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Hunting Vehicle(nf)


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No wonder people don't understand the gun regs. Its threads like this that get people thinking the wrong thing. It is totally legal to carry a gun around, out if its case, in/on any motor vehicle during daylight hours. (half hour before sunrise until a half hour after sunset) I could drive around town with my shotgun on the front seat all day long, it is totally legal. It must be unloaded of course, but totally legal to have it out in plain view in my vehicle.



A half hour after sunset until a half hour before sunrise, you can still have your gun in/on any motor vehcile, as long as its in its case.


No need for any kind of locks either. Locking your gun is only required for storage. If your with your gun, it doesn't have to be locked at all.




You are correct but with it in plain sight there are too many people that will freak out (especially in places like Southern Ontario, Vancouver etc.) Also the fact that he is riding a bike it would just be easier to use a gun boot rather than sling it over his shoulder while driving down the highway. He should also have a lock on the case just so he can stop in and buy gas, go into Timmies etc. without having to carry his firearm into the store.

Remember he is using a bike not a car. When I'm running around during hunting season my gun is on the floor in the back seat.

The OP doesn't have a back seat or a floor. :lol:

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You are correct but with it in plain sight there are too many people that will freak out (especially in places like Southern Ontario, Vancouver etc.) Also the fact that he is riding a bike it would just be easier to use a gun boot rather than sling it over his shoulder while driving down the highway. He should also have a lock on the case just so he can stop in and buy gas, go into Timmies etc. without having to carry his firearm into the store.

Remember he is using a bike not a car. When I'm running around during hunting season my gun is on the floor in the back seat.

The OP doesn't have a back seat or a floor. :lol:


In a way I agree and then in a way I DON'T........we are giving way too much of OUR RIGHTS to the nut cases......OH....there are many who will say I'm the Redneck nut case but in Arizona where they passed a LAW to check "ILLEGALS" when stopped for a routine traffic infraction, then that's wrong....


How we bend over backwards to those who haven't built either of our GREAT COUNTRIES....


And YES you can THANK ME for the cause of this thread closing.... :wallbash:



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You don't even need a cover except for after dark.


I live in the city and when I go out I just take the gun from my house, no case, and put it on the front seat. When I get back I take it in the house and lock it up.

If I leave my truck I am supposed to toss a blanket over the gun and lock the doors.

There is no law as I know against having a gun rack in the back window of your pickup and keeping the guns there as long as you put them out of sight and lock the truck when you park it.


Everybody is scared to do that with all the silly misunderstood laws nowadays but its still legal.


I don't know of any law stopping you from carrying a long gun down the street in the city as long as it isn't loaded.




i can legally toss my unloaded 870 over my shoulder, hop on my enduro, and drive through city streets to get to my hunting area. would i? hell no. you're just asking for headaches from ignorant folks that have no clue, including MANY cops. i'd simply trigger lock it and use a soft case to keep it out of site.


you can walk, ride a bike, atv (if atv is legal on your roads), e-bike, motorcycle, car, truck, etc with your firearm and be fully legal unless your city has a no firearm bylaw (unheard of?).



this is directly from the rcmp website...




Transporting Firearms Safely


Non-restricted firearms


Unload your firearms. Muzzleloaders can be kept loaded when being transported between hunting sites, but the firing cap or flint must be



Restricted and prohibited firearms


Unload the firearms; and

Attach secure locking devices to the firearms; and

Lock the firearms in a sturdy, non-transparent

container; and

Remove the bolts or bolt carriers from any automatic

firearms (if removable).

Obtain an Authorization to Transport

(call 1-800-731-4000).



Leaving any class of firearms in an unattended vehicle


Lock non-restricted firearms and locked containers carrying restricted or prohibited firearms in the trunk or in a similar lockable compartment. If the vehicle does not have a trunk or lockable compartment, put firearms and firearm containers out of sight inside the vehicle and lock the vehicle. If you are in a remote wilderness area and cannot lock your non-restricted firearms inside your vehicle, unload them and put them out of sight. Attach a secure locking device to the firearms unless they are needed for predator control.


Shipping firearms



Firearms must be unloaded, packaged and shipped

without ammunition in a safe and secure manner to prevent accidents and deter loss or theft.

Edited by ch312
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Just because some people don't know or understand the gun regs is no reason for me to change how I do things....legally.


If someone has a problem with me having a gun over my shoulder, when it is totally legal to do so, that is his/her perogotive. Why should I hide my lifestyle?? I don't agree with a lot of things they do, but I keep my mouth shut and move on.


If I get harrassed by police because of it, it is harrassment, and will be dealt with accordingly.


I have no problem showing my papers etc that are required if asked, but I have a problem with being held at gunpoint for no reason, other than I am carrying an encased firearm.



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