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We fished Chemong yesterday and the amount of garbage we saw thrown around the causeway was unbelievable. Even in the parking lot there were a couple garbage cans, yet some slob threw his crap on the ground not 50' away from them.


It's pathetic that we have to share our world with such filthy pigs.

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I agree, I just don't understand why people think they have the right to trash the place like they do. To me they are just scum bags


We fished Chemong yesterday and the amount of garbage we saw thrown around the causeway was unbelievable. Even in the parking lot there were a couple garbage cans, yet some slob threw his crap on the ground not 50' away from them.


It's pathetic that we have to share our world with such filthy pigs.

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Some people think the world is their toilet bowl.


I went camping at a very remote spot last weekend and actually removed some of the old (like 5-10yr old) garbage from the spot... Even though its very unlikely I'll ever return. There was a young kid with our group, I can only hope she understood why we were doing that.

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i have a corner lot with sidewalks, and several schools close by. There is a lot of kids walking by and they drop all their garbage on the ground as they walk...but they dont look around first, or seem like they are disguising it, they just drop it on the ground regardlesss of who can see. if/when i say something they look at me like i have 2 heads. when i cut the lawn i have to tie a garbage bag to the mower handle for yogurt cups, wrappers, pop cans, juice boxes water bottles.

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I hear you Lew. Started a thread last year, after watching a guy (older gentleman, not a kid) open his packaging in the Walmart parking lot...then just drop it on the ground. Moments later a young couple pulled up, he removes a Timmies cup from his vehicle, and drops it on the ground. By this point I had enough, walked over to his vehicle, picked up the cup and put it under his windshield wiper...hopefully it made him think (although I doubt it)!


So, it isn't just anglers. We truly live in a "messed up" society. Makes you wonder who raised these people.

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I'm in the same boat as you smally21 and have lived in my house for over 30 years. The garbage just keeps getting worse , schools need to get back to talking about the behavior expected with regards to littering on their way to and from school.

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here is one I'll never understand and I'm a dog owner. why pick up and bag the poo to just drop the bag where ever you like?

We do a spring clean in my area every year and this spring we picked up 15+ of those bags. that's not including the ones others may have picked up! :wallbash:

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here is one I'll never understand and I'm a dog owner. why pick up and bag the poo to just drop the bag where ever you like?


They're the same owners that don't scoop if they think they can get away with it. If there's somebody watching, they will scoop. Once nobody is looking, they fling the bag.


I've got a friend who saw this happening repeatedly near his house, so he gathered up all the bags-o-doo and returned them to their rightful owner. Problem solved.

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Every week we pick up newspapers, flyers, plastic containers just about anything you can think of off of our lawn, people are slobs, lazy slobs, even if you remind them it seems as though they don't even realize what they're doing. And so I agree with Frank, who raised these people?

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I have seen this many times at a few remote areas as well. These :asshat: go through the effort of putting there garbage in a bag but when they leave the camp they leave all the bags behind thinking that the garbage man is going to fly in on his magic helicopter and pick up the bags and of course the local critters/varment rip the bags apart as well making it even worse !!!

I was just at a remote camp a couple weeks ago and someone threw a garbage bag full of about 100 beer cans in the fire pit and lit it up , well the bag melted away but the 100 beer cans were left in the fire pit for the next guy (me) to pick up . WAKE UP children , pick up your garbage !!!

Sorry for the rant but these acts of lazy,disrespectful littering is ruining some of the most beautiful parts of this great province.

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So seriously, you guys are saying that you never threw garbage on the ground and just left it there eh? Perfect folks?



Do you?????????????????? Nobody is saying we are perfect, just pointing out blatant examples of carelessness.

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So seriously, you guys are saying that you never threw garbage on the ground and just left it there eh? Perfect folks?



For real?


No not perfect. But alot of responisble people at least try.

I bring a bag along when hiking/river fishing and always ty to pick up some of the trash people have left behind. Now my eight year old son does the same when he is with me.

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Yes for real Crud, you would be surprised how many people complain about people throwing grabage and yet they do the same. Drinking wobbly pops and throwing the beer caps on the ground. Smoking cigarettes and throwing the butts on the ground. Some folks exclude this as being garbage. Its all garbage!

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Yes for real Crud, you would be surprised how many people complain about people throwing grabage and yet they do the same. Drinking wobbly pops and throwing the beer caps on the ground. Smoking cigarettes and throwing the butts on the ground. Some folks exclude this as being garbage. Its all garbage!


The "for real?" was more directed at your questioning perfection of those exprssing concerns. And no, almost nothing would surprise me regarding attitudes and behaviors of alot of people. You are only stating the obvious. Do you throw garbage on the ground?

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I'd like to post more ideas on this topic but i realy don't have an answer that will solve the problem or at least in a way that would be exceptable in todays day and age . And thats why we're where we are right Lew........ lol

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So seriously, you guys are saying that you never threw garbage on the ground and just left it there eh? Perfect folks?


I posted the original thread Pete, so if your query was directed at me, you already know the answer.

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So seriously, you guys are saying that you never threw garbage on the ground and just left it there eh? Perfect folks?


I will toss an apple core into the woods; but I wouldn't drop it on the side walk. I never dropped a pop can or similar piece of non-biodegradable garbage on the ground. Even when I was 5 years old I knew this was wrong and would keep my garbage until I found a garbage can.


Do you think it is okay to just toss your garbage on the ground.

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i see this all the time at our local launch. People seem to think that becasue they pay to launch means they can leave behind their garbage. This really isnt ok. However there should be garbage cans placed in public places like the launch. This launch seems to be missing the garbage can everytime im there. Still not having a garbage can does not give anyone an excuse to litter. I actually caught my buddy doing this last weekend. Had him out on the boat after we came back in he had some garabge (worm container, bottle of water etc) and he just threw it under my truck after we packed up. I wouldnt leave till he picked up the garbage. I told him to throw it in my truck and I would get rid of it at home. (however i was not so polite to him)


Bottom line is people are ignorant, and my generation does not give a rats ass about anything. They think they own the world and that everything relvolves around them. Sometimes I'd like to give some people a smack, and tell them to have some respect. But that won't end well im sure.



Ways to improve: I always carry a garbage bag, plactic bag with me in my truck. If you see some garabage around pick it up, find a public garbage can and dispose of it.



Rant over.



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I will toss an apple core into the woods; but I wouldn't drop it on the side walk. I never dropped a pop can or similar piece of non-biodegradable garbage on the ground. Even when I was 5 years old I knew this was wrong and would keep my garbage until I found a garbage can.


Do you think it is okay to just toss your garbage on the ground.





We were camping this past weekend and I was explaining this very thing to my son "take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints" I was very proud when I heard him explaining it to his cousin the next day. Besides picking up after the ignorant this is another way we can help.

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All it takes is to pick up after yourself and to pick up one or two other pieces of trash and you will be able to see a big improvement in our environment. People that are lazy, and I used to be one should not leave a mess everywhere they go, plain and simple.

There are plenty of trash receptacles all over the place, USE THEM!!! As for dog owners that don't pick up after their dogs, they are boneheads as well, it takes one second to reach down and scoop it up. If I don't have a bag with me, I go back to get it.

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