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Anyone know why homeless people............

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The American Society of Addiction Medicine begins their definition of addiction by describing it as "a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry".


I very much doubt that any of these people got up one morning and said "I think I'll go out and get myself addicted to something"! Or, I think I'll choose to live in a cardboard box over a grate and sleep on the streets instead of in a nice warm bed with clean sheets and hot food". Their thinking isn't rational compaired to what you seem to consider "normal".


There are many reasons that a person can fall into the traps that lead to them living on the street and once there the climb back up the ladder to what you would consider "normal" can be nearly impossible.


Try and get social assistance when you don't have an address, little or no identification, and you have to take drugs or alcohol just to "feel normal" or numb the feeling that you aren't "normal".


Compound that with possible mental issues or phobias (I know it is a big word, google it, you might learn something if you choose to).


As I see it, there are two important things you still have to learn in life:


Number 1: Before you judge someone, walk a mile in their shoes!


Number 2: A man has a right to look down on someone only when he is helping him to get up!


Well said Cliff. clapping.gif

Compassion is a strength and a virtue, not a weekness.

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From what I've read so far, one can easily gauge the quality of an individual's mettle from this thread.

Dozer, you based your opinion from comments made by police. True, they are the front line, but they are also biased.

Far too many officers view the average citizen to be, and I quote, " lawbreakers waitng for an excuse to offend". Yes I've Known a lot of cops in my day Some of them put Sly Stallone to shame. Just like the Rambo types that are drawn towards today's military. It is the perspective of the self righteous and self justified who can't be bothered to look deeper into the facts.

Many of our police officers are forthright and good people, but they are slowly becoming a minority. I've come to know several senior members of our police forces, and they don't care for the attitude of many a young constable.

Then again, one police acquaintance was an instructor at CO Bick who was an outright bigot.

Edited by bigugli
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Best answer to the question.


WSB.. in like a hurricane, out like a butterfly???

Yah, my thinking as well... I'm guessing that WSB simply felt like doing some trolling and knew that there would be many who would follow that bait through the water.


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Thread started silly, but I appreciate some of where it has gone.


Life's way to short to be close minded.


You never know, one day you may find yourself in a position where you pray someone comes along with an open mind and hand.

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I'll go read a book on "phobias". Stemming from the personal attacks from Big Cliff and Dr. Sal.


Really guys, that is a personal attack on someone ( me ) who is clearly stupid and ignorant, but really, I dont mind. Lets not start a war here? Keep it civil, as per "The Rules" please.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

just calling a spade a spade. your personal attack on homeless people was about as uninformed and ignorant as i'm sure this page will allow without deletion so don't go telling US to keep it civil. i have addicts in my family, i have had homeless people in my family, i have mental illness in my family, and you understand none of the three.

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Alot of it has to do with how our stupid government works. They will gladly give welfare or some sort of assistance to people that don't need it and could work or come here to better them selves with our taxes. Then when people who have worked hard need some help they screw ya. It happened to me. I just had heart surgery and they won't give me any help as I had a violation they say that when I was working a seasonal job years ago in 2007. They say I didn't make a meeting so there for I can't get help. Luckly I have fanily and friends that can help me and are willing but some people don't. I don't mean to be rude but our government needs to srop bending over to accomidate all the people immigrating here and help our own people first. Also they need to check the loser on welfare that don't need it.


I don't mean to sound rude or racial. I say this because I have seen it first hand. A friend of mine was from cuba and all her family that came here were on welfare somw being for ten years and could work easily. Also I know a few guys on welfare who work out at home all the time and sell weed but won't work as they get free government money. Makes me sick and that is why we have people on the streets some choose to be and others have no option. I try to always help when I see a homeless person asking for some help. I may not give them money but will buy them a bite to eat.

Edited by Live2fish85
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Ignorant, ill informed, cruel commentary followed by playing the victim and pleaing for civility.


The statements you made were admittedly made in ignorance and gathered from hearsay. Maybe you should take a look at those statements instead of damning everybody who has a problem with them.

Edited by Grimace
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Sorry, I'm allowed my views here. Ill informed or not. And I don't like being insulted. :dunno:


I haven't made any attacks on anyone, my orginal post wasn't to insult anyone :| Just how I see things, and from what I've experienced, years of running into high and drunk homeless people downtown Toronto hasn't really made me all to compassionate about this topic.



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I think we should all take a step back and reflect on this. There certainly is enough to think about and read about. Hey, who knows, maybe the next time we lift a finger it won't be to type insults to each other but to help someone who could use a little help and understanding. Yes, that certainly goes for me too.

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