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10LB GOBY caught in Hamilton Harbour!


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This article and picture appeared in the Stoney Creek News today. It is a free local paper , I am not sure if it appeared in the Hamilton Spectator or not. Here are some exerts from the article in the Stoney Creek News.



" Earlier this week I received a call from a local man, who had been fishing down at pier 4. I got a huge scoop you won't belive what I just hauled in." said Kristopher Hadfield of Dundas.


" It was a big fish , much bigger than I expected. "

" I didn't know how big or small a Goby fish would grow so I called the Ministry of Natural Resources office in Peterborough. This is where I finally realized this was no ordinary catch."

"Speaking to fisheries expert Marcel Jobard, I found Gobies typically grow up to 25cm(9.8in). When I told him I have a picture of a 10 pounder, he was shocked and somewhat skeptical."

" I'll send you the photo, I said. Sure but I need to have someone come and confirm this catch, he replied. Maybe it's that polluted water down there in Hamilton."

"I sent the photo and Mr. Jobard called back to confirm it did in fact appear to be a Goby."

"In order to confirm Mr. Hadfield's catch, the ministry is sending a Conservation Officer to Hamilton on Sunday, April 1."


I am sorry I don't have the picture but it is in the Stoney Creek news and o the Stoney Creek news website with the angler and it looks like a HUGE goby! I am just too computer illiterate to know how to post a link. Watch out Lake Ontario!

www.stoneycreeknews.com. it is on the opinions page.

Edited by express168
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Wouldn't it be more appropriate if it appeared in tomorrow's edition? Our local paper runs the odd prank but only on the first. Doesn't happen too often since our local paper is a weekly.

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