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(NF) 2013 WJHC chatter


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That hit was text book clean, and to be blunt...

If you watch the replay you'll see he stopped skating towards him about 3' past the blue line....he litterally coasted in there, LOWERED his shoulder, CENTERED his body and rolled through him. Camara didn't charge him...he let up on the gas, aimed and fired.

No high forearms, no lift...it was a thing of pure Beauty.


The issue was the kid wasn't paying attention and he got caught.

You can't ask that players let up at this level of play "incase" someones not paying attention....thats like giving the opposing team a get out of jail free card.


I Agree with Brian here,

If it was a Canadian boy I'd be saying the same thing....KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!

Thats drilled into us in fundimentals as rule #1

We play a clean but rough game and when its played right...we win

I Gaurentee that every player out there in this tournament will be just a little bit more cautious now moving the puck forward in this tourney when they play us, and THAT my freinds....is exsactly what we want. :whistling:

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By the way....is anyone else other then me NOT impressed with the Canadian Defence?

(or Suban at this point?)


They are shakey...big gaps, problems gelling...I'm not optimistic about them yet.

The Offense is doing what they are supposed to, I think thats hard to argue with 15 goals rallied in the last 2 games while getting contributions from 10 guys....that puts them as the number one offensive team in the tournament


They also have 6 goals against making them the 3rd worst defensive team in the tournament.

And lets face it...they played Germany and Slovakia.


It may only be 2 games in but from where I'm sitting....we gots some issues in our own end.

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crap, just saw the hit on youtube.


it was one of the cleanest hits i've seen in a while. he glided from just inside the blueline. threw his shoulder.


i guess my biggest fear in all of this comes from this thread.


i'm 30, not young, not old.


i'm not old school, nor new school.


i'm scared that hockey is turning into a pansie sport - but resistance from fans is there.


but you always administer change by starting with the youngest (ie, smoking, drinking and driving, etc).


if guys that are "new school" think that check was a bad hit, than I'm afraid what is going to happen to hockey in 10 years from now.

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Number one thing we were taught back when. Ya I played along time as well. Back when hockey was hockey. JMO here.


Sounds like we went to the same school of Hockey.

One of my favorite coaches once taught us the 5 fundimental rules of hockey "attitude"

Which to me still give me that pregame chill...


Rule number 1...Keep your head up.

Rule number 2...Never let your opponents forget rule number 1.

Rule number 3...Thats YOUR puck and you should be mad when they have YOUR puck.

Rule number 4...Play with in the rules and mind your temper (there are no good penalties.)

Rule number 5...Keep your mouth shut and keep moving, let the coaches do the talking.


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Sounds like we went to the same school of Hockey.

One of my favorite coaches once taught us the 5 fundimental rules of hockey "attitude"

Which to me still give me that pregame chill...


Rule number 1...Keep your head up.

Rule number 2...Never let your opponents forget rule number 1.

Rule number 3...Thats YOUR puck and you should be mad when they have YOUR puck.

Rule number 4...Play with in the rules and mind your temper (there are no good penalties.)

Rule number 5...Keep your mouth shut and keep moving, let the coaches do the talking.



I don't think anything there has changed, every coach I ever had gave the same speech.


At the same time we were also constantly drilled with "no hits to the head" no matter what the circumstance.


When I was 16 I got ripped from behind, crosscheck-head-glass goodnight. It's not a great time to wake up on a stretcher, so I guess that's why I think twice about any check to the head (opposing playing being a dumbass with his head down or not).


When I played, I'd have just taken the puck from that guy and put it in the back of the net :whistling:

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Twice I only caught the third period and Canada looked good lol.


I have to agree that hit was nice. I don't like the result to either player but this is hockey and its been said many times here keep your head up. Any Canadian player young or old that does not do this has not listened over there career or to Mr. Canada Don Cherry he has talked about this since I was a kid playing hockey and if they have not learned over seas they better buy rockem sockem 1-200.



I'm looking forward to tomorrow's game.

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That was a clean hit for sure. The euros dont play a physical game but that doesnt mean they are angels either. They are masters of spearing without getting caught. They will use this on Canada to get retalliation penalties against us. They will also spit in your face during scrums which is very hard for officials to detect. Just a couple of differences in the way they play.

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That was a clean hit for sure. The euros dont play a physical game but that doesnt mean they are angels either. They are masters of spearing without getting caught. They will use this on Canada to get retalliation penalties against us. They will also spit in your face during scrums which is very hard for officials to detect. Just a couple of differences in the way they play.


Lipon's hit got the extra game,not Camara's

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I don't think anything there has changed, every coach I ever had gave the same speech.


At the same time we were also constantly drilled with "no hits to the head" no matter what the circumstance.


When I was 16 I got ripped from behind, crosscheck-head-glass goodnight. It's not a great time to wake up on a stretcher, so I guess that's why I think twice about any check to the head (opposing playing being a dumbass with his head down or not).


When I played, I'd have just taken the puck from that guy and put it in the back of the net :whistling:


Camaras hit wasn't to the head, it was a full body hit. Absolutely nothing dirty about it at all. You want to see hits to the head, look what Scott Stevens used to do to guys.


I've been playing defense since I was 3, I would have done the exact same thing. If someone is stupid enough to be skating up the ice with their head down, they deserve to get rocked. I'd gladly dish that out every single time.

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