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BlackBerry z10 any body have one? NF.....


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Well I finally went and picked up a new phone.. Decided to go with the Z10, wow what a phone considering my last was a BlackBerry curve..I have nothing but positive things to say, and Go Canada!
Here is video I shot and edited with the z10 using the story maker App.. anyone else? Lets see your vids!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/eVh_HyEnWhA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Edited by tb4me
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Yes Edited using the Story Maker app that comes installed


You edited on the phone?

Really good quality to the photos and the video.

Even the sound is pretty good.


We won't be getting any BB10 devices for a while as we need to upgrade our BES server in order to handle the new OS.

I'm still rocking my Torch. B)

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That video looks pretty good and the still photos look great as well. Glad they beefed up their camera as it really bit previously.SLick that this was edited on the device as well.


My wife was looking at the Z10 but will wait for the Q10 as she's a Tweeting, Facebooking fiend ;) I have a corp iPhone and while it's great for consuming media, it sucks (for me and others I know) for typing. Most of my friends/colleagues who are heavy typers stuck with RIM, now called BB. Waiting to see if my company will let people go back to BB if they want to.

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That video looks pretty good and the still photos look great as well. Glad they beefed up their camera as it really bit previously.SLick that this was edited on the device as well.


My wife was looking at the Z10 but will wait for the Q10 as she's a Tweeting, Facebooking fiend ;) I have a corp iPhone and while it's great for consuming media, it sucks (for me and others I know) for typing. Most of my friends/colleagues who are heavy typers stuck with RIM, now called BB. Waiting to see if my company will let people go back to BB if they want to.

Actually I went from a BB bold to this phone and have no issues with the typing at all. I did at first but it only took a day to get used to it

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Blackberry...... the fat lady sung! In all seriousness, I hope they take of again with their newest offering. It is nice to see a Canadian company do well! I dropped blackberry some years ago when they just couldn't compete with the new platforms. I tried android, and have settled on apple. They are just so user friendly! If the new blackberry is just as user friendly and useful as an iPhone, I would definately go with them next time a hardware upgrade is required, which will be when my iPhone cacks!

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Lots of Z10's starting to hit the market, the response is very good from anyone I have talked to.... yet another security flaw from Iphone, this one lets you make calls even if the phone is locked. without needing to know the password... http://lifehacker.com/5984265/ios-6-bug-lets-anyone-unlock-your-phone-without-a-passcode?utm_campaign=socialflow_lifehacker_facebook&utm_source=lifehacker_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow

Edited by jedimaster
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we've switched to android/iphone at work hopefully this bb takes off when the next upgrade time rolls around.


i hate all things iphone but i really like my android device (galaxy s3). do miss the physical keyboard tho.

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Oh thats cool, 3 years after everyone evolved, blackberry almost made a phone that can compete with android.




by far the biggest criticism. Not only did it take them forever to get the device out, now that it's available, people see that it's nothing more than what apple and android put out on the market almost 2 yrs ago. All they did was release an old phone that got them caught up with current phones. Their biggest problem is still the lack of apps that today's users look for. ...Balsillie selling his entire stake in the company isn't very reassuring sign either. My guess is he sees the low sales figures that they won't talk about publicly. All of those "sold out" stories were pretty much faked since they shipped 15-20 phone to many stores on the first weekend. Here in canada, some stores only received 5-10 phones on the release date. I want to see them pull out of this also, but market checks don't lie that much.. Adding mdm for iOS and android in the latest BES10 shows they're at least looking forward and finally accepting the corp. trend to BYOD.

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yano the whole app thing is funny from this apple user's point of view. back when Microsoft ruled the world, Windows users trumpeted the fact that there were a gazillion games for their platform vs much less for mac. Apple users always said it didn't matter how many games they had as most were crap.


well today we have iphone people trumpeting the number of apps available for these phones and the lack of apps for others such as BB10. sound familiar huh ?


So now the shoe is on the other foot and as a lifelong Mac user, I kinda feel like Apple is becoming what Windows was back in the day. Little bit cocky and big headed. There may be 700 000 plus apps for the iPhone but really, how many are actually useful ?


as usual, ymmv ;)

Edited by woodenboater
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Little bit cocky and big headed. There may be 700 000 plus apps for the iPhone but really, how many are actually useful ?


as usual, ymmv ;)



when you are the biggest company in the world on market cap and almost $140Billion in straight cash, you're allowed to be cocky.

