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Anyone here boiling sap?


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The candy thermometer will tell you what temperature you need to stop boiling the syrup at. It will boil hotter and hotter until it turns to sugar. If you take it off at the right temp, and add it to the snow, it will stay soft, like you described.


I usually just eyeball it, or test it as I go, but the thermometer doesn't lie.



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The candy thermometer will tell you what temperature you need to stop boiling the syrup at. It will boil hotter and hotter until it turns to sugar. If you take it off at the right temp, and add it to the snow, it will stay soft, like you described.


I usually just eyeball it, or test it as I go, but the thermometer doesn't lie.




Makes sense. Thanks


I'm guessing need to boil the syrup to half the volume?

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I wouldn't say half, maybe 2/3....just keep an eye on it, because it goes from syrup to fire pretty quick! The thermometer will come with instructions about what temps make hard tack, soft tack, sugar etc....its all about temp. The more sugar content the hotter the boiling temp.



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Its not long after it turns to syrup... i usually do it in a pan.. so you can judge the thickness. My mom used to let it drip off a spoon, when it started to string out when it was dripping, it was ready for the snow. For anyone whose intertesed Ill be running a facebook page this year ( https://www.facebook.com/MapleSyrupJournal ) , and blogging daily to my site http://howtomakemaplesyrup.com/maplesyrupjournal/ where you can also sign up for email updates.

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Sorry captpierre been in the chicken barn all day cleaning .....guys advice here is good. I don't make much candy,just some super thick syrup for the lil nieces and nephews to put on a stick to roll it in the snow and it becomes a frozen treat.i too use an old stainless pan on my turkey burner to make it in small doses. Sinker is right it can go bad real quick ...dad use to say ur not a officiall sugar maker till you burned a batch hehe


I bought a candy thermo to help me see what temps I'm dealing with. I know what temps to deal with near syrup and I finish all my syrup on a smaller pan.we take the candied stuffup too 250 ish but only do a wee bit at a time...

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If your looking for supplies, thermometers, spiles etc... i love atkinsons, great mail order spot!

Right on TJ. I think I have there website memorized haha. Webers in Heidelberg is where we go for our equipment.


Really taking a liking to that 2x6 CDL that Atkinsons have on their web page


This has turned into an obsession. It's funny the more I make,the better I want to make it.

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I use squirrel creek farms for my supplies. They're just down the road from me. I kinda like to see things with my own eyes before buying it, and you get some great advice while your there.



Do they have a store front and do they sell buckets and spiles(I did not see them on their website).

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Yes they have a small shop on the farm. I'm not sure about buckets and spiles, but I would assume yes. I've never gone there to buy them myself, so I can't say for sure.


There are lots for sale on kijiji though.....




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I just got gifted a few kilometers of tubing, spigots, unions and other accessories. Buddy used to make 45 gallons per year. It's all coiled up and waiting for me to pick up the gear....I tried, but lots of it is burried in the snow so I'll wait for the spring. I'm not really starting any Maple Syrup until next year anyway.


A good start!


I might get some buckets today and just tap a few trees for fun this year, to boil on my stove top.

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Snow is so deep in the bush it was almost like work trying to tap the trees...i managed to get 30 trees tapped before my battery died for the drill...I think ill put 20 or so more taps and that should do for my first year solo ..

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I got a little more today, but still not enough to bother collecting.


I use a hand drill, no messin with batteries ;)



I'll be particularily interested in your adventures in maple syrup since I'm kind of starting this year but really preparing for the next.


I hand drilled two taps into one tree tonight. I'll put out 10 buckets this year.


What would it be like boiling less than 40L on a propane kitchen stove? Would my entire kitchen turn out sticky?

Edited by Rod Caster
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