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HST is now 20%


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stopped in at the local Food Basics today and picked up a cake..... no HST on the cake..... however.... I also paid my $.05 for a plastic bag to hold it in and much to my suprise there was an additional HST charge of $.01 on a 5 cent bag. so my math puts that at 20% HST. pardon my language but WTH!!!!!!! I know it's only a penny but really, do they need to round that up? If the bag only cost a penny would they round up the HST on that??? (100% HST) just can't win in this province :wallbash:


just my $.02 (+HST) :unsure:



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When you think about all the grocery bags being bought (now almost all grocery stores have 'gone green') per customer, daily... the government is dipping their hand in something else and getting a pretty decent amount if they're getting 1 cent for every grocery bag purchased... that's an extra 1 cent per bag they weren't getting before.. I'd say that's a real problem.

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Guest Johnny Bass

When you think about all the grocery bags being bought (now almost all grocery stores have 'gone green') per customer, daily... the government is dipping their hand in something else and getting a pretty decent amount if they're getting 1 cent for every grocery bag purchased... that's an extra 1 cent per bag they weren't getting before.. I'd say that's a real problem.


I dont have a problem with grocery stores going green.Plastic bags will be a thing of the past(Environmentally unfriendly), BUT! This H.S.T., G.S.T really sucks! How they were able to get away with it? I don't know. History tells of revolutions after revolutions of people who rebelled against their leaders for implementing unfair taxes. Americans cry about having to pay 6%. We are at 13% and taxed on everything.So when is enough, enough? 20%, 30%, 40%??(That's how much of our pay is being tax.)We are taxed when we earn it, when we spend it, ect....


Don't look to the rich or business men. They MAKE money off the G.S.T(they are for it). The Poor? They are not smart enough to see what is going on or to do anything about it(disorganized). And the middle class has somehow become complacent.The money the government makes is enormous. Just on taxes from cigarettes, alcohol,money from lotteries, gas,ect... the gov makes a killing. Where all this money goes is anyones guess.Is there a government webpage that shows how much tax and revenue is made annually(by the government) and how it is spent? If not they should have it!

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The BC leader just stepped down due to his overwhemingly unpopular status...This has a lot to do with the HST he implemented in the province. The LAST this we needed was an 8% hike on things like gas. I just shake my head at Ontario sometimes. Alberta may be cowboy central but at least they know how to make some money off of their resources. Ontario has MASSIVE gold and precious metal deposits (Ring of Fire in James Bay lowlands, Timmins, Kirkland, Wawa) yet they have no idea how to take advantage of it. There was a 100 billion$ Chromite deposit in the Ring of Fire that McGuinty said in Feb 2010 will be our cash cow and what happened........Sold to Cliffs Resources (USA) for 120million! This WAS owned by a 100% canadian company.

Why do loser business men always get into politics? Because they can't make money as loser businessmen.

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Guest Johnny Bass

The BC leader just stepped down due to his overwhemingly unpopular status...This has a lot to do with the HST he implemented in the province. The LAST this we needed was an 8% hike on things like gas. I just shake my head at Ontario sometimes. Alberta may be cowboy central but at least they know how to make some money off of their resources. Ontario has MASSIVE gold and precious metal deposits (Ring of Fire in James Bay lowlands, Timmins, Kirkland, Wawa) yet they have no idea how to take advantage of it. There was a 100 billion$ Chromite deposit in the Ring of Fire that McGuinty said in Feb 2010 will be our cash cow and what happened........Sold to Cliffs Resources (USA) for 120million! This WAS owned by a 100% canadian company.

Why do loser business men always get into politics? Because they can't make money as loser businessmen.


Alberta is getting tons of federal dollars(Our tax money) thrown their way thanks to their puppet conservative leader Harper. Harper is part of the Mulrooney cabal, that started selling us off to the States and every other foreign investor. It should be illegal for the government to sell off or Privatize government infrastructure! That's OUR country's resources and belongs to we the people. We have no Monarchy here in Canada, or do we? :wallbash:


Now the trend is that both the liberals and the conservatives who are both pro money, are selling us off to the highest bidder. This is weakening the Government's over all assets and wealth(and thus influence), and increasing the influence of foreign big business in Canada. I'm guessing these politicians are making back room deals and putting cash in their pockets at the expense of Canadians and our resources. What these politicians do when they come to office is figure out how much money they can put in their pocket, in the short amount of time they are in office. Best way to do that is to raise taxes, sell off government infrastructure or have people start paying for a service that was once free......


