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Another great steelhead weekend


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Had a awsome weekend landing 4 beautiful bows and loosing two tanks. One literally jumped over a log on the other side of the river and looped back under it back into the pool popping out the hook and the other at my feet braking the hook in half and swimming away with some sweet looking purple flash whooley bugger to show his buddies.

Water was cloudy and up Saturday so I used the black beaded bugger and went 3 for 4 and then it started raining so I packed it in. Rained all night pretty much.I got up Sunday morning the river was high and muddy looking and it was raining still. Decided to do some chores around the trailer...About 2.30pm it stopped raining the sun came out. What the heck lets give it a try. River was high and dirty but there were a few pools still running pretty slow. Tied on my favourite mid day stained water fly(purple flash bugger)and started working the slower water. Took about 15 drifts and then my float went down like a ton of bricks. Set the hook and the fight was on. This fish was staying deep in the main pool using its weight to bulldoze around. I new it was a bigger fish. Finally it tired after about five minutes,rolling on the surface.I finally see it clearly and its an easy ten pound buck if not more.Gradually I coaxed it to the side of the river like all the others. Just as I was to beach it on the soft silty bank it took one last roll some how gaining leverage and snapping the fly hook in two and then bolting back into the pool...Wow, I was truly impressed with this big bucks performance just as I was with the steel from the day before that jumped over the log...I just wish I could of got a pic of the big fella before he made his way back into the pool.

Heres a couple pics I took from Saturday


Isn't this little guy a handsome fella !!





Can't wait till next weekend !!!

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Ya guys,crappy weather fer sure both days with high dirty water conditions but it just goes to show ya you can still get them in the muck. :)

Ya Roy,my muskiestudd days are pretty much a thing of the past. Things could change in a heartbeat though bud. Just like anything other fish you can increase your odds ten fold by putting yourself in the right place at the right time....June is coming quick !!!

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Beautiful, Chris! Great looking fish. I guess the name Muskiestudd is put to rest for good now? :D

Now that I come to think of it Roy,lets not forget this moment cause last time I checked Muskie are part of the Essox family,right ???

30475_10150224745620105_746020104_13011683_2131343_n.jpg:tease: :tease: :tease:

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Is it me, or are fall spawn steelies getting their spawning colours really early? I've caught tons of rosy cheek'd fish, I thought they only got their spawning colours later in November (but I could easily be wrong, plz correct me). Either way those are some gorgous chrome's.

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Is it me, or are fall spawn steelies getting their spawning colours really early? I've caught tons of rosy cheek'd fish, I thought they only got their spawning colours later in November (but I could easily be wrong, plz correct me). Either way those are some gorgous chrome's.

Not only were these fish colored up but that buck that got loose had a huge kipe on him all ready which was quite a surprise.

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Is it me, or are fall spawn steelies getting their spawning colours really early? I've caught tons of rosy cheek'd fish, I thought they only got their spawning colours later in November (but I could easily be wrong, plz correct me). Either way those are some gorgous chrome's.



I think, and it's just my opinion that they came in a bit earlier than normal this year so they are getting colored up earlier as well I know I caught my first steely 3-4 weeks earlier than last year.

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