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Where to get cheap Flights? ( nf, well F if I get there!)


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Signs You've Chosen a "No Frills" Airline

You can't board the plane unless you have the exact change.


Before you take off, the stewardess tells you to fasten your Velcro.


The Captain asks all the passengers to chip in a little for gas.


When they pull the steps away, the plane starts rocking.


The Captain yells at the ground crew to get the cows off the runway.


You ask the Captain how often their planes crash and he says, "Just once."


No movie. Don't need one. Your life keeps flashing before your eyes.


You see a man with a gun, but he's demanding to be let off the plane.


All the planes have both a bathroom and a chapel.

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yeah last time I was on a cheap flight


an announcement came over the PA, coach passengers please disembark the plane from the side door ,now...



first class passengers, please fasten your seat belts, we will be landing in 3 minutes

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Let's hope this guy is no longer flying..you better make sure before you book....




Desperate Pilot Needs Bathroom Now, Pulls Into Nearest Service Station for Relief


BURBANK, CA - Southwesterly Airlines pilot Lance Q. Muffbender just couldn't wait, especially when he saw the Chevron station accross the street from Burbank-Glendale airport. Having consumed several mugs of coffee, three cans of Coca-Cola, some orange juice, two cups of tea and six bottled waters during the flight from Phoenix, Muffbender was more than ready for a visit to the men's room.

Apparently the pilot, bleary-eyed from his menacingly over-filled bladder, had forgotten that the Boeing 737 jetliner sported four on-board restrooms within brief walking distance from the cockpit.

Instead, he slammed the aircraft onto the runway in what passenger Wally Shlickel from Flagstaff, Arizona described as a "landing from hell," taxied it at high speeds through a protective fence and onto the adjacent boulevard, then jammed on the brakes only when the jet had arrived just outside the gas station.


Pilot Muffbender then leapt from the front door of the aircraft and dashed madly for the service station's restroom which, of course, was locked and required a key from the attendant, a surprised Dick Fulbis of Burbank.


I was kind of surprised when the jet pulled up," said Fulbis. "I really didn't have the heart to tell the pilot, who looked pretty desperate, that the bathroom was out of order."


When emergency personnel arrived on the scene, passengers were mulling about the boulevard, some having purchased sodas and snacks from the service station's mini-mart. "Business was great," said attendant Fulbis. "I guess the food on the flight was pretty lousy."


Airline pilot says "Fill' er up and check the oil" during a spectacular bathroom break in Burbank.


When pilot Muffbender was eventually able to relieve himself in one of the aircraft's lavatories and return to the cockpit, he discovered that Burbank parking police had left a ticket on the windshield for parking in a red zone.

I'm not sure what the real story was...but this was pretty funny....hehe.

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try Selloff Vacations .com/they are usually pretty good.

I just got back from cancun/while there took ferry over to Isle mujeres / a local diving company took me

out for 5 hrs barracuda fishing for 150 USD/ caught several barraucda 25-30lbs each

they were like giant pike!!/the crew kept all the fish( I would have been happy to let them go but food was

big concern to them plus they make money selling fish to local restaurants-later they gave me barruccuda

fish fillets which my hotel cooked up me./great experience

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