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So again today I am at one of my winter fishing holes and find that some goofs have left again beer bottles cans smoke pack lure packages pop cans and of coures Th coffie cups. I have not seen anyone leave that stuff when I am down there and have fished it until dark one night come back next am before sun up and there it is junk again.


I was talking to a older guy a week back and he could not stop whining about the junk either we had the same feelings about the crap on the ice he left and was still complaing about the mess left behind on his ice he left with out picking up any of it I have seen him on other days fishing beside the crap and just walks away from it and there it is left on the ice again.


I know we all understand that these goofs are all around us but my question is who do you concider worse the goof who brings it there and leaves it behind or the person who knows enough that it should not be there but will not take the time to clean it up?


this is the pic from my first stop of the day.




yes you got that right....pick up your garbage,i think most of the junk is from the weekend warriors as i call them, :dunno: they are not true sportsmen and the just want to party and hopefully catch fish and leave,they donot care if other people like us have to pick up their crap,these people are just there to rape & pillage and then go home these idiots only fish once in a while usually around the times when a new speices season opens like the beginning of trout season ,look at what mess is left after that ....i hate people like that it gives good guys like us a crappy name..... :dunno::devil:

  MrEh said:
So again today I am at one of my winter fishing holes and find that some goofs have left again beer bottles cans smoke pack lure packages pop cans and of coures Th coffie cups. I have not seen anyone leave that stuff when I am down there and have fished it until dark one night come back next am before sun up and there it is junk again.


I was talking to a older guy a week back and he could not stop whining about the junk either we had the same feelings about the crap on the ice he left and was still complaing about the mess left behind on his ice he left with out picking up any of it I have seen him on other days fishing beside the crap and just walks away from it and there it is left on the ice again.


I know we all understand that these goofs are all around us but my question is who do you concider worse the goof who brings it there and leaves it behind or the person who knows enough that it should not be there but will not take the time to clean it up?


this is the pic from my first stop of the day.





friends don't elt friends drink Lucky :)


what a dangg mess.... pigs!

  urbanangler1990 said:
the goof leaving it there, its a kidergarden rule, pick up things after urself, its a moral duty, other people should not have to clean up after others, specially for grown adults...


Maybe they're grown on the outside only? :lol:




Thats 50c in empties there. I think those guys don't drink good beer and don't have any respect for the place or people around them. There should be a steep penalty for acts of laziness like this. Maybe a one year suspension of ones fishing licence? Would that be enough of a deterant?


To answer the original post, IMO, both are equally guilty. If someone brought a vehicle out there AND left all that, they're guilty of double laziness and get the prize as least favourite for sure.


Actually, I'd say the guy(s) that left the mess are crap. Think about it, how many times have you been out and see litter and DON'T pick it up. I can say for sure that theres been times where I've walked away from litter :wallbash: I don't want too, but sometimes it takes the fun out of just being outdoors. Eventually it becomes part of the landscape. Thats not to say I don't pick up trash left behind, I do. Frequently. But theres only so much you can do without overextending yourself.


I have kids at my house every day. They make a real mess, just cause they're kids. When I take pics of the house, I always clean up the mess first because I don't want people to know how bad it looks. Maybe we should work on that angle.

Pigs will always be pigs, we can't help that. All we can do is educate our children.


This always comes up, and it justs gets under my skin.


WHY, OH WHY, do we, as supposed sportspersons, have to bring alcohol on trips, at all, no matter how little it may be? (I have seen a few pics of OFC'ers with beer in pictures, out fishing, but why)?

OH, its just a couple????

Never mind the rest of the garbage that is left behind!!!!


NOW, I LOVE BEER, but I never take it out on the ice or for a day trip, anytime, summer or winter regarless. (I did in the long ago past, and what I found out was that it just didn't make sense to do it, the extra weight, bringing the empties back, etc. was not worth the effort). At the campsite or cottage, fine. But clean up those areas also.

The other detritous of our being there does not need to be left behind at all either, be it tackle packages, worm containers, etc.(Ughh, styrofoam worm containers, anudder pet peeve)!!!!

I usually have a couple of garbage bags with me, and if I find litter like this, I collect it, and dispose of it properly, even make a few cents returning the empty bottles and cans that others leave behind.

One of my buds and I a long time ago, collected 52 beer bottles from a stocked speck lake, stuffed them into garbage bags(they had burnt the cases and the rest of the bottles in the fire) and at that time with the bottles being only 5 cents return, we made 2 dollars and 60 cents on it. At the time, we split the rewards and each bought a couple of lures for fishing(this was a long time ago).


I could go on and on about this, so I will stop.


OK, I guess that was a bit of a mini-rant, but really, why leave this stuff behind. My buds and I chase down ziploc bags that we occasionally lose during fishing, might take a bit of time, but why leave this stuff out in the environment, it can only hurt the resource wherever you are.

friends don't let friends drink Lucky



Ah men to that. :angel:


It's just as easy to have a garbage bag with you and just toss it in there instead of the ground but I guess it's to difficult for some people.

  Jigger said:
Think about it, how many times have you been out and see litter and DON'T pick it up. I can say for sure that theres been times where I've walked away from litter :wallbash: I don't want too, but sometimes it takes the fun out of just being outdoors. Eventually it becomes part of the landscape. Thats not to say I don't pick up trash left behind, I do. Frequently. But theres only so much you can do without overextending yourself.



I agree with that I dont go and pick up everything as there are spots that would fill many bags but this stuff I have been finding is out on the ice and were only talking about 50-100' from shore, and the old guy was whining up a storm and doing nothing about it.

  Clampet said:
Now I know, I'm gonna get some nasty replies, but my guess it is those teenagers doing that.


Most don't respect anything and don't care.


Ok.. I will be the first to disagree...although I am defending myself and not giving "nasty replies"... Firstly I seldom see teenagers out on the Ice or fishing for that matter..., But I have many times seen adults of all ages drink their beer or eat their chocolate bars or whatever the case may be and either toss bottles in the hole or cover with snow or just plain leave it out there... I have really never heard of or seen any teenagers going on the Ice fishing, and those who do often care enough to bring their junk back. I also beleive that very few if any teenagers would go on Ice, where it is cold and they couldn't run from anybody in the middle of the night when they could simply, do waht most do and go into parks or some ones house... Dont get me wrong though those are also the teenagers who often litter, without care for the environment because at that point they may think they have no use for it. Sorry for that rant of sorts but had to get that out because I have seen so many people in the past do that and ALL of them have been adults who clearly know that this is not only an illegal and unlawful but also immoral act. I am done and glad I got that out....


i hate people who do that

i went out on the thames this afternoon

and saw the exact same thing i was a good guy and picked up the cans

id just like to see or watch the kinda peole that do these king of things obviously they dont care about our lake and environment id like to see what there houses look like all i have to say is PIG

and not just that

i got off the lake (LSC) around 3 pm today and noticed a big garbage bag full of fish guts that someone left behind right on the side of the trail ignorance argggggggg


let me catch you and youll see i may be small but......................






Here's the thing...these idiots will always be around. Most wise up and eventually treat their surroundings with respect. But by then there is a new generation of idiots.

We cannot give up trying to educate and we cannot stop cleaning up after the idiots. we have a moral imperative and we must not let apathy ruin fishing.

people are twice as likely to remember a nimrod polluter as they are someone cleaning up, so we have to be twice as diligent in our efforts. A garbage bag should be standard equipment on any fishing trip.

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