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ha ha. my wife and I regret not buying their stocks when they were *affordable*...sigh. coulda cashed out and bought some nice west arm property ;)



yep. I've read so many stories about people who did that. I wish bought in when it was around $6. It' has since split 4 times, i think, which means people who invested just a few thousand dollars are now double digit millionaires. RIMM was there just 6 months ago, who knows where they'll be later. I doubt it'll be another Apple cinderella story, and losing a few thousand dollars isn't so bad if it tanks like PALM and NT. The most unfortunate part is blundering over the past 2 yrs that made them look like clowns.


I'd like to know what they plan on doing next, high tech has a very short shelf life. It's been 18 months since their last new product, they can't wait that long again, and I don't count the Q10 as that next new product. And what going to happen with the Playbook? They've pretty much given away all of them in promotions, to developers, and sold them cut rate discounts, and finally just gave away the rest in the UK as early presale bonuses with Z10 phones. RIMM stopped making playbook a while ago (that's why most retailers like futureshop are out of stock) but at the same time they also made statements that they would not abandon the product like so many other makers of failed tablets have done.

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There are two technology shifts in recent years that have been touted as trend setting but have proven over and over to cost extra time, resources and frustration. That is a shifting from collocation or self hosted to cloud and byod. Both have proven over and over to cost significantly more. In the short term they seem like good ideas on paper and practise but in the end the lose of control cause massive issues. I have seen dozen and dozens of companies scale back drastically on cloud computing after the bill start adding up and up. Amazon being the worst of them all for cloud creep. As for this topic with byod, if you are a company that doesn't rely on your devices for corporate applications it will probably be ok. What you inevitably end of with is factioned off groups of users where none are able to fully utilize there own devices. Of course of its the executive that wants byod then they will likely just say who cares and let there employees suffer because they want to catch the latest craze.

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There are always costs involved in tech migration, even simple upgrade paths can be very expensive. At some point, all companies hit a wall and lay out huge amounts of money to migrate to new systems. Even the testing process costs a fortune... Consider the time when people got out of palm and into BB. It certainly wasn't cheap to get BES, there's a lot of hardware to manage, TCO is very high unless you know guys who work for $10/hr. And considering how flakey BES is, owning them isn't a matter of turning it on and opening the doors for business. You seem to be saying that it's expensive so lets just keep the old stuff because it's cheap...everything new will have problems and new costs, everything becomes obsolete. A lot of companies have made the switch away from BB over the last year or so, some might back pedal, I'm going to say most will not because the server side will also adapt to fix problems and grow to fill needs. Samsung just released an enterprise mgmt solution which could be a big kick in the pants for BES. The biggest problem with BB/BBM is that it's too centralized, there are major BBM outages somewhere in the world just about every month...they don't want you to know that. Of course they coudln't prevent the news of their outage affecting almost all of EU and North america. Look at them now, they've barely made a peep in the last 6-10 months leading up to the phone release. It was a steady stream of bad news with the delays, drunken execs on the plane, the crazy "be bold" ad campaign, ads as late as December ridiculing all-touchscreen phones when THEIR VERY NEXT DEVICE WAS ALL TOUCH SCREEN!! Bah, now i'm just rambling.


something i forgot to address was the apps and your mac OS example. ...bad example. Throughout the history of Mac's being mainstream, there has been DOS emulation, x86 emulation, daughter cards with real x86 cpu's, virtual PC, Parallel, and more recently Bootcamp, WinOnX, and of course WINE all of which allows Mac's to run Windows and/or windows software. the lacking applications has always been a problem for Mac users. so for both computers and phones, i would rather have a million+ apps on android and iphone (including unofficial through Cydia etc) and not need them, than want apps and have nothing to choose from which is where BB is. Like you said though, if all a company needs is BBM and make phone calls, then a BB is fine. ..and most employees will continue to carry 2 phones like they do today. I carry 3 myself but 2 would be nicer or even 1.

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