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Am I the only one who didn't know about this?
Bruce Cheadle, The Canadian Press
Published Sunday, April 14, 2013 2:35PM EDT
Last Updated Sunday, April 14, 2013 3:46PM EDT


OTTAWA -- The Conservative government is ending a seven-year waiver on gun licence renewal fees next month in an effort to collect about $18 million annually from firearms owners.

New changes to the firearms regulations were quietly posted in the Canada Gazette on the weekend that restore the $60 licence fee for non-restricted weapons.

The Conservatives brought in a two-year waiver on the fees in May 2006 and had extended it every year until now.

"The government will not renew the current fee waiver in the current climate of fiscal restraint," said the Canada Gazette post, dated April 13.

Two other measures that the government says are designed to encourage compliance with firearms regulations will be extended by one year, however.

Gun owners who let their possession-only licences expire have been allowed to re-apply since 2008 without having to pay to go through a firearms safety course, as the regulations require. That break continues to May 2014.

And an amnesty on criminal charges for failing to licence or register non-restricted weapons for people "who were taking steps to comply with these requirements" has also been extended.

The Canada Gazette notes that although the long-gun registry was ended by legislation last year, it remains in effect by court order in Quebec. And the amnesty provisions are pitched as a means of keeping Quebecers registering those rifles and shotguns.

"Accordingly, the extension of the Amnesty Order would encourage compliance by owners of non-restricted firearms with the licensing requirements across Canada, and in Quebec, with the registration of non-restricted firearms," states the government document.

The Conservatives ended the long-gun registry last spring for a savings of about $2 million annually, a figure confirmed in documents prepared for Public Safety Minister Vic Toews but never publicized by the government.

Last September the Conservatives began phasing back in the higher $80 licence fee for restricted and prohibited weapons that had been waived.

In May 2012 Conservative MP Candice Bergen told the House of Commons that the fee waivers were being phased out, but she framed it as the government providing "extra time" for people to renew their five-year licences at no cost.

"This is good news for law-abiding gun owners and good news for taxpayers," she said at the time.

According to the Canada Gazette, non-restricted gun licences alone are expected to bring in $18 million in additional revenue each year.

Edited by Overcast
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Registering guns is a useless program just made to steal our money. There is absolutely no purpose for it, gun regulations are starting to get out of control here in Canada and the U.S studies show that more guns create less crime.

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More guns-less crime makes nothing but sense to me.


Would you invade someones home if you knew they had access to their guns?


Would you try to rob me if I had a .45 strapped to my belt?


Legal gun owners aren't the problem with guns.



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Yup, not much gun crime in the U.S. at all

Actually if you look deeper into it than just on the surface look at where the gun crimes are happening. Places like Chicago and New York where its illegal or next to impossible to acquire guns is where the high murder rates are. When you look at places like Texas that have a more lenient gun control laws their gun crime rates are very very low compared to states where guns are virtually banned. Lets go 1 step further with this too. In Switzerland they have one of if not the highest gun to house percentage in the world. They also have the lowest or near lowest gun crime rate in the world as well. Now look at Mexico where guns are banned. People are getting slaughtered there every day. People need to realize these gun laws are just taking the weapons out of law abiding citizens and preventing them from defending themselves. Do you really think a criminal will go through the legal process to acquire their gun? Its a pretty damn safe bet that they wouldn't.

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Tayzak15 Once again you have missed the point of this post. It has nothing to do with crime, murder rates or gun laws.

Don't drag this post to a place to where it shouldn't go.


I am just tired of governments at all levels putting in taxes on the sly without directly telling the public. P. C.'s are now acting like Ontario Liberals..

A tax is not always called a tax, it can be called a dozen other names, some of which can't be used on this forum

but always takes money out of your pocket. So what else is new?

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no disrespect but comparing the US to Switzerland to Mexico is beyond apples and oranges. The cultural differences and circumstances are pretty wide. The violent crime in Mexico is because of the drugs

No kidding its because of the drugs...Don't you think people have the right to protect themselves though? You can't tell me in the Denver theater shooting last summer that the absolute worst case scenario was 1 man with a gun. You don't think if only a couple of the people in the theater were carrying guns and have the ability to shoot at the suspect it wouldn't have improved the victims odds even a little bit?

