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Posted (edited)

I continue to have constant visitors to camera but all but one are Does. I don't have an antler-less tag. Here are a few of the better ones. I can't believe that I am not catching any bigger bucks on camera.







Edited by Skud

To warm in my opinion to get them moving around Doug. My cams in the truck,pooched.

I,ll let it be a surprise when they show up at my stand.LOL


Nice pics bud.


You good for saturday or working?


I will be working on Saturday for sure and hope to be sitting in my blind on Sunday. Two more different small bucks have paid a visit to my camera but only at night.


best idea would be to move your camera to a better location. they have been making rubs and scrapes for the past 2 weeks around here so if there are any bucks around you should have pics of them by now.


temperature has little to no impact as they will always be moving at some point, but mostly at night if its warm out. its a myth that warm temps will put a hold on the rut and buck activity. the only truth to this is that deer will move around more at night during higher temps to avoid the heat. studies have shown that the rut will happen around the same time year after year no matter what the temps are.

  On 10/28/2010 at 7:40 PM, ch312 said:

best idea would be to move your camera to a better location. they have been making rubs and scrapes for the past 2 weeks around here so if there are any bucks around you should have pics of them by now.


temperature has little to no impact as they will always be moving at some point, but mostly at night if its warm out. its a myth that warm temps will put a hold on the rut and buck activity. the only truth to this is that deer will move around more at night during higher temps to avoid the heat. studies have shown that the rut will happen around the same time year after year no matter what the temps are.



So i guess its a myth that bucks chase around does during the rut too? rofl2.gif


Bucks rub and scrape during the pre rut do they not? Sort of like a " hey i run this section of bush" kind of thing. Then carry it on into the rut.

In a perfect world yes i'd be looking for tell tale sign of bucks but when you are limited to only hunt a certain area be it 200 acres or 20 acres. Sometimes you have no choice to stay put....

If you have a lot of does coming to your stand dont you worry the bucks will follow when its time for the jiggy jiggy. Only thing is you have to be there! canadian.gif


Yes I am limited to a small area to hunt. The adjacent properties hold the deer but they travel through my corner of the woods when they travel from their food source to their bedding areas. They only bed in my area come winter. Once the controlled hunt happens I will only get pics of bucks at night. The ladies are around every day though. I hope this weekend is productive with the lower temps coming.

Posted (edited)
So i guess its a myth that bucks chase around does during the rut too?


Bucks rub and scrape during the pre rut do they not? Sort of like a " hey i run this section of bush" kind of thing. Then carry it on into the rut.

In a perfect world yes i'd be looking for tell tale sign of bucks but when you are limited to only hunt a certain area be it 200 acres or 20 acres. Sometimes you have no choice to stay put....

If you have a lot of does coming to your stand dont you worry the bucks will follow when its time for the jiggy jiggy. Only thing is you have to be there!



TY Buckster.




  On 10/28/2010 at 1:04 AM, Skud said:

I will be working on Saturday for sure and hope to be sitting in my blind on Sunday. Two more different small bucks have paid a visit to my camera but only at night.


Totally understand bud. Im in deer mode now.Weekends are mine for the next two months,then work can have my soul. :devil:


I,ll be sitting sat and sun for a bit,setting up the ground blind sun,just west of the stand I had you in.


Good luck on sunday.





Enjoy the game. ;)

Edited by BrianB
Posted (edited)
  On 10/28/2010 at 9:11 PM, buckster said:

So i guess its a myth that bucks chase around does during the rut too?


so, you're saying that temps DO determine when the rut happens? if so, you're wrong ;)



bucks will begin making rubs early in the season as soon as their antlers harden up. then they start making scrapes during the pre rut and continue to make and freshen scrapes during the rut. these are the main communication method for bucks and does during mating season while rubs are more geared towards buck to buck communication.


obviously its not a myth that bucks chase does during the rut, but they'll also start chasing during the pre rut which is on now in ontario. matter of fact i watched a buck tailing a doe off merritt road in welland yesterday.


brian stated "To warm in my opinion to get them moving around Doug" which is a very common myth that warm temps will slow down buck activity during the pre rut and rut. this statement implies that its the warm weather to blame for the OP not seeing any bucks when its either a bad location or there are no bucks in the area. during the peak of the rut the OP may see a buck or two that is cruising through the area looking for receptive does, but chances are he wont be seen again unless he hooks up with a doe that chooses to stay in the area.


