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Lakair Musky Opener Report

Rich Clemens

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Well, it has been a long 9 months since our last trip up north and long over due. We have been hitting Lakair for the musky opener for the past few years and will most likely continue as long as we can. I figure, the big grls should be somewhat hungry. Ya know, need a little iron in their diet after a long fall/winter/spring :-)


Wake up call was on Friday 3:00am and on the road around 3:45am. Then, a long 11 hour drive up north. That trip seems to get a bit longer each time we make it. But the anticipation to get there is just over-whelming. (Of course the ride back home seems to take twice and long and we're both wiped out. Doesn't help that after the 11 hour trip back home, it is around 89F outside for unloading. That really knocks the crap out of us.


We arrived mid-afternoon, got the boat launched, and the cabin somewhat in order for us. That first evening, we just picked a few spots near camp for some pike action, but no takers. Ater the long drive, we take the rest of the day to rest up and get ready for a week of fishing. Opening day we're out in the West Bay with great anticipation. Well, at least the pike cooperated a little bit. None of the big girls came out to show themselves.


Saturday, on the way back from the West Bay, our engine started acting up. We were up under WOT just passing Cottage Island when the RPM's just suddently dropped. Didn't know what was going on there. Tried to get up to WOT again, and within 15 seconds, down she does again. Not sure what was going on, we basically kept her at trolling speed the entire way back to Lakair. At least we got back, but we did have a full charge on the trolling more. Very slow speed, everything seemed to be OK. NO warning sirens or anything. Just as we finally limped in, we say Paul and Joey had arrived. Paul came over and took a look, and found a clamp on the fuel line that was a bit loose. Ok. could be sucking in a bit of air. Pretty much hung out at camp the rest of the day and got a couple phone numbers for local marine repair facilities, just in case. Sunday arrived and we did a couple test runs at WOT in front of Lakair and she seemed to be running just fine. Got up to WOT, took a couple long runs, and all seemed good. So, out to the West Bay we go again. More little pike.


Monday rolls around and off we go again to the West Bay. Guess what happens as we start to leave and head back to camp ? Yup - the engine cuts out again - just like it did on Saturday. DOUBLE CRAP. Limp back to camp once again. I call the marine guy there juswt south of Noelleville and with the newer Merc engine, you have to hook it up to a computer to diagnose the problem. Guess what - they have a computer for a Yamaha engine, but not for Mercury. So, they would not be able to help me out. Fortunately, Leslie was still there and gave me a couple other places in the other that I could check with. Closest one was ASM in Sturgeon Falls. Give them a call that the guy I talked to was very nice and told me to have the boat there at 8:00am the next morning. He would get it pulled in and everything ready for when the mechanic arrived at 8:30am.


8:00am we were there and Grant was waiting for me. When the mechanic arrived, I explained the problem and had also observed that the speedomotor was not working either. Once I told him that, that gave him a good clue as to what was causing the problem. A little while later, Patsy and I were walking around outside to see if they were still working on the boat, but it was gone. Checked with Grant and he said they had repaired the engine and the mechanic took it to a local lake for a test drive - just to be sure everything was good. The problem was that the water pump was filled with weeds. New water pump installed, a 200.00 bill, and we're back in the water by lunch time.


The folks there were very nice and did there best to get me in pon such short notice and back on the water again. I've needed service on m engine a couple other times over the years and I must say that the marine guys up there - are all top notch in getting those on holiday up and running again. Once - even on a Sunday morning. Not one of them have ever tried to take advantage of the situation we were in. Can't say enough about those I've had dealings with.


Okay - back to fishing. Typical days from there on out with a pike here and there. Joey said she was catching pike on a Shad Rap, so Patsy throws one on and starts. Sure enough, the little buggers really seem to like that, and she started catching fish. Me, I'm still looking for the muskies. (A few pike shots)












Come Wednesday, we're out in the West Bay drifting along through the weeds and here she comes. I can see her coming and and DANG, just in front of the bow of the boat she veers off. Into the fig-8 and not to be seen again. So we continue on,. About and hour or so later, we begin another drift and we;re in the same general area and BAM - fish on. A nice 39 incher.





Other than some pike here and there, not much action the rest of the day and thru Thursday, Funny, Thursday I was thowing a double-cow girl and got a good hit. Reeling in I saw it was a huge large-mouth and came in at 20 inches. Nice big heacy hog - largest one we ever caught up there, but we really don't target them. Unfortunately, she was OOS - came a couple days to early, so back in the drink she goes.


Last Day, we typically fish morning and early afternoon, before pulling the boat. We get boat pulled and packed as much as we can. That gives us Friday evening to rest up and prepare for the loooooooong ride back home. Friday morning, the typical pike here and there and I'm ready to think one is all I will get this trip - no complaints though. After lunch, we head back out and getting about time to wrap it up - about 1 hour to go. Drifting across the weeds as we do - BAM, another big hit and yell for the net. I can tell this one is heavier than the first and when I saw her, I knew she was bigger. This one put up a strong fight and took some wearing down to get her netted. Rolling around the net really got the hooks tangled up, but we finally got that done and she only had one hook in her mouth that came out quite easily. Hauled the beast up and she was a nice, thick, heavy 47". This fish kept fighing even while we were trying to take the pic - so the angle and such are not that good. I didn't was to mess around for the perfect shot as she kept fighting while I was holding her. We got the pic that we could and let her go. She doesn;t look like 47, but she was bowed out from my body, but she was every inch of it.







Here's a few other shots:





Joey and Ralphie. Poor Ralphie was a wee bit chilled that night.





Ralphie was all disturbed with the chipmunks running around - never did catch one. Of course, Patsy brought along a back of peanuts and set them out - just out of reach of Ralphie's leash. So close ........




The one night we were under a servere thunderstorm and tornado watch. Watching the radar, we saw a couple very strong cells moving just south and west of us. Fortunately, all we got was a thunderstorm. We reall had great weather the entire week. Cool temps, little rain during the day and few bugs. THANK YOU mother nature.




We got to share a pike fry with Paul and Joey one evening. Nothing better than fresh fish with friends.



Our dining area has ben all set up.



DIG IN !!!! I hope there's enough left for the photographer :-)





Well, that's about it for this trip. Net month, I'll get to do it all again. Coming back up for another week thr third week of July. Gonna try the prospector's tent this time. With three trips up north this year, I gotta keep the expenses down. Hopefully, we'll have another report next month.


Woops - forgot the turtle picture again. (I think this is the one that hangs out down at the docks.





Rich & Patsy Clemens

Edited by Rich Clemens
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Awesome report Rich. We really had a good time with you two and you are right about the weather. It is so muggy and hot now I think that would have been tough to fish in. Love the pics and that 47" er is a beast!!!


See you soon bud!

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Super report Rich and Patsy! Sorry I could not make this one but I'll get the late July shift. :) Really glad that you have been well treated by the mechanical types in your travels here. You got some nice fish this time too! Looking forward to seeing you guys!

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Thanks Roy. I'll be coming myself in July ... I could use a good net man for a partner :whistling:



Super report Rich and Patsy! Sorry I could not make this one but I'll get the late July shift. :) Really glad that you have been well treated by the mechanical types in your travels here. You got some nice fish this time too! Looking forward to seeing you guys!

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