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Got a Sony Playstation? Then Cancel Your Credit Cards


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In case some have still not heard - Sony's Playstation community database has been hacked. If you've ever subscribed to any Sony services, or done anything with the device involving a credit card, they're saying you should cancel the card and call your bank asap.


Read more here.


This is actually pretty old news, the PS Network has been down since last Thursday or Friday. Sony is just now confirming what everybody pretty much already knew. This is pretty much inexcusable on their part in this day and age internet security is paramount. There were warning out there that ony was a target and they did nothing about it.


As far as the security threat, I'm not panicing yet. I don't have standard passwords and the CC I used with PS is the only one I use for on-line tranactions. I monitor the activity on it at least every other day. As long as you are vigilent, there should be no reason to rush out and cancel a card unless you have noticed unauthorized transactions. Also, according to your card holder agreement, you are not responsible for fraudulent transactions anyway.


This may be the downfall of Sony Playstation.....it will be very, very hard to retain or drum up new users after this.


Off to log in to check my CC transactions.

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I have a PS3 and I must admit that I'm peeved with Sony right now. These hackers have all my information including even my security question and answer. For the Xbox owners don't be so fast to laugh at this one..They run very much the same security system. The only difference you have to pay for everything you do online unlike the PS3. It sickens me to no end. It should be interesting to see how many lawsuits come of this breech of information. Privacy laws exist for a reason..My advice to any user is to use prepaid gamer cards. Brutal....

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Hmmmmmf. I just received one last week as a gift, thankfully I have not connected it to the web and don't plan on it now that this has happened. Too much personal information being handled by too many people can't be good. Skakin' my faith in the WWW.

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Had one for a while, never connected it to the web. Never saw the point.


Software updates?

Most of the new bluray movies have downloadable content and come with graphics upgrades that need to be downloaded to view the optimized version of the movie.


Sony will fix the security flaw and then release an update with it.


Xbox, what a joke. Until they make blu ray available and better graphics using blu ray technology they will fall behind. I was never interested in xbox due to how many RROD I had to fix for myself and other people. They also release hardware they know is flawed. Whats with paying for everything? Cant even get software updates without paying for it. My dad gave me a few of his old xboxes first one gt rrod and lasted 8 months before rroding again, then again then smashed it. He gave me another one i haven't used yet. But i did get anew game for it and couldn't play it single player due to no paid account for update.


Sony is only getting attacked because they were stupid in sueing Geohotz the famous IPhone jailbreaker, so people are getting there revenge for that. I like Sony but this is what they need, they are too power hungry and need to be brought down a few pegs. They should take a page from Microsoft with kinect, they were happy to see what hackers and modders would do with the system.

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Software updates?

Most of the new bluray movies have downloadable content and come with graphics upgrades that need to be downloaded to view the optimized version of the movie.


Sony will fix the security flaw and then release an update with it.


Xbox, what a joke. Until they make blu ray available and better graphics using blu ray technology they will fall behind. I was never interested in xbox due to how many RROD I had to fix for myself and other people. They also release hardware they know is flawed. Whats with paying for everything? Cant even get software updates without paying for it. My dad gave me a few of his old xboxes first one gt rrod and lasted 8 months before rroding again, then again then smashed it. He gave me another one i haven't used yet. But i did get anew game for it and couldn't play it single player due to no paid account for update.


Sony is only getting attacked because they were stupid in sueing Geohotz the famous IPhone jailbreaker, so people are getting there revenge for that. I like Sony but this is what they need, they are too power hungry and need to be brought down a few pegs. They should take a page from Microsoft with kinect, they were happy to see what hackers and modders would do with the system.


XBOX360 has better graphics than PS3... and the RROD was only for the older versions of the xbox, PS3 has had laser issues too. No matter what, anything that is mass produced to such an extent will have problems, it just sucks when you pay so much for a system only to have it malfunction.


I have an xbox360, but HATE the fact that you have to pay to play online...so the PS3 is better in that aspect (lol before the hacking anyways)

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<br />XBOX360 has better graphics than PS3... and the RROD was only for the older versions of the xbox, PS3 has had laser issues too. No matter what, anything that is mass produced to such an extent will have problems, it just sucks when you pay so much for a system only to have it malfunction. <br /><br />I have an xbox360, but HATE the fact that you have to pay to play online...so the PS3 is better in that aspect (lol before the hacking anyways)<br />
<br /><br /><br />


You're kidding right? The PS3 is bluray, much larger disk size, thus available to make larger texture files and rendering. The PS3 is a graphics power house.


And not only the old 360's had rrod, I have fixed numerous amount of elites that were released with guaranties to not have RROD. One guy didn't even have his elite for a year this was last year in september, he didn't want to send it and wait so he had me fix it.


You are right though about everything having malfunctions due to mass productions but the 360 was the worst for it.

Untill they implement bluray they will never had better gfx.

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<br /><br /><br />


You're kidding right? The PS3 is bluray, much larger disk size, thus available to make larger texture files and rendering. The PS3 is a graphics power house.


And not only the old 360's had rrod, I have fixed numerous amount of elites that were released with guaranties to not have RROD. One guy didn't even have his elite for a year this was last year in september, he didn't want to send it and wait so he had me fix it.


You are right though about everything having malfunctions due to mass productions but the 360 was the worst for it.

Untill they implement bluray they will never had better gfx.


While they do have a better processor and graphics system, for a majority of games, when comparing the same titles at least, the xbox wins. Assassins Creed 2 comparison


AC2 isn't the only game, research it! I am not bashing PS3. personally I like it better than the xbox, but the PS3 has its problems too, laser issues, yellow light of death. Overall lets just come to the conclusion that PS3 and Xbox both spank the Wii :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by d_paluch
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While they do have a better processor and graphics system, for a majority of games, when comparing the same titles at least, the xbox wins. Assassins Creed 2 comparison


AC2 isn't the only game, research it! I am not bashing PS3. personally I like it better than the xbox, but the PS3 has its problems too, laser issues, yellow light of death. Overall lets just come to the conclusion that PS3 and Xbox both spank the Wii :thumbsup_anim:


I'm an xbox gamer turned pc, and what you are saying is heresy.

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So what is the general consensus with this? Is everyone going to cancel their cc's? Or will it be, life goes on and be diligent in checking statements. I am not sure what I want to do. I am not happy at all, along with 76,999,999 other users.


I'm going with the latter - I'm fairly sure PSN has my old card no anyway (ironically the old one was cloned at a gas station!) but I'll be keeping a close eye on my statements.

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I'm a PC gamer, always will be. Got an xbox for free, modded it so I can download games. Thats the only reason why I am commenting on here :P


Both systems are kick ass, once PS3 fixes this issue and comes out with some more games like Uncharted, they will take the cake!

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While they do have a better processor and graphics system, for a majority of games, when comparing the same titles at least, the xbox wins. Assassins Creed 2 comparison


AC2 isn't the only game, research it! I am not bashing PS3. personally I like it better than the xbox, but the PS3 has its problems too, laser issues, yellow light of death. Overall lets just come to the conclusion that PS3 and Xbox both spank the Wii :thumbsup_anim:

What! The Wii is epic! Lol. I have one but its only good for party games. Nintendo pioneered the motion tech though and are actually planning to release a new system next year from what i hear, should be cool to see what they come up with.


I for one am a pc gamer, i always was and always will, keyboard and mouse is just soooooo much better. Not to mention better gfx and free updates and online play. I can only play rpg for the most part on consoles.

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