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Conservatives are poised to strip the Fisheries Act of habitat-protection


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its really to vague to comment . the cost of doing any thing around or in water is crazy the only ones making money is the consulting firms. the projects are usually done the feds should not be in that bussiness. in port hope we have the grca they dictate what goes on in "water" areas .

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its really to vague to comment . the cost of doing any thing around or in water is crazy the only ones making money is the consulting firms. the projects are usually done the feds should not be in that bussiness. in port hope we have the grca they dictate what goes on in "water" areas .



You'll never see a group like the GRCA in the Ring of Fire or any unorganized township.

Consultants provide independent and properly conducted assessments... if they are done for the Feds or on public property, then they are publicly available (FOI).

In some instances, this "ammendment" to the act will allow the industry to perform their own Env. Assessments. "YUP, DIG HERE, THIS BROOKE TROUT HAS NO CLEAR CULTURAL VALUE".

Yes, Consultants are too expensive and sometimes provide obvious information for $100's per hour...but there's gotta be a middle ground, and it would be nice if something like this wasn't slipped in with the budget.

Edited by Rod Caster
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The scary part is the potential re-writing of the Fisheries Act (Sec 35) to remove the need to protect a fish's (or marine mammal's) habitat. In the current regs habitat having a very over arching definition involving all the areas and attributes required for all life stages/processes of these animals. The importance of this is huge. You can't have a program to protect coaster brook trout and provide no protection to critical habitat areas.


This is worth writing your MP about. Information and review of environmental impact statements for proposed developments should be done by someone other that the proponents.


I really can't understate the potential impact of this.

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They also voted no to Bill C-267, the "Canada water preservation act". NDP, Green and Libs voted yes...but it failed.




Who needs a permanent source of fresh water when we can just filter dirty water and sell it in bottles?

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

this prime minister has been installed by the petroleum industry to gut environment canada, and any scientific agency that does not agree with it's agenda. ironic how many anglers on this board voted for the party that regularly demonstrates it cares the least about the environment. don't crap where you eat.

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I did just that...




You can find who your MPP is and how to contact.

I just said in a respectful manner that I'm not pleased with the changes to the Fisheries Act, nor am I pleased with the method by which they are doing it.



You mean packaging it up---putting a bow on it and voting on it with the budget---is peculiar??


So now---if you vote against the budget---your standing in the way of jobs and growth for hard working Canadians.


Can you hear it Now?

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He is only doing this because it is taking way to much time to get environmental assessments completed. Remember he wants to run a pipeline from Alberta to the BC coast to supply our newly oil hungry friends on the east. This will be the stepping stone of things to come.


Rob C

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We clearly need to tear up most of southern Ontario, a lot of good land and water being destroyed by people, imagine, how dare they.


Epic fear mongering, there are a lot of federal and provincial overlap in the regulations, now i hope this doesn't lead to a free for all, and it is nice to live in a province that is concerned with the environment, but have you seen the Ontario economic outlook lately? People need to work, just as people need places to live, resulting in the giant suburb that exists south of Barrie, you want to talk about pollution, look in those backyards and the millions of others in southern Ontario, But people need homes, they also need places to work outside of Toronto. Considering the natural resource wealth of Ontario it is a wonder that the economy is having trouble, maybe there are too many regulations, but i am no expert, but then i doubt most of you are either, despite your assertions that Harper was installed by the oil companies, hey i bet he stole the election too right? of course you cant prove it, but you don't need to, you just KNOW it right?


We should wait to find out what this really means before we go crazy about it.

Edited by blarg
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Ontario's issues are hindered by a high Canadian dollar---driven up by natural resorces (oil) and a weak American economy


Ontario's manufacturing lives and dies by the value of our $$$--ask the now unemployed Cat workers in London their thoughts??


But all this aside---has ZIPPO to do with the Cons sliding these changes to the fisheries act in under the sly


no surprise though---when your covered in oil---you tend to be slippery

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Well if your into not being informed---do not watch The National tonight at the beginning regarding the voter fraud latest.


Too many folks who were called from certain #'s countrywide---asking for Cons votes---when told they were not supportive---then led to polling station changes calls from those same #'s---when there were no changes.


Must be me---maybe too many paint fumes---Yeah that's the ticket-

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this prime minister has been installed by the petroleum industry to gut environment canada, and any scientific agency that does not agree with it's agenda. ironic how many anglers on this board voted for the party that regularly demonstrates it cares the least about the environment. don't crap where you eat.


Sounds about right from what I'm hearing and reading. Fish need places to live (habitat). This is like burning your house and saying everything is alright. The fisheries act is the main legislation for fish, their habitat and what they eat. Various agencies administer it e.g., conservation authorities, MNR. There isn't that much overlap. For this and many others reasons Harper needs to go. Sad day for Canada.

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I voted CPC in the last 2 elections mostly due to Liberal Adscam in Quebec, CPC's good track record on the econcomy relative to other countries and in my opinion NDP lunancy and inability to govern. This type of obvious pro-oil legislation, parts of the omnibus crime bill like mandatory minimum sentances for small cannabis charges and in my opinion policies to be more like the USA (it's really working out well for them) has me shaking my head. Once you destroy the environment there's no coming back.

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I am not surprised, its pretty clear that the Governments strategy around the economy is nothing more complex than Sarah Palins "Drill Baby Drill" philosophy. Its an outdated model that does not make sense, to create short term economic growth at the expense of everything else is just lunacy. You would have thought by 2012 we would be thinking more integrative, holistic and long term and not so short term and linear.


One needs to remember what the purpose of the economy is to improve ones life but I am not sure how that can be achieved without appropriate regulations and rules. I am not anti-mining or oil but we need to do this right or else whats the point?


John Kenneth Galbraith stated it is not the quantity of our goods that matter but the quality of our life. I think many of us forget this regardless of your political stripe.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

very disappointed that democratic conversations on politics were locked. the conservatives would be very proud of OFC for their first rate censorship.

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