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Tom the Brown Trout


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Tom the brown lives near Streetsville town, where the Credit flows right through

He lived in there, without a care, till May twenty-two


He munched all day on river crays, as well as minnows and frogs.

He hid concealed awaiting his meal, beneath his favourite log


A snaggy hole for fishermen’s poles Tom was a secret fish.

No eagles nor otters or river trotters, He never became a dish.


One spring day later on in May, Mike walked the banks with stealth

He slid and crawled towards the brown on his belly without a sound


Mike tied on a spinner his favourite lure, a lure with noise and flash.

It’s made of metal with a bit of fur, it’s a lure that’s bright and brash


Beneath the log where Tom did lie, Mike pitched the lure to the stream.

Beneath the surface the spinner spun, the blade brightly beamed.


Tom the brown could not resist the shiny looking meal

It flashed and shimmied like a minnow, a minnow that was real


Tom the brown took the spinner down into his big, wide yap

For a second Tom was a little confused, till Mike gave a snap


Mike set the hook and all hell broke lose, the trout jumped then dove.

Tom the brown was a little scared he’d end up on the stove


The reel sung loud and the rod was bent, while pulling Tom away from snags.

No matter how hard Mike did pull, Tom swam toward the crags


A minute or two of give and take, Mike got the upper hand

Into the net like a now tamed pet, it was a sight so beautifully grand


Golden flanks dotted with dark black spots, shone brightly in the sun.

Mike gently unhooked the lure with care, with great relief that he had won.


To Tom’s relief that Mike wouldn’t eat, the gorgeous trout Tom be.

Mike let him go to the stream again for another angler Tom could see


Tom the brown lives near Streetsville town where the Credit flows right through

He lives in there, but with some care to not meet angler number two





Tom the brown at 17 inches long…The largest resident trout I’ve landed with the UL setup so far





Also met:


Tom Jr





Sally speck



Beth the Brookie



Bob the brookie



Charles the mini Chinny



Beautiful spotting pattern



This one was too small to name but it was beautifully coloured. I’ve never caught a brookie coloured like this before.




Some other friends I made on my trip while wandering the back-roads…I named the white one Craig and the brown one Sinker…They proved helpful this weekend…Many thanks ;):)



I spent 16hrs hrs fishing through mosquito hell yesterday landing a few dozen brookies and a few browns. I scouted and fished 6 streams, 4 of which produced trout of some type...A couple surprise steelhead also succumbed to the spinners as well. Just couldn’t handle stretching the trip to the 20-24hrs I was hoping for…The mozzies swarmed like bees all day…Literally :blink: ...It got much worse at sun-down (which I didn't think was possible)...but I stayed a few extra hours till 11pm tempting the fish of my dreams to hit - only to have the hook pop out as I briefly touched its tail :wallbash: it wouldn't fit in my net :( …DEET kept the bugs at bay for the most part…I still got bit in places I never imagined I would :o Next time I head out, I need someone to stroll around the forest topless in shorts as my decoy :w00t: Any volunteers? :D


Hope you enjoyed





For those who are wondering…Tom and his friends may or may not exactly live near Streetsville where the Credit flows right through… :whistling:;)

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Sounds like you're really into it Mike. Great report and pics....those words sound as though they could be put to music in a Lightfoot fashion. Excellent and thanks for taking the time to post that.

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Very nice, the pics and the poem. Fun knowing where a big one lives and how many times you can fool him in a small piece of water. The chinny really is a strange one, early run jack ?? a smolt that never went to the lake ?? its way bigger than most before they hit the big water.

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Sounds like you're really into it Mike. Great report and pics....those words sound as though they could be put to music in a Lightfoot fashion. Excellent and thanks for taking the time to post that.


Thanks Roy :)





Hey Scott...I don't swing that way either...But I have to admit I did give him a kiss before I set him on his way :D


Very nice, the pics and the poem. Fun knowing where a big one lives and how many times you can fool him in a small piece of water. The chinny really is a strange one, early run jack ?? a smolt that never went to the lake ?? its way bigger than most before they hit the big water.


Around 10pm I saw the big brown swim downstream from a log jam into the pool I was fishing – I had a feeling it would produce considering it looked too good not to produce anything during the day…At first I thought it was a steelhead. Every few minutes he would come up to the surface and splash…I took your advice and drifted a big dewy without any weight on the line from my upstream position. I was feeding the line off the spool as it drifted downstream...He took…Unfortunately after 4 minutes he came undone :( …He looked as big as a 4lb steelhead. Out of desperation, I waded into the water, arched across the pool in the shallows and stood in front of another set of logs so he wouldn’t go under…I wanted that fish bad! :lol:


I stuck it out for another hour but unfortunately he wouldn’t hit again - I also didn't see him surface again either :(


I've caught tons of chinny smolts in the past before...Never one like that...If he was a jack, I guess his hormones kicked in a little early :lol:

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Thanks guys...With carp spawning at my local swims, I may give the trout thing 1 more shot next weekend...Hopefully I'll be able to stock up on those Thermacell and insect defend patch thingies before I wander around the forests again. I thought I was witnessing a hatch of daddy-long legs...Until they started sucking my blood...


I must exact revenge to the biggun that violated me last night!

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