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We don't even use nite lights at camp... we get Lloyd to sleep in the kitchen and his glow is good enough.


Seriously.. Port Hope's soil is a mess. School yards, you name it, are filled with this crap...not to mention the dump drains into Lake O

  On 11/10/2010 at 3:13 PM, SRT8 said:

That horrible I hope it gets cleaned up .I still can't beleive people eat fish from Lake O


I hear that man. Folks who do might be interested in reading what the americans have to say about eating sport fish from the great lakes, particularly lake ontario. They have a guide much like ours.


Gotta love fear mongering. But hey, if ridiculous articles like this keep people away from fishing the ganny... gonna make salmon and rainbow fishin that much more enjoyable and easier for me. :D

  On 11/10/2010 at 3:59 PM, rapala14 said:

Gotta love fear mongering. But hey, if ridiculous articles like this keep people away from fishing the ganny... gonna make salmon and rainbow fishin that much more enjoyable and easier for me. :D


So from what you say, I assume you keep and eat all your fish? The ugly part of the article is not about "your" fish, it's about the people who already live there and the town itself not being able to bring more folks and businesses in too easily because of the bad publicity. Glad your black boot is more important to you than all of that.

  On 11/10/2010 at 5:06 PM, Craig_Ritchie said:

Thing is, I know someone who moved there partly because of the trout fishing. I hope he doesn't wind up with cancer because of this.


I was this....[ ] close to moving there a few years ago. I heard rumors of the soil and decided against it.


Now we know why the salmon are so big and ugly at Port Hope. Seriously, I didn't know about this toxic soil until this thread. Brutal. When they dig it up, it will stir up the contaminants in the area for sure.


Last I heard, there was a delay on the clean-up of the Hamilton Harbour bottom contaminants due to stirring up badly contaminated sediments. They weren't sure how to safely remove the badly contaminated sediments years ago, and may still be the case? That was many years ago I learned about that, and I don't know what the outcome was, if any.


And we wonder why so many people are getting cancer. There are so many chemicals in our food it's rediculous. I try to eat as much organic food as possible, and I don't eat fish from Lake O, and even rarely from Lake Erie.


I'd rather eat a can of Tuna or a Swordfish steak rather than a Lake O Salmon or Trout - Even before this article came out the intelligent people that fish and care about their health already knew that Lake O is a dumpster for all the other great lakes, and because of big industry and power generation, the Lake simply has elevated levels of toxins that bio-accumulate in fish..... Duuhhh?!?!?!?


I don't care what the size, or how they taste like after you smoke or cook them, I will never eat one of these fish.



You can have them.


I guess that means no Walleye will be eaten from Quinte. :whistling:

I have never eaten any from Quinte since the Walleye we caught there a few years ago. Half the Walleyes weight was tumors. :ninja: I posted the picture on the OFC. But when you think about it. The water that Timmy's uses comes from Lake O. Enjoy your Java boys. :whistling: Chlorine doesn't remove the chemicals. :whistling:


The difference is that the Bay of Quinte flows out into Lake Ontario.... Totally different. Don't get me wrong though, the BOQ has it's own problems with pollution from the paper mill, but generally we're also talking about a different area and fish species altogether.

Posted (edited)
  On 11/11/2010 at 6:17 PM, Chancho said:

The difference is that the Bay of Quinte flows out into Lake Ontario.... Totally different. Don't get me wrong though, the BOQ has it's own problems with pollution from the paper mill, but generally we're also talking about a different area and fish species altogether.

Fall BOQ Pickereyes are typically Lake O residents, the rest of the year... the resident Pickereye population does have to contend with what ever the rivers systems dump into the bay, from the Kawarthas. All of the Kawarthas... that's a lot of farm land to be passing through.

Resident Pickereyes do not taste good, IMHO/IME, so no, I won't eat them either.

Most of the fall run Pickereyes are much too large to eat. so they go back as well.


Edited by Headhunter
  On 11/10/2010 at 4:12 PM, Roy said:

So from what you say, I assume you keep and eat all your fish? The ugly part of the article is not about "your" fish, it's about the people who already live there and the town itself not being able to bring more folks and businesses in too easily because of the bad publicity. Glad your black boot is more important to you than all of that.



Sorry Roy, i didn't mean any disrespect or to poke fun of the struggles that Port Hope has. I didn't mean to imply that my fishing success for trout and salmon is more important than the towns prosperity or safety. I don't keep and eat all my fish (MAYBE/if one or two a year from Lake O or any of its tributaries).


I live in Port Hope and have for 14 years. I see the struggles and hear the concerns first hand that the town has. I read the back and forth articles in Northumberland Today (and when it was Port Hope Evening Guide) between FARE and others.


I am very confident they (AECL with the help of the CNSC) can remove the contaminated soil safely and relocate it in its new home. Which happens to be the old bailey's automotive site.


Here's the problem i have with this particular article. They did a municipal wide clean up of all the contaminated fill from Eldorado (any material that was "X" amount of counts above background radiation... radiation is everywhere) back in the early 80's. If moving this low level radioactive waste is going to kill/severely harm us when we move it NOW, why weren't there major fatalities or major spikes in cancer from towns people and/or workers back in the 80's when they relocated/moved it?


People are, understandably (i certainly am), afraid of the unknown. Radiation is definitely one of them. Just to put things in perspective and how much EVERYONE deals with low and high level radiation on a daily basis here are a couple fun facts. Alot of painted glazed plates are over 100 counts above background (because of the glaze, paint, or combination) which means they are technically low level radioactive waste. For all the guys that quit smoking, GREAT! Here's another good reason to stay off the cigarettes . If you were smoking over a pack a day you were getting over 1300 millirem per year of radiation. To put that in perspective, OPG employees doing radioactive work are only allowed 1000 millirem per year.


The contamination of the soil and lakes from ALL industry is bad. It happens all along the great lakes and thousands of lakes and rivers around the country. People are afraid of Port Hope because (like Roy said) of bad publicity... and this article along with many others (including the bias episode of W5) is definitely bad publicity. I want this clean up to be done and negative stigma around port hope to be done with it. BUT i want it done safely and effectively.


Sorry for the rant, but i thought i should explain myself.

Guest ThisPlaceSucks

Can someone explain to me how an article regarding potential contamination of our great lakes is fear mongering? Methinks ignorance is bliss, and denial is not just a really long river...


Rapala14, I may or may not agree with your philosophy on this but thank you for clearing it up. It really does make so much more sense when the other person's opinion is explained.


Love Canal

Bhopal India

Minamata disease(in Ontario)

Sydbet Tar Ponds in N.S.


Sellafield in th UK (Windscale)

Chelyabinsk Russia Mayak Nuclear plant

Bikini Atolls Casle Bravo

Sandoz Chemical spill

Summitville mine cyanide spill kills all marine life for 17 miles

Gulf Oil spill

Deepwater Horizon oil spill

3 Mile Island

Chalk River 1952

Goiania Brazil 1987

Idaho Falls 1961

Darlington Nuclear pland tritium released into Lake O 2009

etc etc etc etc


And its only gonna keep on happening.




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