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I've been looking forward to this past weekend for quite awhile. Musky opener, plus a booked day off Sunday. What better way to spend my pre-birthday weekend!! The alarm went off at 4 AM Saturday, and, my "fishing queen" and I hit the road for the Kawarthas.


Part One - An Electrifying Experience


After the trek from Woodstock we hit the water a little later than I would have liked, almost eight o'clock. However, the sky was cloudy, and the winds were fairly light. Juli rigged up for some walleye, while I broke out my musky gear. We ran out a short distance from the launch, she was ready to go. Told her, "take a few casts here while I get rigged up." First cast, fish on, a decent 16" in the slot walleye that Juli released. I didn't even have a lure on yet, lol!!!




Great start to the weekend!!!!!

We continued fishing for the next hour and a half, me tossing musky baits, her plugging away with various walleye rigs, mostly crawler harnesses. Heard thunder off in the distance, the morning forecast had called for 40 % chance of showers. We didn't know about the big line of storms that had built, and, was heading southward.

She hooked a few panfish, no more "walters", nothing hit or followed my musky baits.

It began to rain steadily, and, we heard more thunder. Still hadn't seen any lightning. That's when I got to see something I'd only read about!

Juli, said, "Frank, look at my line!"...she was using Transoptic mono, I had braid on. I took a glance over to see her line floating about a foot above the water. I knew this wasn't a good sign, but, we continued to fish for a few minutes. I then heard, "Oh my God, look at it now!!!!!!!!!" Turned to see her line levitating at least five feet off the surface of the water!!! That was enough for me. Fired up the "Merc", and, headed for shore!

We pulled up, and, decided to wait for a bit. Another boat pulled in, due to being soaked, they didn't have rain suits. Their line hadn't pulled the "Criss Angel" act...probably using braid as well. Just as we were starting to think about heading out again, two lighting bolts hit the water within seconds of each other!!

Lesson learned, if your line, or hair, begins to stand up...get the BLEEP off the water!!

The rain didn't let up after an hour and a half wait. That combined with thunder, called for a change of plans. We headed for a lunch/motel check in. Would fish the afternoon/evening instead.


Part Two - A Crappie Afternoon


Back at the launch for round two.




After the weird front, and, changing winds...we had a tough fish, couldn't get musky or walleye to hit. I switched up tactics and ended up hooking quite a few crappie, none big enough to bother with.






Still had a fun time on the lake, but, none of either species we were looking for. Headed back to the motel to catch the last two periods of the hockey, and, get ready for an early morning re-try!!


Part Three - We Mined Some Gold


Up and at it early on Sunday...cool morning, but, the lake looked beautiful




Decided to target walleye instead of musky for the early morning. Couple minutes into our troll, I nailed a decent OOS smallie, back in without a pic. We worked the area, catching a few decent perch, then stopped the motor and worked a small cabbage weed patch. A super slow presentation paid off with my first walleye of the weekend...nice 18" that went into the livewell.




Threw out my rig again, and, picked up my new Garmin to mark the waypoint. While fiddling with it, Juli said "you've got a hit again"...put down the GPS, picked up the rod, set the hook into a just under slot walleye, back into the water with that one.




The wind picked up a bit, so we decided to try drifting for awhile...nothing but panfish. After a bit of this, I figured why leave walleye to find walleye. Back to that small patch we went on a slow troll. As soon as we neared it...I had my third "walter" a nice 16" that joined the other in the livewell. Had my self imposed limit of two, so if I got anymore they were going back even if they were in the slot.




We immediately anchored, and began to cast that 50 feet of cabbage. At this point I was switching up to see what I could get them to hit. No success with the crankbaits, unfortunately, but five casts with a black/white/sparkly fleck bucktail...I felt a solid thunk. Number four was on.




Quick pics and back he went.




By this time Juli was getting a little frustrated. She was still having a fun time, but, wanted to get in on the "goldrush"! The weather was starting to warm up, and the fish were finally ready for a slightly faster presentation. She began working her harness in at a slightly faster clip and hit paydirt.


Nice 16" that she promptly released.




Seven minutes later she repeated her success.




That one went back as well. Boat traffic picked up big time after that and other than a really nice fish Juli had on for about five seconds, took her right into the cabbage and got loose, our little "cabbage-patch of gold" finally dried up.

We fished for another hour and a half or so, then headed back to the launch, for the ride home.

Never did target musky as much as I was going to, but, ran into Woodsy Pete both days, and, the ski fishing was tough. If he isn't connecting, you know they aren't on.

What a great weekend, even with the bizarre Saturday. Forgot too mention had my second closest encounter with my vehicle and a deer, followed by a bird flying into my windshield less than ten minutes later!


Thanks to Juli for making my birthday weekend getaway, another great fishing adventure!!!!!!!!!

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Nice job . Happy belated birthday tooclapping.gif My wife is my fishing goddess too. She can really knock em dead. She can find fish better than my sonarblink.gif . Dont know how she does it, but she will say, See that rock up on the bank over there.There's fish just out in front.

Sure enough, FISH ON !!!dunno.gif


Thanks for the report dude !!!



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First of.... Happy belated birthday Frank :thumbsup_anim:

You guys sure got into the gold on that small cabbage weed patch :clapping:

Great way to spend your birthday B) Thanks to your "fishing queen" for making it happen :clapping:

Great fishing you guys!!!


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I too have experienced the levitating line trick. 5-6 feet in the air and just floating around, one of my best fishing days ever! Lucky to have lived to tell about it and glad you both could do the same. Looks like a great weekend and even caught a few fish, awesome. :thumbsup_anim:

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Great report....I'm dying to enjoy a weekend of fishing with just me and MY "fishing queen" :D Too bad about no muskie, but you sure laid a beating on those 'eyes. Next time....don't wait for the line to levitate higher.....just get off the water!!! :o

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