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Oops, another new TAX !! N/F


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:whistling: I dont know much about it,but, I see a new Eco-tax has been slipped in under cover of the HST ! :(:(

Apparently manufactures that make Non-recyclable items now have to pay this new TAX. Which of course WILL be passed on to us. :blahblah1:

Anyone else see this in the newspaper ???

Edited by Nanook
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The tax is an additional 13% on certain goods and services that "cause a direct adverse impact on the environment"... whatever that means. Here are a list of a few items that fall under the new tax. I wouldn't be surprised if Ontarian were in favor of this if there was some proof that this money was actually being used to develop long term energy solutions, but aside from talk of a few windmills, really there has been nothing.


* Air conditioners

* Lamps

* Smoke alarms

* Car polish

* Calculators

* Lighters and Matches

* Electric razors

* Electric toothbrushes

* Travel alarm clocks

* Camcorders

* Lock de-icer

* Batteries

* Fire extinguishers

* Paint in an aerosol can

* Tire pressure gauges

* Bath Toys

* Sunblock

* Toilet cleaner

* Drywall putty

* Lantern

* Electric screw-drivers

* Mouse Traps

* Flashlight

* Answering machines

* Laundry Detergent

* Propane BBQ

* Swiffers





I can't wait to vote out that little poodle Failton McGUILTY

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I can't wait to vote out that little poodle Failton McGUILTY


I can't wait to hear who you want to vote in. Our political world is awash in "little poodles" and all we get to choose between is the kind of poodle crap we have to live with.



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Heh, I didn't choose the word "poodle", the forum software opted to change the previous word to that as a filter :P. Honestly, the guy has just continued to cause public outrage with a LOOOOOONG list of liberal fails... Every time I read the headlines its like we're being treated like dumb children. "MummyDaddy says you can't have this...MummyDaddy did this without you know, for your own good".


Who else would I vote for? Anyone who is fiscally responsible. Will the real conservative premier please stand up?


Quite frankly, give me 15 minutes and I can train my dog to be a better premier than Dalton, and he already knows "sit", and "shake"...

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Heh, I didn't choose the word "poodle", the forum software opted to change the previous word to that as a filter :P. Honestly, the guy has just continued to cause public outrage with a LOOOOOONG list of liberal fails... Every time I read the headlines its like we're being treated like dumb children. "MummyDaddy says you can't have this...MummyDaddy did this without you know, for your own good".


Who else would I vote for? Anyone who is fiscally responsible. Will the real conservative premier please stand up?


Quite frankly, give me 15 minutes and I can train my dog to be a better premier than Dalton, and he already knows "sit", and "shake"...


I dunno. It was that "anything but these guys" mentality that got us the NDP mess years back. We've almost got all the lasting evidence cleaned up though.



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well- bottom line here is this: With a HST and the Eco tax-- doesn't anyone get the feeling that this is the CARBON tax or a hidden cap-n-trade tax?


If you look at the list of things taxed-- ALL to do with Carbon.


And please let me the first to REMIND everyone that ---




Ask your self - where this money is going to go - or help.

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I dunno. It was that "anything but these guys" mentality that got us the NDP mess years back. We've almost got all the lasting evidence cleaned up though.





Haha the most entertaining evidence still exists - a legion of hateful TDSB Teachers who, if happen to encounter Mike Harris in a dark alley, would surely take advantage of the scenario, if you get my drift. I'll finish my teaching certification in August, but during my practicum I was surprised to see that the effect Mike Harris had on educators is still very strong.


Ill always remember this moment in time, not for greatness, but for sheer comedy. Sometime in the late 90's, when Nelson Mandela came to Canada, he spoke at the Skydome for a packet house of middle school students from Toronto. When Mike Harris stepped up to make a speech, every kid in the entire building BOOOed as loud as they could, to the point that Harris's speech was inaudible on TV. Not to downplay the legacy of a true humanitarian (Mandela obviously), but I will always remember how good it felt to give that ass my loudest disapproval.

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Haha the most entertaining evidence still exists - a legion of hateful TDSB Teachers who, if happen to encounter Mike Harris in a dark alley, would surely take advantage of the scenario, if you get my drift. I'll finish my teaching certification in August, but during my practicum I was surprised to see that the effect Mike Harris had on educators is still very strong.


Ill always remember this moment in time, not for greatness, but for sheer comedy. Sometime in the late 90's, when Nelson Mandela came to Canada, he spoke at the Skydome for a packet house of middle school students from Toronto. When Mike Harris stepped up to make a speech, every kid in the entire building BOOOed as loud as they could, to the point that Harris's speech was inaudible on TV. Not to downplay the legacy of a true humanitarian (Mandela obviously), but I will always remember how good it felt to give that ass my loudest disapproval.


I know it's just cockeyed optimism but I hope I live to see the day when we have just one truly "responsible" government. I have no idea how it can even begin to happen with the cynicism & corrup attitude so prevalent in our various levels of government, but hey, I can hope.



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Is anyone really surprised by this? Our governements have spent huge sums of money on "stimulus" in order to get our economies out of the toilet. The deficits are massive and the bills need to be paid. Slippin another tax past the public is nothing compared to the heat they will have to endure when we finally get to know how much our governments owe.

May I be so bold as to suggest that we start to prepare ourselves for even more taxation? If McSquinty doesn't get re-elected, guess what the new goverment is going to do? They'll tell us that our finances are in worse shape then they thought and they will up our taxes even further.

There is no win for the little guy, so I suggest that we simply continue to bend over, and if you do, hopfully it will be grabbing a fish at the side of the boat. At least that way you are doing something you like will getting stooped!

See ya all in a week, I'm on vacation in 15 minutes!


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In today'e political environment, the parties put up crowd pleasers as their leadership hopefuls. Diminutive eggheads, mommas boys and non descript nobodies.

No person with real, drive, talent or ambition will be put forward. Too risky politically in the public eye and too uncontrollable for the back room brokers. John Tory was too non-descript to garner the needed support. The next premier of Ontario will be in the mold of another Stephen Harper; a momma's boy. Tim Hudak.


And I guarantee that no taxes will be scrapped once he is elected.

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...but I hope I live to see the day when we have just one truly "responsible" government...


John, theres one word here that we all will never happen with this Canadian goverment,,,,,,,That word is "responsible" Never have they been"responsible" Just put out new plans to cut this and cut that.

Im a simple blue collar guy,not much for the political crap.But I know when my pocket has been picked. Work my ass off and get what????JUST ENOUGH TO MAKE A LIVING AND PAY THESE TIGHT TIE PULLING ASS WIPES A FREE RIDE TO SAY THIS AND THAT.




Sorry about this rant,but have been working 60+ hours a week ,the past 6 weeks and getting a bit heated. :canadian::canadian:

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