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Montreal Canadiens

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somebody is bitter!


Nope not at all....I'm a Sens fan through and through.


Just stating the obvious.....actually I would like to see the habs win as Canadas team but I just don't see the talent on the team supporting the hot goaltending for much longer.



Edited by muskymatt
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Now that was a great come back :canadian: Not so much in the second period but the third.... they did come out to play :worthy:


Referring on the other hand favored one team..... almost took my 12 gauge and shoot the dam 48" flat screen :blink: and that is all I'm going to say about it :angry:




Here's a great song about the circumstances


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Just wondering when someone is gonna check ref bank accounts...


Just check the emails between Bettman and Terry Gregson. It's getting harder and harder to believe there's no pressure on the officials to keep the top seeds in the playoffs. As if Bettman hasn't already lost a ton of credibility for himself, this is just piling up the doubts about what he's doing to the NHL. Hopefully they get rid of him before he damages the league beyond redemption.


How about Franzen tonight? Only four goals & two assists.


Gonna be fun to see what Vancouver does around the net in the next game. They've announced they're going to hand out some goalie beating now that they know it isn't going to be called by the refs.



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I was at the game tonite and I really got a birds eye as to how the refs were calling or not calling the penalties. It was simply disgusting and the league needs to investigate. They did win-thats the main thing however its a shame when refs can dictate the outcome of a game.

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Whats real is they get out played, out shot, and dive. Being that they had a come from behind victory on the back of a hot goalie they won't sign in the off season I wouldn't get my hopes up.


What's real is the Habs have won more than 50% of their playoff games and they're over halfway thru the second round playing against very good teams. You can put all the negative spin you want on this but the fact remains that they're succeeding very nicely. I don't like the Habs but it's hard not to be more than a little impressed with them right now. The best part is that this is probably making Bettman puke every time the Habs win.



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Referring on the other hand favored one team..... almost took my 12 gauge and shoot the dam 48" flat screen :blink: and that is all I'm going to say about it :angry:


With all that whine, you hab fans might need some cheese..

Edited by scuro2
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Are you lovin my Habs yet boys and girls, I am not usually one to belive in ref conspiracy theories but tonight was pretty bad and makes you wonder.


And too the Ottawa fan...kiss me :asshat:


I say I would like to see the habs win and you tell me to kiss your ass??????.....spoken like a leaf fan!!


Just goes to show some habs fans are as dumb as a pot of poutine....

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i'm a sens fan too, but montreal has stymied the very talent you speak of. they did the same to washington. eventually, after so many tough games, you just have to give a team credit and root for the upset. i'll go back to hating montreal at the start of next year.

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I say I would like to see the habs win and you tell me to kiss your ass??????.....spoken like a leaf fan!!


Just goes to show some habs fans are as dumb as a pot of poutine....


Well you can still kiss me bleu,blanc,rouge :asshat:


Just a little tired of the stupid comments, you guys making the comments are showing your ignorance of the game.

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i'm a sens fan too, but montreal has stymied the very talent you speak of. they did the same to washington. eventually, after so many tough games, you just have to give a team credit and root for the upset. i'll go back to hating montreal at the start of next year.

well put. I'm FAR from a Habs fan but I want them to make it to the final 2 teams in hopes it's them and Vancouver...

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Well you can still kiss me bleu,blanc,rouge :asshat:


Just a little tired of the stupid comments, you guys making the comments are showing your ignorance of the game.


Right....now I don't know hockey?? :clapping:




Need I say more??? :blahblah1: My point proven once again.


I'd have better luck conversing with a fence post.


The end :rolleyes:


Go Habs Go!!

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