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Tayzak15 Once again you have missed the point of this post. It has nothing to do with crime, murder rates or gun laws.

Don't drag this post to a place to where it shouldn't go.


I am just tired of governments at all levels putting in taxes on the sly without directly telling the public. P. C.'s are now acting like Ontario Liberals..

A tax is not always called a tax, it can be called a dozen other names, some of which can't be used on this forum

but always takes money out of your pocket. So what else is new?

Can't agree more, that's when it is time for people to start fighting back or the two big government will continue to bully us. I think its getting close to a time for change people should start looking into Libertarianism seems like that's the way people want a government to be run, and its the way it should be run nowadays.

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This would be too exhausting to even have a debate about gun laws, and wearing concealed weapons. Its embarrassing to read. I wont even make a comment.

Its a good conversation though, seems everybody all have different opinions on the subject. I've been studying the topic for the past couple of years so I just try to base my information off what I've found myself and not what I've been told by the governments and media.

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More guns-less crime makes nothing but sense to me.


Would you invade someones home if you knew they had access to their guns?


Would you try to rob me if I had a .45 strapped to my belt?


Legal gun owners aren't the problem with guns.




Do you really want to gunfight with a crackhead over 20 bucks in your pocket?

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When we allow all of the great paying jobs (and the tax revenue they bring) to walk off shore, how can we be surprised when the government has to look elsewhere for revenue?

Think about this sort of thing when we are union bashing and generally basking in the fact that someone, somewhere is getting what we perceive is coming to them (ie: teachers et al).

We won't be happy until the entire country makes $15 per hour. And don't get on my case for thread jacking - anyone that can't see the connection between wage austerity and user fees for everything is a doink.


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I'd rather the crackhead thought twice about my $20, because there is a chance I could be armed. The way it is now, they KNOW I'm not armed!


I have a friend who was home invaded. 3 guys with guns showed up at 2am, asking for "the drugs". Clearly, they had the wrong place. They kicked in his door, beat him and his wife within an inch of their lives, and left with nothing before the police got there. This guy has guns, but was afraid to get one, in fear of getting himself in trouble.


This country is going to pot!



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Do you really want to just stand there and get shot instead of fighting back when a crackhead robs you?


Crackheads have guns now? Sounds like a lot of you would much rather live in the US, I suggest you pack up and go. You can walk around with your CCW and feel safe 24/7.

Edited by BillM
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Well I own a .22 in my home, and if push came to shove, I would defend myself and family with that as an absolute last resort. I can tell you that it would have no problem handling the job if your so worried about protecting your family against home invasions. If my families life were in jeopardy I could care a less about the law, my childrens lives would always come before any concern for mine. Everyone with the proper training and testing is allowed to own a firearm. What your talking about is carrying a handgun. Perhaps you would be the majority of the population whom is a responsible hand gun owner, but what about those who wont be ? The times that petty disputes are solved with a guy reaching in his car and ending it with one quick pull, or a kid taking mom or dads handgun to school and killing other 6 year olds, or the stolen hand guns that will become rampant putting even more hand guns into the hands of the wrong people. This is gunna happen. Now maybe its because im not running into crackheads with guns everyday, but i have had knives pulled on me and with common sense i avoided the situations. I have also been in situations where guys tried to beat my wallet outta me. if we were both carrying guns one of us would be dead. One time i took a good beating from 3 guys for some cash, but i never once wished i had a hand gun. If i have a gun isnt there a good chance he will have one aswell? I guess i have two hands, and believe that is the way about solving a dispute not pulling a gun. But yet again ive shot handguns but never had one pulled on me, or been robbed by one, Perhaps if my home was getting robbed by gun toting crackheads i would consider changing my location. I dont want to be america. If a crackhead were gunna rob me with a gun for $20.00 i Would hand it right over to him, and be happy to do it. I think to many people have seen Gran Torino. Do we really need to carry concealed weapons? really?i know its not football season but....... COME ON MAN ! ( wasnt gunna comment but oh well )

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haha $60 every 3 yr topic is turning into how to protect yourself from a gun-toting crackhead? You pro pro pro gun people are completely nuts. Stock up on tinfoil while the market is down.

And I will also be able to defend myself with a gun as well if my home ever gets invaded or I get attacked rather than defending myself with a telephone to call the cops to bring a body bag and pick up your body....

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