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Gettin Ugly


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Looks like it's getting ugly.


If they are trying to make a point about their cause, I sure don't know how this helps. I have no idea what their cause is and I'm sure the majority of people don't.


Unbelieveable...and they will wonder why they get gassed and complain to anyone that will listen. Where has common sense gone?




Hope nobody gets hurt





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Looks like it's getting ugly.


If they are trying to make a point about their cause, I sure don't know how this helps. I have no idea what their cause is and I'm sure the majority of people don't.


Unbelieveable...and they will wonder why they get gassed and complain to anyone that will listen. Where has common sense gone?




Hope nobody gets hurt







Sad day for Toronto, for Ontario, for Canada. These people are not protesters they are terrorists and should be treated as such.


You can't tell me everyone didn't know this was going to happen.



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This whole G8 & G20 should've been done via video/web conference like any fortune 500 company would've done and saved the tax payers billions just like it saves the companies and the investors money to help increase ROE.


That's all I've got to say on the subject.


Cheers G.

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They are cowards. The group hid amongst the peaceful protester, disguised in "street" clothes. They sneak off from the group in street clothes, make a swap to all black clothes, and cause petty violence. The goal is to promote fear and violence, not any cause or reason. After they smash a few windows, torch some police cars they swap back to their street clothes and continue to mix in the calm crowd.


Nobody cares about their cause because nobody respects their voice.


To the men and women of the Toronto Police that keep our city safe everyday, break out that sound cannon and deafen some "anarchists" the next time they decide to do this.

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just got a call 15 minutes ago from my wife and daughter all freaked out. They came out of my daughters Taekwondo tournament at Ryerson and were in the middle of it.

They got in to a cab and the cab was immediately surrounded by "protesters" !


"protesters" started rocking the cab,.... the cabbie got the hell outa there :worthy:


Cabbie got them to the subway system and they are now enroute to their car in North York via subway :worthy:



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I'm more than a little disappointed in Peter Mansbridge today. It's almost like he's speaking out against basic law and order. I know it's popular for the media to be hard on the establishment but this goes way beyond simply "speaking for the little man" - the little man who coincidentally pays for all the tv marketing and indirectly Mansbridge's huge pay cheque - and amounts to siding with a few avowed masked anarchists who, as has been said already, have a declared purpose only to disrupt Toronto in any way possible.


He was thrilled when he got Miller to call them "thugs" and is now dropping it into every second line he spouts. I want someone to ask him how he would characterize the anarchists. I suppose he might call them "entertainment".


I'm impressed with the restraint the cops have shown. How hard do you think it is not to slap down some of those clowns as they taunt. I have no idea how the one cop (he looked Asian) didn't give the goof getting in his face a quick jab in the horn. It's obvious the anarchists want the police to retaliate or even take counter-offensive steps. They really just want to get things started and hope the "soft" demonstrators will get pulled into the resulting mess. Then the press can have a ball criticising the powers that be for beating up on the poor innocent peaceful demonstrators. And all the poseurs and thrill-seekers really need to rethink their prancing around in front of the police barricades and security lines. They're really just helping the anarchists to accomplish their useless ends but they're having too much fun to get it.


I wonder how many of these yahoos would show up if this conference was held in the middle of the Sahara or even on the Canadian tundra.





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I'm impressed with the restraint the cops have shown. How hard do you think it is not to slap down some of those clowns as they taunt. I have no idea how the one cop (he looked Asian) didn't give the goof getting in his face a quick jab in the horn


Yea I seen that and said to self,thump the piece of crap,but like you said John,just what they want.


There is a rumor that tonight,it will get wilder.

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Everytime the same Bull!Every summit meeting! Throw your opinion out peacefully !Theres no need to put the general public or the enforcement in any danger!Geeze these so called radicicals,when this is all done and they are in need of assistance by the police force.They will still help!Its their job to do so!And im sure they want to go home to their wives and kids!

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Guest gbfisher

So when are you going down??


Oh wait, you're one of the armchair naysayersthat think the know what its like being in a riot...



I think you misinterpret what I have been sayin dude. I'm all for you guys busting heads of idiots who turn a somewhat tame protest into the fiasco. I've already stated I wouldnt want to be down there riot or no riot...and also stated that it give everyone the right to be a jerk.... :whistling:



ooops....I dint read what you said after this quote.... :sarcasm:

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I think you misinterpret what I have been sayin dude. I'm all for you guys busting heads of idiots who turn a somewhat tame protest into the fiasco. I've already stated I wouldnt want to be down there riot or no riot...and also stated that it give everyone the right to be a jerk.... :whistling:



ooops....I dint read what you said after this quote.... :sarcasm:




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Guys, please remember those involved with the violence were not protesters....


Its a group called the black box. They declared war on Toronto a long time ago and had officially stated that this weekend they will be there to destroy the fence and harm all of the police...



Just wondering, if they declared war on Toronto a long time ago and said they would be there to destroy the fence and harm all police why doesn't the police know who is involved with this group. On the news they said that CSIS had vehicles driving around while the "protesting" was being done. Surely CSIS has a file on these guys too.


So how many were arrested? I guess we will have to wait until tomorrow when they show up again.


The "protesters" that were jabbing police with flag staffs in the head and face were not dressed in black. I guess these are the peaceful ones you are talking about. The only peaceful ones I saw were on the sidelines watching the terrorists do their job and doing it well.


I have a lot of respect for the police and wouldn't want their job but lately in Canada if you want to break the law just get a large group of people together and you will get away with it.



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Guest gbfisher

The "protesters" that were jabbing police with flag staffs in the head and face were not dressed in black.



They sure were.

Next time you see the clip take a look. There's two BB's that are starting the Bull... Cameras look away quickly but you can see them there.

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