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With all do respect to BITEME, one brave trooper ....


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Many years ago, my brother got the same treatment from 3 thugs,while he was home on leave. The next time he was home,he caught all 3 by themselves and put them all in hospital.

By the way, he was with the S.A.S..............Their mistake.

An Eye for an Eye!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh I think he should be hung alright but not by the neck! Make that noose out of snare wire Sam! :stretcher:


What I would really like to see though is him be sent over there to serve a tour of duty with our boys. We'd see how brave he was then!

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Mr. Travis Baldwin will probably get community service as his punishment. He should serve it in Afganistan cleaning up in minefield areas.

Edited by Garyv
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Four cowards attacked and beat up Master Cpl. Collin Fitzgerald. Travis Baldwin, a Morristown, Ontario resident was the only one arrested. Perhaps someone in the area can encourage the judicial system to award Travis with an appropriate sentence for his involvement.

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"Following the beating, witnesses told Master Cpl. Fitzgerald one of the men said, "What kind of a hero are you now' as he was being pulled off of him."

Up until a few minutes ago I was proud to tell people I grew up in Morrisburg. They should send this punk overseas for a while.

Edited by Spiel
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There are alot of idiots in this world but there are always those extra special ones......to attack a soldier, a person that risks his/her life for others, well, I am just sick......the four ?? (can't even call them people) ought to be shipped out of Canada. Why should they ever again benefit from the freedon etc that our soldiers have fought and died for.

Sorry......I am just sick and soooo angry



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Damn good thing they didnt mess with a Cammando. In the old days, the boys from Petawawa would find these cowards and give them a taste of their own medicine. Not Sure if Fitz is with Para Coy or not. But I would not be surprised if you find these spineless so called tough guys crying for their mommy one of these days soon. Give us names

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This stuff just makes my blood boil...

Having been the victim of an unprovoked attack by mulitple asailants...this "jump from behind" method of cowardace makes me want to throw things....


Tough guys when they are in a pack attacking a completely unsuspecting person...from behind....with a weapon yet?


Simply because he was decorated soldier?

Those little punks have no idea what that soldier went through, or what he did to earn those medals....

They are not worthy to sit in the same room as him IMO.


Send them to prison for a year or two...let them see how "not" tough they really are, and learn the lesson their own way.


Panzy Assed punks....They make me want to puke.

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Don't send him to prison!, I would sentence him to two weeks of basic training and let all the soldiers and drill sergeants know why he was there. NOW LETS SEE HOW TOUGH YOU ARE! And to the soldier I would like to say THANK YOU for protecting mine and my families freedom!

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