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Land Claim Proposal Is Public


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I may have missed the discussion on this topic and if I have my apologies.


The Algonquin Land Claim Proposal is public. It affects the Eastern side of Ontario from North Bay to Ottawa. If you recreate in this area or you pay taxes to the Province of Ontario you might want to educate yourself by having a look at the maps.


Dan O.


My link



I'm with Moosebunk on this one, although I can't agree with some of the tactics used by Natives, i.e. Caledonia. So many issues need addressed for the betterment of all, but is the goodwill there on both sides? I don't see it. It seems like even the native communities can't agree with each other on many issues, unless they decide to stand against the common enemy of the government, then the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Maybe I'm naive, but how do you even begin to address the boundaries of a relatively nomadic people living 150 to 400 yrs ago, with no legal concepts or principles such as individual property rights, in an area shared by other native groups living on, and fighting over, or sharing, the same lands? But that being said, if a deal was made 200 yrs ago, a deal is a deal, and we need to work it out. And I don't think expressing an opposite opinion does not automatically make you a racist. The word is thrown about too freely. I know, a lot of words for two cents.

Edited by Andy
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I'm 100% opposed yes I am but it does not make me racist is correct it's the way I feel and oh yes I forgot to say my girlfriend of four years is full native on both sides or her family she has no status card and does not believe they are entitled either !!!!

What is it with all the native unrest in this province. We in the London area just had a native protest about their treaty rights by having a peaceful march, meanwhile holding traffic on the 401hostage for a few hours. WHICH WAS ILLEGAL. The police did nothing and the natives knew that. They fell they are above the law and entitled. If we had a roman style of gov't we wouldn't have this problem. If you were conquered you abide by roman rule, abide by their laws, become an asset to the roman empire, or you wern't allowed to live. A little hard maybe, but in the end the rewards were the same for everyone. It,s either conquer or be conquered. Most of civilization was establihed that way

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ok lets give them back all their ancesters so called land and then they can live like they did as well,and no cars,no welfare and no living like the whiteman !!!! ya ...ok doubt they will give up all the white-mans stuff,but they just want the land !!!! funny isnt it,its soo two-faced .... :wallbash:

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ok lets give them back all their ancesters so called land and then they can live like they did as well,and no cars,no welfare and no living like the whiteman !!!! ya ...ok doubt they will give up all the white-mans stuff,but they just want the land !!!! funny isnt it,its soo two-faced .... :wallbash:

You took the words right out of my mouth.

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The natives are just doing what they were taught by us to do...do you not think our government is two faced??? as i said before...white man could learn alot from the natives...just because OUR government says it so...does Not necessarily make it so....its land...thats all it is...who honestly gives a rats ass who owns it ...if we can still visit and enjoy it...when the day comes that we cant enjoy it...then it will be up to us to start a war if we feel it is that important....They arent moving the park to another country...the park will be under its original management....


In my opinion the natives have become greedy (we taught this to them)....and KARMA is biting paleface back....the natives run Lake Huron now....but i still get to go out on the lake in my boat and catch fish without having to pay them....and co-incidentally my tax dollars paid for the construction of the boat launch but my government wants 10 dollars each time i use it...There are many layers dealing with the native issues....both sides are at fault but i dont think youll want to dig too deep to see who is at more fault...because im afraid youll be looking in the mirrow of your family tree

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The natives are just doing what they were taught by us to do...do you not think our government is two faced??? as i said before...white man could learn alot from the natives...just because OUR government says it so...does Not necessarily make it so....its land...thats all it is...who honestly gives a rats ass who owns it ...if we can still visit and enjoy it...when the day comes that we cant enjoy it...then it will be up to us to start a war if we feel it is that important....They arent moving the park to another country...the park will be under its original management....


In my opinion the natives have become greedy (we taught this to them)....and KARMA is biting paleface back....the natives run Lake Huron now....but i still get to go out on the lake in my boat and catch fish without having to pay them....and co-incidentally my tax dollars paid for the construction of the boat launch but my government wants 10 dollars each time i use it...There are many layers dealing with the native issues....both sides are at fault but i dont think youll want to dig too deep to see who is at more fault...because im afraid youll be looking in the mirrow of your family tree


Mirror Mirror on the wall................I can't be bothered right now. A pox on all houses involved.


Ps. I'd just like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and best wishes in the coming New Year.

Edited by moxie
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Good thing we discuss casinos, feelings and not facts


We would'nt want to address


Idle no more


Native protest in Ottawa tomorrow---incl Grand Chief Atleo


Chief Spence's now 8 day hunger strike--with Harper's refusal to meet


Amnesty Intl 3rd world rating on Native living conditions---Got Water??


Algonquin co-operation on land claims agreeing to biz as usual


Boy dodged one there



Edited by bushart
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How come the natives can speak their minds and be racist to us and we can't speak out minds and do the same ??? Kind of ironic isn't it. ??? I know why cause the truth hurts and we are not allowed to speak the truth !!!! We have to sugar coat everything !!!!!



Don't know----never had a native person say anything racist against me--or hear them say racist slurs overall


So not sure what you refer to


although I have had them welcome me into their homes and fished and hunted with them

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Well, it's Christmas. I think that a bunch of people might want to take the time to read the treaties, perhaps talk to people who know something about the content, facts and intent in those agreements and then come back in the new year and comment on what they've learned. Thanks for understanding. Thanks also for keeping it reasonably civil for 5 pages.

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