I have very little faith in politics, regardless of whether they are liberal, Conservative or NDP. But I say it's time to get the conservatives out of Federal office and put in a liberal French man! They seem to do the best jobs.


McGuinty has to go, and I'd vote for anyone that lowers taxes(I don't think that has every happened in the history of politics, false promises to do so, plenty). I'm glad Ford won as mayor, but only time will tell if he is effective.


We need to start another grass roots political movement here in Canada(and not have it hijacked by the elites like in the USA). First thing you would have to do is open a political site/message board. That would run you minimum $1500 a year. Then you would have to spend some money, advertising it. Then you would have to get followers, and people want to follow someone with influence, and influence is only given to people that are pro elites. But if enough people got together, the elites would be inclined to listen or face backlash.

Edited by Johnny Bass
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Guest Johnny Bass

You are slowly becoming a socialist country and NYS is following your lead....NOT GOOD.


What are you talking about? Our government was more socialist and now we are becoming more capitalist. The government is selling off all government infrastructure and privatizing it.

And the result is the cost of living is soaring! Now we are like America, where Corporations run Government. Not Government runs Corporations. Harper is a puppet of the oil industry. That is who financed this guys rise to power.


Less money the Government has? The less power and influence it has and the less social services it can provide for the people. You think the privatized companies will provide free services? They will start charging for things that were once free.

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Alberta is getting tons of federal dollars(Our tax money) thrown their way thanks to their puppet conservative leader Harper. Harper is part of the Mulrooney cabal, that started selling us off to the States and every other foreign investor. It should be illegal for the government to sell off or Privatize government infrastructure! That's OUR country's resources and belongs to we the people. We have no Monarchy here in Canada, or do we? wallbash.gif


Now the trend is that both the liberals and the conservatives who are both pro money, are selling us off to the highest bidder. This is weakening the Government's over all assets and wealth(and thus influence), and increasing the influence of foreign big business in Canada. I'm guessing these politicians are making back room deals and putting cash in their pockets at the expense of Canadians and our resources. What these politicians do when they come to office is figure out how much money they can put in their pocket, in the short amount of time they are in office. Best way to do that is to raise taxes, or have people start paying for a service that was once free......


I have very little faith in politics, regardless of whether they are liberal, Conservative or NDP. But I say it's time to get the conservatives out of Federal office and put in a liberal French man! They seem to do the best jobs.


McGuinty has to go, and I'd vote for anyone that lowers taxes(I don't think that has every happened in the history of politics, false promises to do so, plenty). I'm glad Ford won as mayor, but only time will tell if he is effective.


We need to start another grass roots political movement here in Canada(and not have it hijacked by the elites like in the USA). First thing you would have to do is open a political site. That would run you minimum $1500 a year. The you would have to spend so money, advertising it. Then you would have to get followers, and people want to follow someone with influence, and influence is only given to people that are pro elites. But if enough people got together, the elites would be inclined to listen or face backlash.



scarey stuff.

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I know exactly how you feel jj no matter what we buy, what we do; there’s always a taxman around with their hand out.

The only thing now is; we can see the taxes we’re paying; not like before GST, where the feds took their bite (at whatever level of tax?), at the manufacturing level and it was hidden in the purchase price. Back then you had to be a frigging accountant to figure out how much of this or that item we bought was tax.

What gets me are things like what they’ve done AGAIN with tires here in Ontario and no one is saying crap about it?

The “Ontario Tire Stewardship fee” of $5.84 per tire; is a fee that is again applied at the manufacturer’s level; sound familiar? No it’s not hidden but it sure is a pretty way of saying TIRE TAX!

A tax that is filtered all the way down to us and guess what; we also have the privilege of paying HST on the $5.84.

We have to make sure they don’t start applying this type of “fee” on other things; just because it’s the “green thing” to do. As far as I’m concerned; the only thing green about this one is the glow from the money they’re getting; it’s not from the grass or trees it’s supposed to save.

Helping the tire recycling businesses get established; yea right! Why should we all be paying to help independent businesses get established? If I’m wrong; where’s the line up for me to get my cut? I have my own recycling business. I eat marigolds and crap out Pot-pourri.

It’s a great line of crap; you’ll get use to the way it smells as long as you don’t look at it to closely; just like this tire fee.

Sorry you got me started JJ? LOL



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Guest Johnny Bass

I know exactly how you feel jj no matter what we buy, what we do; there’s always a taxman around with their hand out.

The only thing now is; we can see the taxes we’re paying; not like before GST, where the feds took their bite (at whatever level of tax?), at the manufacturing level and it was hidden in the purchase price. Back then you had to be a frigging accountant to figure out how much of this or that item we bought was tax.