so, the location of the camera is not good because there have not been any decent bucks yet which tells you that there arent any shooter bucks at that location. like i said, if you arent seeing resident bucks the only chance is for a buck that is searching for some love and those chances are slim.


the OP was wondering why he isnt seeing any and i was telling him why. considering he only has a buck tag, i'd highly recommend finding a new location if he wants something bigger than that 4 point.



get off the beaten trail and look for buck sign outside of the "traditional" areas to try and locate another bucks hangout to better your odds ;)

Edited by ch312
  On 10/29/2010 at 2:15 AM, buckster said:


You did make some good points but you should have a read



as he mentioned, it's all theory and nobody really knows the answers. the comments where nearly half disagree with his theory on temperature is a perfect example.


do you really think that evolution would make deer rely on temperature for breeding when they only have 1 or 2 offspring? if that were the case then the first rut wouldnt happen until mid december some years with the 2nd rut being mid january. with a gestation period of 6.5-7 months that would mean the fawns wouldnt be born until july and august which definitely isnt enough time for a fawn to grow before winter.


evolution usually makes sense and an animal like this relying on temps simply doesnt make any sense. i've seen the same rutting activity through warm and cold falls.


but, thats just one mans opinion and experience:D


The rutt is just beginning here in FE and the musky smell when you get close is really strong.


Those are some beautiful looking carrots there :D .

Do they make better or cheaper bait than apples?


The years that we have had these warmer then normal fall temps,I have seen scrapes later in the month and early Dec. I strongly believe it is different everywhere.South region to up north,temps are different making for different rut time.IMO


No matter,it,s hunt,n time.


Good luck,shoot straight and be safe out there,dont forget your orange wear. :canadian:


The rut is definatly starting. Saw 2 bucks last night. 1 six point that slid behind my stand but I couldnt get a clear shot...thank god he didnt even notice me, and the BIGGEST whitetail of my life an easy 300lb+ 11 point with a 15 inch drop time on the left side!An easy 180 point animal , never even seen one close to this!

The spread was out of this world and the mass was insane!

Got a great look at him as he was 5 feet away from my BUMPER!!!!!! Almost hit him, he froze in the middle of the road after jumping out of the ditch!

He was only 4 miles away from my stand but unfortunatly there is a highway between him and me.


I dont think I could shoot if he came under my stand I would be so jacked!

Posted (edited)

The rut is triggered mostly by Photo-Period, the amount of daylight received during the day.As the days get shorter this will trigger the does to cycle and go into esterus, temperature really has nothing to do with it. This is why the rut is so predictable year after year, local weather conditions can however influence the movement of deer from day to day. The peak time of esterus is usually around Nov 15 this date was found from dating fetuses from road killed does.If a doe is not mated at this time they will come into esterus 28 days later, hence the second rut in Dec.

Edited by canadadude

heh...got my petersens hunting nov 2010 just in time. i cant find it online though.


Mythbusters, Ten Rut Lies Debunked.




its too hot for deer to rut


Reality Check:


while a good blast of cold will usually put deer on their feet more during the days as the rut kicks in and consecutive days of soaring mercury can make it appear to shut down, the truth is, deer in a particular area are going to breed at roughly the same time every year regardless of what the weatherman delivers. biologist after biologist will confirm this. hot weather may force rut weary bucks to chase and seek more at night than during the day, meaning hunters wont see them moving as much and mistake the lack of activity for a shut down rut, but the fact remains : its still going on. hot weather wont force the rut to start weeks later, or as ive heard some hunters suggest, not take place at all any more than prematurely cold weather would kick in the rut a week or more early. if you have a good feel for when the rut typically kicks in year after year, thats when you want to be on a stand, regardless of what the weather is doing.



a deer is a deer and it doesnt matter if you're in windsor or north bay, the rut is going to happen at roughly the same time every year. like i said before, evolution wouldnt make an animal with only 1 or 2 offspring rely on something as unpredictable as weather for breeding.


many of the common myths about deer hunting seem to be continued by older fellas that rely on what their dads told them and not what well educated biologists and pro hunters who shoot hundreds of deer tell us.


my dad is one of those guys and it sure can lead to some long debates which are always fun :thumbsup_anim::D

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