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3 day report


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Well it all started off Friday night at Dunnville. We were in search of big cats and they only thing we seemed to get were small kitties. After a while we got bored and decided to try for some night carp and I didn't have any success but my brother in law got a few small ones. Even tho we didn't manage to land alot of fish we still had a great time.


First small carp



Brother in law with carp. Smoke from the fire ruined the pic



Nice fire we had going from 11pm to 5:30am




So after getting home around 6:30am I went to bed and then was up at 11 and then went perching with my dad down to Port Dover. We got their and there wasn't too many people on the pier fishing. Winds were strong and were blowing North East turning the perch off. Then we went carping to a small grand river trib. The carp were biting like crazy at first but my brother in law kept losing them at shore. After about losing 6 my sister finally landed were first carp. As for me I landed a couple as well.



My carp



Brother in laws sucker



Shot of carp



Carp on



My second carp



My sisters first carp. Sorry bought the pics it was edited and came out more to the side.


Edited by xrap
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Damnit! I knew I should have bought shares in the companies that produce camo fabrics!!!! LOL!



Looks like a great outing!



any pics with an OFC Banner I can except?




Edited by Gerritt
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Great job out there! I liked how tactics were changed when the perch and cats were off. Shows how versatile you were out there. Gotta love getting into those Carp...they are great fighters and start the adrenaline flowing that for sure! Awesome pics and report!!

Edited by ccmtcanada
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