never watch.

This is what makes me think that a lot of channels may become PPV.


This is true most of these small channels if you will and their "junk" programming are included in packages they are forced on you and by the way you already pay a little extra each month to subsidize these channels, And if you want TSN you have to upgrade your pkg equaling more dollars and on and on it goes.

I heard the pick your channel announcement too And the skeptic in me says the CRTC will not let these little "cultural channels die" and again the cable and satellite providers will fight tooth and nail to protect their revenue stream.


Can you remember the last time the government did something that improved your service and saved you money???????.........................me either!!!

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