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Quick Rant


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Some people here are to wrap up in the numbers,whats my post total,how many hits did I get who gives a flying fadoo.


Not much going on in the winter and for me icefishing holds little to no interest and I won`t usually comment on a icefishing report, but I will agree with one thing that a epic report deserves a :thumbsup_anim: and frankly the hi I caught bass reports well...

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if your posting reports to be commended on your efforts....then your posting for the wrong reasons Mike...quite honestly ....bass bore me ...ive read your reports and normally always do they are very well written but i dont post a response ....i didnt even make a comment on your thread when you caught that almost 7 pounder...doesnt mean it wasnt an excellent report of a wicked fish.... just meant (to me ) oh ....nice bass!!!!...to bad its a bass..


there are several reasons i dont post fishing reports on here...a few quick ones would be


1 There are already some great reporters for the fish species im passionate about :thumbsup_anim:

2 My fishing location is accessible by a vehicle for anyone that can put 2+2 together (and i think photoshopping out the scenery is stoopid) :wallbash:

3 Im a techno peasant..heck i just learned to type while keeping my tounge in my mouth :clapping:


remember Mike you dont need validation if it makes YOU feel good!

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You got that right Terry !!! This is the best all round fishing forum i have seen.Joined a couple last summer, one was full to the brim with "PRO" anglers, and when i posted a question it was like being solicitated to buy every brand name lure and rod in the worldblink.gif The other was full of teeny bopper kids more interested in cruiseing and hacking than fishing. When i saw the name Ontario Fishing Community,i wasnt sure, I live in Quebec, if i was allowed to join.But i applied, and was surprised to see other quebecers in here too.

When new to a forum, its hard to get accepted,and find your niche, thats why i get into everyones 'face' and jump right in with both feet.There are some 'clics' in here.members who only reply to 'friends' threads, but that happens everywhere, and is a normal.I have met some really good people on this board, not bad for a guy who joined only 7 months agoclapping.gif


tite lines




See Quebec cant live without us ...lol...

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See Quebec cant live without us ...lol...



yup, thats how i ended up here in 69 during the October Crisis.Dad was sent in by Trudeau to enforce Martial Law. Been flying under the radar ever since....rofl2.gifrofl2.gif

Edited by mercman
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I love the way OFC confirms the statement "nothing new under the sun"...in the 6 or 7(?) years I've been a member here we see the same things over and over...the giant Italian pike...the giant sturgeon...THE SIAMESE PIKE...and of course the "nobody replies to my posts" thread. Fortunately this one doesn't come up nearly as often as the others. Don't take any offense Mike, there's lots of reasons people might not respond, but there's all kinds of people who enjoy those well written, time consuming posts that you and many others make. Sometimes its just easier to comment on non-fishing posts because people are often looking for advice. When you read a great fishing report there often isn't much more to say than "great report"...so what's a guy to do? You can write "great report" 5 times a day, or you can offer practical advice on snow tires, motors or fishing lodges. Let people respond where they want and don't sweat if a report gets only a few responses (even though it may be frustrating after the effort it took to write). Regardless of the # of responses, we all love great fish porn!

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I myself read just about every post but some just don't interest me like hockey etc. I find because I can't type fast, takes a lot of time for me with 1 finger. Not replying to a thread doesn't mean WE don't like reading and getting some good info.

Maybe I bore people with my threads, some reply and lots don't. Coming here is a place to laugh,learn,get info,make friends,and maybe give a little info. You could be right, maybe just reply with the Thumps up emotion. But can you see how many pages we would make on every thread.

Now that you made me type for an hour. You own me a good fishing tip or story :good::D

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Thanks for the comments guys, I'm not in it for numbers. I guess I just didn't understand why there were lot's not writing but that's ok now because i now see lot's of people appreciate the reports that they look at on here...just never put 2 and 2 together. I'm not taking any offence so don't worry, I know I don't just fish to make them and get a bunch of "congrads" but when I fish I take the photo's to put them together, it's good fun for me to tell my story to tones of people when im fishing. Never had people in the family who shared the sport with me and there was a lack of friends in high school who fished, just got drove out and I did my thing....OFC is my second family :P


Keep em coming :)

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I love the way OFC confirms the statement "nothing new under the sun"...in the 6 or 7(?) years I've been a member here we see the same things over and over...the giant Italian pike...the giant sturgeon...THE SIAMESE PIKE...and of course the "nobody replies to my posts" thread. Fortunately this one doesn't come up nearly as often as the others. Don't take any offense Mike, there's lots of reasons people might not respond, but there's all kinds of people who enjoy those well written, time consuming posts that you and many others make. Sometimes its just easier to comment on non-fishing posts because people are often looking for advice. When you read a great fishing report there often isn't much more to say than "great report"...so what's a guy to do? You can write "great report" 5 times a day, or you can offer practical advice on snow tires, motors or fishing lodges. Let people respond where they want and don't sweat if a report gets only a few responses (even though it may be frustrating after the effort it took to write). Regardless of the # of responses, we all love great fish porn!

Well said Rizzo :good: , see Mike while I was writing my reply for an hour, I missed Rizzo's :D

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I know one post you made that got alot of replies... More then I am sure you wanted... Remember the Muskie on a stringer, for you're safety thread?....


Bet you did not want as much attention for that post lol..


all joking aside.... OFC is what it is... OFC is the Mob.. (kinda stolen from Gladiator.)



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Wish I had a little brother or just brother. Good luck bud. Give us a report :good:


And it better be good report Mike cuz the extra 15 minutes it took Fish Farmer to write his last post should be justified with at least 15 pics .... :unsure:



just kidding ...have fun with your little bro ...make the memories to last a lifetime ..


