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Grammer police!


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I earn a living as the Director of Editorial for a large publishing company, where I oversee several different magazines. I sold my first magazine article in 1978 and since then, my work has since appeared in magazines, books and newspapers published on three different continents. I now supervise a staff or editors who fine-tune the work of award-winning writers. By this point in time, I like to think I have a reasonable command of the English language.


And still, my own posts on this board (and on my blog) still contain occasional typos. Hey man, it happens. I'm not getting paid for any of this, so I won't lose any sleep over a minor error here and there - by me, or anyone else.


But that's a big difference from those "R any of U guyz goin to Brontey 2nite to snag nooks?" posts, where the person writing it isn't even trying to be clear. I find those insulting. The writer was too lazy to make the effort to communicate clearly, and apparently expects me to make the effort to figure it all out. Forget that.


Typos happen, and who cares if someone makes a minor grammatical error? When you at least make the effort, it shows a level of respect toward the people who read it. To me, at least, that counts far more than perfect spelling or grammar.

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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I find myself doing the same thing. Even as I type this,Im doing it.






Two B's in rubbish me brudder. Jess like yor initials. Sorry Brian, it was just too obvious.



Well Roy, if one is a rube it could be said that he is "rubish" though it's yet to be defined.


You guys are much more edumacated then me. :rofl2: :rofl2:



If spelling and grammer is so inportant in a fishing/hunting and NF post,you have more issues then I. :jerry:

Hay bro, I see these guys never read the downhome dictionary.

Deez felers nver wood uner stan us homers wood day. :dunno::D

im goin fishin sea ya lader biys.

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I am jumping back in here as I was someone in the beginning who said a little effort goes a long way and I had absolutely no intention of insulting or offending anyone. :(


As far as not bothering to read any of the poorly written messages on Plenty of Fish...I will clarify that most of them started with "hey babe waz'up"! And sometimes that's all they said. So yes, I chose to overlook those! Haha! And Rob (whose message I did reply to and is now my other half) is not some hot shot pencil pusher. He's a humble fitter/welder (with the shop talk and rough edges to match!) who had never even used a computer before buying one to go on the dating website after some peer pressure! It would take him an hour to type one paragraph and then he would proof read it before he sent it. I just wanted to clarify that that was the comparison I was making and not at all meaning to come across as insulting anyone.


My sister has learning disabilities and although she was unable to go through main stream high school, she does just fine for herself now and I have always been very proud of her.


My main beef is more with our younger generation becoming lazy in writing as they Text or MSN. And I do see the English language suffering with this generation because of instant messaging. My 16 year old son is the perfect example. He knows how to spell and use grammar (somewhat! Haha!), and he sure knows how to use spellcheck, but he chooses not to. And I love him dearly I just could kick his pen and paper lazy behind! :wallbash:


So as I have followed this thread and seen the offense taken, I just wanted to clarify that for myself I in no way intended to come across as discriminating against illiteracy or learning disabilities. And I have never corrected anyone in a forum (except for merc's "cents" comment which was all in good fun! ;)).

Edited by Miracon
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it seems some here have to break out their big spoon and still the pot...


Sorry bud,

Like I said I didn't mean to make it heavy, but it needed to be said IMHO :dunno:


If you type/spell badly, that is the impression we the reader will have of you, as a person.


I know it was not your intention to ignite any issues, nor was it mine in responding.

But this remark in it's self...you gotta see that's a little harsh :whistling:


In all Seriousness I know your not meaning to be offensive...I've been around long enough to know your usual disposition and I didn't take exception to your post :)

And likewise I certainly didn't mean to stir any pots.


I simply felt if we're discussing the efforts required to make a post acceptable, We should also be aware of what that's asking of some people and maybe take away some perspective on how to deal with it in the future while avoiding conflict.


Put simply,

We just need to be respectful.

People need to put effort into making their posts coherent and like wise if its not, I think people need to be respectful in asking for clarification as opposed to public humiliation techniques such as corrections and assumptions of someone’s intelligence.


I think that's a pretty fair and for this motley crew I'd bet for the most part its common sense ;)

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By this point in time, I like to think I have a reasonable command of the English language.


Still have to be open artistic license.


Whatever seems generally fine here.


The posts about musky fishing are the best but now unfortunately wane.

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Well, I am the O.P and frankly, I am quite surprised at how thin some of youse folk's skin really is... I had no intention to insult or belittle anyone in my original post. I was simply trying to get the roughly 1% of the posters here to maybe include a comma or period now and then.

I'll be the first to point out that I am a horrific speller... but funny enough, I am an excellent proof reader of other peoples' work... go figure, so I guess I have a disability as well.

Guys, this is not Shakespeare, it a fishing site... but, if you can't create a paragraph, can't use a comma or a period, then MAYBE you should consider using a spell/grammar check before you post, if you wish folks to read the post and continue your topic... that was my intent, however it seems some here have to break out their big spoon and still the pot...

And funny enough, most who have taken at least some level of offense are not even the folks I was hinting at!

Good grief! What good is there in grief , GOOD


Pull over sir , you have been stopped by the post police !!!! "GOOD GRIEF" , GOOD "The distinction between positive and negative entities , Grief, is a multi-faceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something to which a bond was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, and philosophical dimensions. While the terms are often used interchangeably, bereavement refers to the state of loss, and grief is the reaction to loss. NO SUCH THING AS GOOD GRIEF , you sir must sit in the post box for 5 new topics . carry on , but beware the post police are whatching ....

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Hay bro, I see these guys never read the downhome dictionary.

Deez felers nver wood uner stan us homers wood day. :dunno::D

im goin fishin sea ya lader biys.


I bye. Tanks me ducky. :canadian::clapping:


Ya tink da french wood udder stand as wood,nt ya?


Lard tundurn :lol:

Edited by Misfish
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