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A buddy sent this to me this morning


Coyote Control



The Ministry of Natural Resources were presenting an alternative to the Grey-Bruce farmers for controlling the coyote population. It seems that after years of the farmers using the tried and true method of shooting or trapping the predators, the MNR had a "more humane" solution to this issue.


What they were proposing was for the animals to be captured alive. The males would then be castrated and let loose again. This was ACTUALLY proposed by the Ministry of Natural Resources. All of the ranchers thought about this amazing idea for a couple of minutes.


Finally an old fellow in the back of the conference room stood up, tipped his hat back and said: "Son, I don't think you understand our problem. These coyotes ain't screwin' our sheep ..... they're eatin' 'em!"





The meeting never really got back to order.....

Posted (edited)

i lived there untill last october! i agree with the farmer!! if you nueder a pest it still needs to eat. whats it going to eat? its that simple (do you want to pay the money to hunt or protect a pest that doesnt belong here to begin with ? i know that type of attidude is fround apon . ) what do you think????

Edited by saltydawg

Solution ...? Chemical castration.

The all but wiped out rabies by dropping pucks from air planes....could the same not be done for coyote birth control ?

  On 3/8/2011 at 10:07 PM, IndySKS said:

Solution ...? Chemical castration.

The all but wiped out rabies by dropping pucks from air planes....could the same not be done for coyote birth control ?


I have found gunpowder/lead is the only sure FIRE method....with the addition of trapping in no FIRE zones.... :D


I had two on my lawn last night. I often wonder if shooting them with a paint ball gun would deter them from coming around. It's my understanding this is what's used in some US city's.

  On 3/8/2011 at 10:07 PM, IndySKS said:

Solution ...? Chemical castration.

The all but wiped out rabies by dropping pucks from air planes....could the same not be done for coyote birth control ?


It could, but there might be some people really ticked when their dogs are sterile as well. They use to drop right across my property and I had to be alert to go out and pick up the little plastic packs (I could usually find about 8 in the width of my place) and then go dispense them elsewhere in the woods. Otherwise my purebred lab would find them and chew on them.

  On 3/9/2011 at 5:18 PM, Flappn said:

I had two on my lawn last night. I often wonder if shooting them with a paint ball gun would deter them from coming around. It's my understanding this is what's used in some US city's.

I use my paintball hand gun on the racoon's that we get at the cottage all the time. It sure does make them run away and FAST! Tune it up to over 300 FPS and have at'er

  On 3/10/2011 at 1:40 AM, GBW said:

I use my paintball hand gun on the racoon's that we get at the cottage all the time. It sure does make them run away and FAST! Tune it up to over 300 FPS and have at'er



Good to know, I think I might call the Ministry just to double check before I start firing paint balls.

  On 3/10/2011 at 2:34 AM, Flappn said:

Good to know, I think I might call the Ministry just to double check before I start firing paint balls.

shhhh, LOL!

Posted (edited)
  On 3/10/2011 at 1:40 AM, GBW said:

I use my paintball hand gun on the racoon's that we get at the cottage all the time. It sure does make them run away and FAST! Tune it up to over 300 FPS and have at'er



This reminds of something funny.


A few years back my dad had coons invading his backyard every night, ripping up the lawn to get at grubs.


He set out live traps and almost every night he'd trap one.


Usually on his way to work he'd release the coon far enough away from the house..


One day my mother says to him, "how do you know for sure the same racoons aren't coming back? Are you sure you're releasing them far enough away?"


My dad has no answer to that, especially since the racoons weren't really diminishing.


So the next one he trapped he gets a can of orange spray paint and sprays a big orange dot on the coons butt. Figures he'll identify it if it does make it back..


So off he goes to work with this angry coon with the orange butt in the back of his truck.


Problem was he forgot all about the coon.


He had an appointment in downtown Toronto and finally remembered the beast when he pulled into a loading zone in front of a high end mens wear store.


Flustered not knowing what to do he opened the cage, let the thing out in the parking lot and went inside the service entrance of the store.


About 2 minutes later one of the sales girls comes running in the front screaming about this giant painted racoon that looked like it was rabid.


It was running up and down Young Street terrorizing all the yuppies 'till animal control finally came. :lol:

Edited by solopaddler

Solo's story reminded my of when I served as Safety Director for my department on the RR...I had several complaints about raccoons and skunks in the big classification yard we owned in Buffalo.....So I hired a pest control guy to live trap the animals to reduce or at least eliminate the problem.


Only problem is, on the railroad we had many joke-sters among us and some were VERY creative.


At first the guy we hired was successful in trapping several animals and even hauled them away (smarter guy would of let them off at the yard limits so he could recycle them)......so one morning I took a ride around the yard to see if any of his traps had captured anymore animals....rumor was a lot of his traps were right in the ditches next to our service roads....I thought I was going to piss my pants when I rolled up to the first trap only to find a stuffed animal of Big Bird in the trap, next one contained the Fruit Loops Bird, the next Poo Bear.......etc....someone brought in all their kids stuff animals and put one in each trap.....the trapper guy had a fit and quit....LOL


Just thinking about that still makes me LOL... :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

  On 3/10/2011 at 12:16 PM, jediangler said:

Just ship all the Coyotes to Glendale, Arizona. They won't stand a chance.




They would just end up in Winnipeg eventually...

Posted (edited)

so here we go .! almost involved in an accident 2nite south of tottenham because of a coyote. the person in front slammed on thier breaks an i was left with nowhere to go other than the oncomming lane. thank god it was clear .! this got me thinking! maby what we shoud do is trippel the amount we pay for fishing and hunting liceinces raise taxes on rual comunities especialy farmers round them all up (coyotes) hire 2000 transport trucks and ship them out west. that way they could help controll the prarrie dog population. while were at it why not round up all the cockroaches/bedbugs/gobyes and any otherthing that we concider pests or invasive. im shure we would all vote for higher taxes? or shoot the dam things. we are allowed to kill the above mentioned for the most part thank god the worst didnt happen tonite because the dam thing was chasing a CAT!!! SHOOT THEM!!

Edited by saltydawg
  On 3/11/2011 at 3:22 AM, saltydawg said:

so here we go .! almost involved in an accident 2nite south of tottenham because of a coyote. the person in front slammed on thier breaks an i was left with nowhere to go other than the oncomming lane. thank god it was clear .! this got me thinking! maby what we shoud do is trippel the amount we pay for fishing and hunting liceinces raise taxes on rual comunities especialy farmers round them all up (coyotes) hire 2000 transport trucks and ship them out west. that way they could help controll the prarrie dog population. the dam thing was chasing a CAT!!! SHOOT THEM!!


HEY WAIT A MINUTE>>>>>HOLD ON HERE.......let's not get extreme over a few extra coyotes....my western Redneck brothers like to control the prairie dog population with their well stock arsenals. Too many coyotes in that area would throw off the balance of western culture....thfudd.gif..LOL


But the good part of your post was the yote was in pursuit of a CAT...smiley_emoticons_kleeblatt2-1.gif


Not coyote related but intersting I think. Growing up we had quite a large garden and would get raccoons and skunks. Usually the skunks would come in and wreck the corn. What my dad did was balance a big steel garbage can on a wooden bench with a plank leading up and into it. In the bottom of the can would be an ear of peeled corn. The skunks would walk up the plank, into the can and it would fall back onto its base. When my dad saw the can sitting upright, he would grab the garden hose and the lid with a big weight on it, stick the hose in the can and slap the lid on. Problem solved.

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