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Stay classy Vancouver!!!!


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This guy is loaded and he still knows right from wrong. He also showed a pile of guts. Cheers to him and the many like him that did not see any reason to act stupid. The guy in the 40oz shirt needs a cuff in the head or 20. Those jerks make me sick. The guy that stopped it rules.


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I have a hard time believing that 'terrorists' wore Canucks jerseys (that they bought for this occasion and would never have worn otherwise, i.e. NOT FANS) and caused all of this mayhem. I understand it is premature to typecast Canuck fans based on the limited media coverage that we see, but anyone argueing that this is NOT disgraceful needs a serious reality check. Gee, I'm sorry that all of Canada, scratch that, North America (if not the world) thinks the people of VC are hooligans. It's not like we watched a relatively small city decline into social chaos last night. Again, any educated person will hastily avoid typecasting all Canuck fans as renegage rioters, but for gods sake how can anyone defend the city of Vancouver? It's ok guys, someone made a facebook group... Did you see the video of of the guy defending the Bay, who gets pulled into the horde and beaten from all angles? Was this Al-Quaida, or another 'terrorist' organization? No.. It was Jim and Suzy from next door.


I'm really sorry your feelings are hurt, City of Vancouver, but quite frankly you look like fools and with good reason. Enjoy cleaning up after your own babies.

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I just thought I should throw my two cents in.


1) It was not just young drunken people.

2) They WERE hockey fans and non hockey fans. I'm pretty sure hundreds of anarchists don't go out and spend that kind of cash on vintage Pavel Bure or Trevor Linden hockey jerseys and then forget to cover their faces...

3) It was classless of those that participated, and equally classless of those who stood by watching/cheering/standing around. If those that were not participating just left the area, then 1) the police could have moved in and arrested/beat down the ones participating, or 2) the participators may have calmed down a bit because they didn't have an audience.


To me this doesn't speak to how Canadians are as a whole, but to the poor organizing that led to 100,000 people crammed into a 2-3 block area. It's like giving a child an unlit firecracker in one hand and a match in the other and telling them not to light it on fire. It was going to happen.


It was disappointing to see, but I'm glad no families who were there to watch the game died. It could have been much worse...

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I dont smudge an entire city based on the happenings of that evening, nor do i group a vancouver canucks fan into the stereotype of "Rioter"............I can however tell you that you'd never catch me in Vancouver near that arena for a game 7 Stanley Cup final thats for sure.


How'd Luongo ever get outta there alive........he must have a Heliport on top of the arena

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