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Grizzly Bear Photos


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As most of you know I'm back from my trip to Alaska. And if you've been following my posts, you know i've mentioned doing a big write up for the trip. And over these last few days I've started to write...and write some more...and some more...so much that I've had to stop because my write up is turning into a full blown book. I'm even leaving out parts to try and keep it at a reasonable length but I don't feel the story is the same without all the details. So I'm taking a break on it and seriously considering doing a coffee table style book filled with my story as well as lots and lots of photos complete with camera specs/details for each shot. So until I figure out weather or not that's a good idea (feel free to share your thoughts on this as well), here are some of my favorite shots from the trip...enjoy!


Now this is fishing


Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) by bbroderick86, on Flickr


It's quite successful too


Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) by bbroderick86, on Flickr


We saw these 2 bears fighting on 3 seperate occasions. They're just juvenile bears and are only play fighting.....but it made for some fun photos


Grizzly Bear fight (Ursus arctos horribilis) by bbroderick86, on Flickr



Grizzly Bears fighting (Ursus arctos horribilis) by bbroderick86, on Flickr


This little guy was up in a tree just outside our campsite...


Grizzly Bear cub in a tree (Ursus arctos horribilis) by bbroderick86, on Flickr


After seeing these 4 cubs around all week and desperately tring to get them all in one frame, I finally got the shot I was hoping for on the second last day


4 Grizzly Bear cubs (Ursus arctos horribilis) by bbroderick86, on Flickr


I think it's the lighting that really makes this shot one of my personal faves


Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) by bbroderick86, on Flickr


This is how Grizzly Bears dry off


Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) by bbroderick86, on Flickr


This bear had such a nice looking coat...wipe the drool from your chins hunters


Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) by bbroderick86, on Flickr


I personally like this one because it shows the bear in it's environment instead of just being a full frame shot


Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) by bbroderick86, on Flickr


Here's 2 cubs walking down the beach...note the moose shed to the left of the photo


AH3G6220 by bbroderick86, on Flickr


This is a waterfall in Banff


AH3G7220 by bbroderick86, on Flickr


A bull Elk in Jasper


AH3G7191 by bbroderick86, on Flickr


Sunrise over the Brooks River in Katmai...if you look closely you can see 2 bears to the very left of the frame


IMG_2076 by bbroderick86, on Flickr


Spruce Grouse in the Yukon


Grouse in the Yukon by bbroderick86, on Flickr


The Rancheria River in the Yukon


Rancheria River in the Yukon by bbroderick86, on Flickr


The Alaska Highway in Alaska


Alaska Highway in Alaska by bbroderick86, on Flickr


Overlander Falls, British Columbia


Overlander Falls by bbroderick86, on Flickr


Moonrise in Katmai


IMG_2069 by bbroderick86, on Flickr


Here's a lake along side the Alaska Highway in the Yukon


AH3G7058 by bbroderick86, on Flickr


Like I mentioned before these are just my personal favorites. There's LOTS more photos from the trip


For the album of 130+ Grizzly Bear photos click here-->http://www.flickr.com/photos/27701922@N08/sets/72157625061019647/


And for the rest of the trip click here-->http://www.flickr.com/photos/27701922@N08/sets/72157624972925538/


All photos were taken with either a Canon EOS 1D mk IV or a Canon EOS 5D mk II with either a 14mm, 24-70mm, 70-200mm, or 500mm lens.


Thanks for reading!

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Wow is all I can think to say. You really outdid yourself, those pictures are incredible. You really should try publishing a book of the trip. You'd already have customers here for it.


I hope this type of trip is just the beginning for you. Any future plans for more trips, perhaps outside of Canada?


Also, did you ever feel threatened when you were there from the bears?

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haha yeah Cudz, all taken with my Blackberry Curve....it's amazing how far technology has come lol


Governator...No more trips planned forsure at the moment but I would like to spend some more time in Banff/Jasper (at least 2 weeks) and I'd also like to head down to Yellowstone for a week or two. We'll see what my cash situation is like though...turns out driving to Alaska and back isn't cheap in the gas department...who knew?

And to answer your question about the bears - No. There wasn't a single moment where one of the bears acted aggresively at all. Actually that was one of the neatest parts about the whole trip...being that close to such huge animals and it was almost like there was this mutual respect between us...We stayed out of their way, they didn't eat us...keep in mind that where I was shooting is a pretty popular spot to photograph Grizzlies (Brooks Falls/River) so the bears are used to people being around. I wouldn't dare get that close to bears that don't see much human activity.

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I gotta say, you certainly have adequate content for that book judging from the sampling of photos shared here!


It really makes me want to go drop a few grand on a decent camera and lens package and take a course to learn how to properly capture the memories and beauty we are often surrounded by when trying to trick those scaly critters with gills into biting our lures. Your photos certainly capture that experience of being outside in the wild very vividly. clapping.gif

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Brendon, I always enjoy looking at the pictures you take and you certainly know how to capture the moment with your camera :worthy::clapping::thumbsup_anim:B)

The pics in this post are stunning to say the least :w00t:


I was really looking forward to your full report and appreciate you giving us a taste of it in this post but at the same time, I understand you wanted to take a step back to reflect upon what has transpired and may be create a book of a tremendous trip that you were able to take part of :clapping:


Only one word comes to mind..... and this word is EXCELLENCE :worthy::worthy::clapping::clapping:

Take a bow, you deserve it :worthy:

Thanks for sharing!!!


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