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6 years smoke free today


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I quit cold turkey. I tried so many times before using the inhaler, patch, resolve tablets and they all worked for a while then I started again. This time the cold turkey was the best was on edge for awhile but after that it was fine. The main reason I quit was for my daughter and the baby on the way and the other huge factor was that my grandpa who has been a big influence in my life asked me to on his birthday. The next day I said to hell with it and quit. Todays is exactly 3 months. Cingrats to everyone that quit. An to all other smokers its not that hard if you really want to.

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Congrats!!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping:


I just realized that today the 10th of January is the anniversary of my quitting!! :D

Been 13 years since i quit and I have no cravings or wishes to ever pick up a smoke again!!! :good::good:


I agree with you no cravings or want for a smoke anymore. Specailly with all these problems I am having.

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What is your secret? I've been struggling for the past 3 weeks. The first week was easy not to smoke due to bronchitis... but since that cleared up it's been a challenge.


16 years or so for me, but who's counting. You know you've quit when you quit thinking about when being you used to smoke.

You, Locnar, will be able to quit when you enjoy being a non-smoker more than you enjoy being a smoker. When you associate more pain with starting again than you do to quitting.

If you drive by a group of people smoking outside in the middle of winter and wish you were one of them, you are screwed. If you drive by and think "what a bunch of tossers" you've got it licked.

Good luck to you and congrats to all the quitters.


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25 years or so ago when my son was born i decided i'd probably make enough mistakes trying to raise he and later his sister. one of the things i did NOT want to do was give them any reason to smoke. fell off the wagon once or twice since then but for most of those 25 years i was cigarette free! now I can't stand the smell of it !! After 10 years of sucking on those damn things it sure is nice to be free of them !! and i'm very happy to say that neither of my kids can stand the site of a cigarette !!


congratulations to all of you on quitting !!

Edited by Rob V
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I"m on my 10th day now...cold turkey do these cravings ever go away? all l wanna do is eat non stop lol


The cravings do go away. Your are past the worst now just hang in there.I thought the same thing. Also cold turkey is the best. I did it that way and tried with the patch everything. At least when you get over it theres nothing else to get over. Try going for walks an exercise that helped me big time. Good Luck and remember your over the worst.

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Anybody can do it...ANYBODY...but 1st off you need to convince yourself that you really WANT to quit. If your not 100% committed to stopping you'll have a very hard time.


Once you realize why you want to quit and what the benefits are, it actually becomes very easy.


Best advice here.

To quit successfully you have to really want to. Reasons will vary person to person. For some it's money, others health reasons, family reasons ect.

For me it was I couldn't sleep more than a couple hours without waking for a smoke. But at 4 packs a day I was a heavy smoker. Back in those days you could smoke almost anywhere. If I went to the bar I was good for an extra pack out of the vending machine.

Quit cold turkey & believe me the first 3-4 days were very rough.

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This thread carries more weight than a gov't commercial! Awesome! I can't wait to show Rob! I enter him in Driven to Quit every year with no success. His birthday is Feb. 18th so we aim for him to quit then, giving him time for March 1st when the contest starts. He's smoked since 16, he's 45 now. I have never smoked myself but my parents were at 3 packs a day each while I grew up and also had started in their teens. They both quit cold turkey at 45. They are 70 now. I tell Rob that he can do it, but I understand like everyone says, you have to want it!


I can't wait to show him this thread! I don't think all the people who contributed to it realize the inspiration it has developed when you read it all at once! Thanks soooo much OFC! As always, you guys ROCK! thumbsup_anim.gif

Edited by Miracon
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The number one thing that really made me quit was that i didnt want my wife,2 sons,daughter,mother and father,the people that I love watching me die of lung cancer or some other lung problem caused by those awfull things.


Sorry folks but its a reality.

Edited by EddieNorth
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I smoked the beter part of 3 packs a day for years. COPD diagnosis, and as pot on an exray ( turned to nothing) cold turkey tossed the pack and havent smoked since....

7600 a year saved plus the additional3-5 a day in stops when you buy them equalled 1800

its not the loot as much as the fact I can walk a fligt of stairs and still have some breath left good thread reminds me why I quit

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Congrats to your milestone ECM, and to the many people here that have quit, trying to quit, or thinking of quitting. It's been 2 years next month for me, after 20 years. I would be lying if I said that I don't miss it on occasion, but that feeling becomes easily suppressed knowing all the positive things that have happened in life after quitting. The only tool to aid my time was a Smokestick, an electronic cigarette. I was able to order the nicotine cartridges from the states. Do not use this stick as an alternative to smoking, only consider using it as a desperate measure. It is in your pocket for the peace-of-mind, and nothing more. When you no longer need it, give it away to the next person! Stay strong. Give yourself a moment from time to time and think about the reasons why we have quit. Don't ever forget.

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for people thinking of quiting, there's a book I've heard of that has a good success history, I've heard it doesn't scare smokers with grim statistics or pictures of black lungs etc, it just simply explains why you smoke and why you want another smoke, it's something generic like "Quit Smoking" the author is Car or Carr, I think his first name is Alan, check on amazon.ca if you're interested, I've heard quite a few people have quit with this book's help


I'm pretty sure you have to be ready and want to give it up for this to work though, just like the patch or pills etc


I enjoyed reading this thread, congrats to everyone who has quit, really inspiring to hear

Edited by chris.brock
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