I would say cheers...but im not sure if your old enough to drink so .....


Have a Glass of Kool Aid! :lol:

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I love the way OFC confirms the statement "nothing new under the sun"...in the 6 or 7(?) years I've been a member here we see the same things over and over...the giant Italian pike...the giant sturgeon...THE SIAMESE PIKE...and of course the "nobody replies to my posts" thread. Fortunately this one doesn't come up nearly as often as the others. Don't take any offense Mike, there's lots of reasons people might not respond, but there's all kinds of people who enjoy those well written, time consuming posts that you and many others make. Sometimes its just easier to comment on non-fishing posts because people are often looking for advice. When you read a great fishing report there often isn't much more to say than "great report"...so what's a guy to do? You can write "great report" 5 times a day, or you can offer practical advice on snow tires, motors or fishing lodges. Let people respond where they want and don't sweat if a report gets only a few responses (even though it may be frustrating after the effort it took to write). Regardless of the # of responses, we all love great fish porn!


Hey Mike, i think this sums it up perfectly.


Keep the reports coming...i also appreciate that you regularrly reply to posts i put up. I read your post yesterday but was in 'surf' mode as opposed to 'reply' mode, it was on my to do list as i try to reply to all fishing report threads as i know how much time they take to put together...Gawd only knows how Moosebunk finds the time....lol....and i know i have not replied to some of his...SHAME ON ME.


Like Rizzo says though, this post being a case in point....if it asks for opinion or initiates debate its more likely to get a response, cuz fishing reports tend to be self explanatory.

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And it better be good report Mike cuz the extra 15 minutes it took Fish Farmer to write his last post should be justified with at least 15 pics .... :unsure:



just kidding ...have fun with your little bro ...make the memories to last a lifetime ..


I would say cheers...but im not sure if your old enough to drink so .....


Have a Glass of Kool Aid! :lol:


I'm old enough buddy haha, only by a few weeks though..sad thing I didn't even get to show my ID yet...where was the fun in that haha

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I was just hoping to see u kick some butt in that trip is all Mike... I am pulling for YOU to beat the pro.... ice or soft water... i am pulling for the underdog. :thumbsup_anim:


It's true, he does root for the underdog. He's been a fan of ME for a couple years now. lol

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guess I should have replied yesterday after I read the thread I did read all comments and agree with many of them.


My thing for replying depends on the time I have most times I am reading I dont have alot of time to sit and post replies I just read and go, or I dont have anything to add so I read and go.


I usually check in here and a few other places and then try and get away from the computer maybe I should be posting more kudos for the reports out there if for no other reason then to let the person know that there time was not wasted.


For me and lack of threads heck last year i only got out fishing 4 times since July 5th alot of family stuff and it kept me away from the lake all is good now but the ice is here so the boat will be away until who knows.


Cheers Mike

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I've been calling it ONFN for a long time now. Ontario NON fishing network.


Doesn't bother me at all though, I kinda like the non fishing posts. I think that's why I come here. It sure isn't for reports about fishing, most of them I don't even read LOL.


I don't post them up either, but if someone is asking for info on a place I know about, or have fished recently, I'm always willing to help!



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Hey OFC got a few concerns about this great place. First off I know it's winter and times are slow right now on the board but I keep seeing reports coming and going and we are only getting 10...15...somtimes only 3 or 4 reply's to a report. I love to share reports and put a short story together for members to see but it seems nobody is really taking the time to post and give out a "good job" anymore. I try my best to find reports and give a good job out whenever I see them and it's because this is the best part of OFC to me is to share my catches and view others.


From this comes another question, I know there are lot's of members here that are on the form and just don't post...for whatever reason though we are getting the most replys on pages that have nothing to do with Fishing. This is a great community and off fishing topics are great, but with a armm of fisherman that we have don't you think it's the fishing the members(you) would be paying attention to.


First rant, well see where it goes.


Mike The Bass Fisher


I know what you're saying Mike but the fact is that we're off the water right now and I think most of us aren't that interested in hearing the same old same old rehashed ad nauseum unless it's a truly incredible story.


There doesn't seem to be as much hard water talk as last year but I'm not interested in that so probably am missing the good stuff that's posted.


My take on the posts we're getting right now is that it's nice to see there are members who want to maintain a connection to the site and the other members by finding other material to discuss even if it's not fishing related. I like a lot of the people I've met here and look forward to meeting many more, and reading about our other interests etc is a great way of getting to know the rest of you.


Many similar forums (not necessarily fishing related) are exactly the same. The keeners want pure fishing, or diving, or golf (others I've been active in) but the truth is that after a few years as a serious reader/contributor to an active board you get tired of answering and/or reading the same posts from newbies and new members over and over again and though it often sounds rude to keep sending them to the search function cuz it's been done to death already it's what's gonna happen.


I say just enjoy the posting activity and if it bores you then either find some fresh fishing content to offer in hopes of stirring fun or informative responses, or just take a break till the fishing talk heats up again. There's only so much new gear stuff the guys like 2RR's can offer up and it's great when he and the others can. Newer fisherpersons like you and me don't have as much to offer in terms of experience and gear knowledge. We're still learning and not ready to teach yet although at the rate you're going you'll be on the giving end of the technical stories soon enough. I've been exactly where you are when I first got into scuba diving and was itching to learn everything I could online and hear as many great stories as i could there. But the day came when I was on the old hand side of the forum able to talk the tech talk with the best of 'em and was as guilty as anyone of wandering OT and talking other stuff out of boredom.


Hang in there. The warm water's coming, bud.




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