What gets me are things like what they’ve done AGAIN with tires here in Ontario and no one is saying crap about it?

The “Ontario Tire Stewardship fee” of $5.84 per tire; is a fee that is again applied at the manufacturer’s level; sound familiar? No it’s not hidden but it sure is a pretty way of saying TIRE TAX!

A tax that is filtered all the way down to us and guess what; we also have the privilege of paying HST on the $5.84.

We have to make sure they don’t start applying this type of “fee” on other things; just because it’s the “green thing” to do. As far as I’m concerned; the only thing green about this one is the glow from the money they’re getting; it’s not from the grass or trees it’s supposed to save.

Helping the tire recycling businesses get established; yea right! Why should we all be paying to help independent businesses get established? If I’m wrong; where’s the line up for me to get my cut? I have my own recycling business. I eat marigolds and crap out Pot-pourri.

It’s a great line of crap; you’ll get use to the way it smells as long as you don’t look at it to closely; just like this tire fee.

Sorry you got me started JJ? LOL




I think they put the tire tax because its not environmentally friendly, but someone I believe in Canada? Figured out a way to make sidewalks with it. They are testing it out now to see how it makes out against the cold and salt. If this proves successful? They should remove this tire tax altogether.


And I agree! Why should we help independent businesses get established with our tax dollars? Even if it is a government program. The gov will turn around and sell it to the highest bidder once it becomes profitable anyways!


Speaking of recycling? In Europe they pay YOU for your garbage(Its recycled and used for bio energy).Here they charge US!! Even though they are making a killing with recycling cardboard, paper, wood, plastic, metals, ect....

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We will be taxed until the government gets the perfect/near perfect equilibrium for making max profit. Its like gas prices. If the price of gas is "too high" people stop driving, find other ways of getting around or just cut out certain trips all together etc. If the price of gas is "too low" they're missing out on profits. But if its "just right", people are still doing all the things they want but pay maximum price.


As for the price on plastic bags... thats bull. I don't recall a price drop in any groceries since paying for plastic bags. Or a program put in place to help the environment with the monies made with the implementation of this price on plastic bags. The reusable shopping bags is a great idea. I'm glad people do it. Keep up the good work! But to make people pay for plastic bags all of a sudden and put it under the facade of "going green" is ridiculous. This is the kind of crap that spawns the tire tax and oil filter tax.


Give'em an inch and they'll take a foot

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When you do the math of 13% HST it comes out to 5.65 cents, so it does make sense to round up. Do the environment a favour and buy a reusable bag for 99 cents.



I have many but I also need plastic bags for household things, for example: scooping up dog poop from the back yard as well as the cat litter boxes, since all animal waste that goes into your trash bin is required for health reasons to be double bagged to protect the sanitaion workers that pick it up at curbside be kind of a waste to put it into 2 big black garbage bags.......

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I have many but I also need plastic bags for household things, for example: scooping up dog poop from the back yard as well as the cat litter boxes, since all animal waste that goes into your trash bin is required for health reasons to be double bagged to protect the sanitaion workers that pick it up at curbside be kind of a waste to put it into 2 big black garbage bags.......


Bah, hes one of those people who believe we are running out of land fill space! Believes anything a guy in a suit tells him. Don't bother wasting your breath!

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What are you talking about? Our government was more socialist and now we are becoming more capitalist. The government is selling off all government infrastructure and privatizing it.

And the result is the cost of living is soaring! Now we are like America, where Corporations run Government. Not Government runs Corporations. Harper is a puppet of the oil industry. That is who financed this guys rise to power.


Less money the Government has? The less power and influence it has and the less social services it can provide for the people. You think the privatized companies will provide free services? They will start charging for things that were once free.


Actually you're over-thinking it Johny Boy, it's just anger plain and simple not fear. You see our nation was founded on a capitalistic ideology, it's the main reason why we went on to become the most powerful nation in the world. "Leveling the playing field" is policy that a socialist or communist nation would adopt, which history has shown us, has caused catastrophic outcomes. Us "Tea Party folk" would like to prevent that from happening.

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The Poor? They are not smart enough to see what is going on or to do anything about it(disorganized).


Poor people aren't smart? I can't believe you said that out loud. Are you poor? :lol:


You are slowly becoming a socialist country and NYS is following your lead....NOT GOOD.


Hmmmm....one of these countries owns a major part of the manufacturing sector (automobiles), one of them doesn't. Socialist? Capitalist?


If you think that "leveling the playing field" is not a part of the "capitalist history" of the US, then you haven't been paying attention to history.

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