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Don Cherrys rant NF


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I have mixed feelings in regard to his rant. I believe he was right on the money but he went over the top. His point would have had more merit if he had of stayed calm..As for the youngster and his father that passed on in a horrific car crash, that's sad. I had about it earlier in the week on Sports net. What Don didn't share was the fact that the kid had just played a game where he scored his first Hat trick. What a sad sad deal there..Thought and prayers go out to the family....



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I already made this statment:


"Anybody foolish enough to pick hockey players based on their birth certificate instead of their ability, talent, effort and character, deserves the team that results from those decisions."




Cherry can be entertaining in a car wreck sort of way, however, he has become a caricature of himself and there is very little balance provided. Ron used to provide some counter to Cherrys statements, but they have been together too long and are too "buddy buddy".

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I'm normally a big fan of Cherry's but that was way over the top.


I find it despicable that he'd use his position to publicly demean Burke because of whatever bizarre misguided vendetta he's harbouring against him.


His rant about Ontario players is ridiculous anyway. Burkes drafted a bunch of kids from ON.


In all the years I've been watching Cherry spout off on air I've never been more disgusted with him.

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In a lot of ways I do wonder about the roster make-up of the hockey club. A disproportionate amount of americans but I don't think its cynical, Burke is trying to assemble a team that wins but perhaps he is misguided and due to his familiarity with US hockey programs shows a bias towards US players.


It would be nice to see more hometown players but only if they help the team win, this professional hockey and I will like any player that helps my team win, Loved Mats Sundin when he was a leaf.

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One of Don's windmills is players deflecting pucks that end up in their own team's net.


A couple of times a year he'll pull out the videio and show 5-6 pucks deflected past goalies, or into a guys own face. What he never shows is the 20-30 shots that are deflected EACH GAME into the corners or netting. And I guess no coach in the league has ever considered Don's point because the players all continue to deflect pucks. Of course Don thinks he is smarter then every coach in the league.

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I'm with you on that,he did what he had to. If someone(if it's true) went behind my back to get me fired,I'd be the same if not worse!:good:


Do we know Burke went to the CBC to get Don "fired"?


You think Burke is the type to not confront someone who he has an issue with?


And if he did:


If I want the drive-through window guy fired, I don't go to the drive-throw window guy. I go to his boss.

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One of Don's windmills is players deflecting pucks that end up in their own team's net.


A couple of times a year he'll pull out the videio and show 5-6 pucks deflected past goalies, or into a guys own face. What he never shows is the 20-30 shots that are deflected EACH GAME into the corners or netting. And I guess no coach in the league has ever considered Don's point because the players all continue to deflect pucks. Of course Don thinks he is smarter then every coach in the league.


If I'm not wrong did he not win a cup or two?

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This is why I posted this..I enjoy this sort of debate. Everyone I have spoken too has mixed emotions on this one. I myself having already posted my thoughts on his rant. I also believe he is right and wrong this time. Burke does indeed have Ontario boys on the Marlies..Here's the kicker. for all the Sens fans that say we have nothing in the cupboards as far as future goes, here is what Burke has done alone for us in the draft and thru deals. In all 3 drafts he has, since coming to Toronto, 10 of his 23 moves have been Ontario kids, Including Kadri, Percy, Mckeeg and Blacker to name a few. The only other Ontario boy I know of maybe the new kid signed at the deadline??? Carter Ashton. I honestly believe we do have to draft local. If we keep the farm system close, right on up to the big leagues. It would be much more cost effective for the kids coming up thru the ranks and be much cheaper in the long run for MLSE. My Aunt for example, She is a member of the Bulldogs alumni, she sponsors a kid from Kingston in the OHL to play here in Brantford. The kid lives with my aunt while he plays here. Imagine the financial burden put on the parents and the Pro teams signing him? Why not go local if your getting some of the best talent the world has to offer? Anyway ill look forward to the rest of your responses..

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Agree or disagree with me...but I have felt poor old Mr Cherry has been out of touch for years now. Truthfully I don't watch alot of hockey anymore...but if I do have a game on and he comes on I use that time as a pee break or a chance to get on the PC and check out OFC and other things.


He should have been put out to pasture years ago.

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Just watched it........It had a WWF feel to it.....I almost expected Randy Macho Man Savage and Rowdy Roddy Piper to walk onto the set and declare a cage match with Burke. OOOOOOOH YEAAAAAA!!! it turned me right off to listening to what his actual point was. I have a hard time listening to tantrums!

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Just watched it........It had a WWF feel to it.....I almost expected Randy Macho Man Savage and Rowdy Roddy Piper to walk onto the set and declare a cage match with Burke. OOOOOOOH YEAAAAAA!!! it turned me right off to listening to what his actual point was. I have a hard time listening to tantrums!

This response is EXACTALLY what I thought most would say..If he had of kept his cool he would have been taken seriously.. Good point Blaque

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More than a few people think Don's expiry date is over,and some don't care to watch him,but we all found the time to watch coach's corner.Does that not say the man still has some hockey knowledge?,We all really do watch him no matter what we say.

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Don was commenting on Ron's interview earlier in the evening where Burke said that its tough to play against teams at home because the visitors have so many local players that want to do well in front of fans and family.


Yes sir.


I read an article today that mentioned Burke has whined to media brass before and not just at cbc.

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