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Brookie Fun


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I personally can’t think of any other fish prettier than a brook trout...Resident browns rank a fairly close second. Brookies also live in some of the most beautiful pristine streams and lakes you can find. The last little while I’ve become possessed in ‘mining’ for these little jewels in gin clear streams.


Last Sunday I loaded up my hiking pack with food, water, camera gear, waders + boots and my rod, and traveled the roads on my mountain bike. With the bike, I could find the small ditches and streams impossible to see from a car. The fishing wasn’t as great as I hoped but there were a few gems at the end of the trek to make the cramping legs worth it.








With rain in the forecast, I left home today at 6am for a full frontal assault on as many streams as I could fish before they blew out and turned to mud. From medium-sized rivers to small ditches no more than 3ft wide and less than a foot deep, I scouted and fished whatever new spots I could find. There was no real plan or schedule to follow. It was just a day of reconnaissance and discovery and getting lost on dirt backroads - My compass really was screwed up :wallbash:


The brookies from one of the streams were amazingly coloured with fiery red bellies – They looked as though they were in full spawn mode




In one stream I caught a dozen or so small brookies that were a beautiful dark blue/purple colour.






The ditch they came from – Stealth was paramount :ninja:



A silvery one I pulled from a hidden culvert...After landing PB chub after PB chub, I definitely wasn’t expecting it :thumbsup_anim:



A nicely coloured one



Some fish-eye view pics


I missed the shot but those red fins and spots are stunning



Smashed the spinner











Hope you enjoyed

Edited by MJL
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Incredible underwater photos!


25 yrs. ago i remember catching little brookies in a ditch on the side of hwy. 115.

Turned out they fed into Cavan River a trib of the Otanabee R. :blink: Go figure? :dunno:

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Brookies have always been my fave fish ....Bar none! They are absolutely the prettiest fish on the planet! Not only that but until you've had a speck fried in a cast pan with potatoes and beans!!!....... You have not lived!!! thanx a million

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Jesus Mike... don't make me go back to walking the cricks. Haven't done that in 25 years.. but you keep posting these and I'm out the door!


Wayne, there’s a few of the medium sized rivers I fish where you can comfortably float down them in a canoe...It’s great if you don’t mind hopping over a few hundred beaver dams along the way :lol:


Mike, awesome pics man! Are you using a DSLR in a underwater case by chance? I've gotten a Aquapac for my DSLR, haven't had the nerve to dunk it yet though :)


Hey Bill, I was using my Canon 40D for the underwater shots – Above water I was using my Panasonic FZ18. I have an Ewa Marine U-B housing and got a 67mm adapter for the lens. Without the adapter, you get strange reflections off the front glass port or you get tunnel vision :lol: ...This is what it looks like when the adapter pops out of the front lens port...It's always heartbreaking when you flip through the pics on the computer and see these :(




If I had to do it over again, I’d probably get one of the EWA Marine housings with the flash compartment so I can stick a remote receiver inside for easier shooting. Overall the outfit is fairly hefty and is generally a pain in ass to carry around on the streams…It’s also fairly hard to use and almost impossible to change settings for a lot of things. For the price over a professional hard-case style housing, I can’t complain. It's the most awesome feeling dunking $1200 worth of camera equipment in the drink :w00t:


Hey!! Leave my fish alone :P


I'm not sure if you stopped by or not, I was out most of the day today.


Looks like ya had a good one!




Shayne, I cannot confirm or deny that it might have been me... :whistling:


Love that Panther martin ;)

One of my "Go to's"



Beautiful under water shots BTW...really Nice!


Panther Martins have been my go-to lure for specks since I started fishing for them a couple years ago. Funny thing is I’ve never caught anything on that particular one in the pics (silver with the orange dressing) until yesterday.

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Overall the outfit is fairly hefty and is generally a pain in ass to carry around on the streams…It's also fairly hard to use and almost impossible to change settings for a lot of things. For the price over a professional hard-case style housing, I can't complain. It's the most awesome feeling dunking $1200 worth of camera equipment in the drink :w00t:




Fantastic shots and great report!! :thumbsup_anim: If you need someone to lug equipment one day, shoot me PM.

;) I use to take a $40, 000 video camera and stick it in the water, doesn't feel as bad when it's not yours. Never had a problem though.

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