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Canadian Healthcare!


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Exactly as Rick stated. That pretty much says it.


My ex had to receive medical attention in Florida once, around 1977. Even though we had insurance we had to pay up front for everything before the hospital would do anything, even a simple urine test had to be paid for before they would do it.


My now wife was pregnant in late 1989 early 1990. We had an extensive 6 month long trip planned to the States which was to end up in north west Canada in a year. Two weeks before setting out we discovered that my wife was pregnant. Doctor says to her go ahead, just get a medical exam every month and all will be fine. Would have been that is if we could have found a Doctor or anyone with medical knowledge to look at her! All the way from Florida to San Antonio we never found a Doctor, a clinic or a hospital that would take her in to do some simple tests...because she was pregnant. They were all too afraid to take the responsibility because of pregnancy and malpractice insurance. What a great system! We had great insurance coverage which was also backed by our government insurance and we did have the cash and resources to pay by the way so there was no excuse other than the American system is screwed.


She finally had a Doc look at her in San Antonio Texas, not because she was pregnant but because she had a sty in her eye and after asking for the Doc to check her blood pressure and such did she get looked at. The Doc asked why, my wife told her the situation and the Doctor was kind enough to look her over quickly only after saying that if she had told the clinic's reception she was pregnant they would have shown her the door. The Doctor being female felt a fellowship with another woman and her condition.


For these and other reasons I am happy to live on this side of the border and thank my father for moving back to Canada after our immigration to the States when I was a child.














Edited by pikehunter
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From experience, here's what I know. I had cancer and waited for nothing. I signed two pieces of paper, had my surgery the same week as my diagnosis, my treatment and did not have any out of pocket expenses.

Last summer I herniated a disc in my back at work. Got my MRI within 5 days. There are ways to make the system work fast, you just have to do your homework.

My sister lives in NY. She pays $6,000 for her premiums. She has co-pays, limits, lifetime caps and has to wait for insurance approval for each test. If she gets sick enough they can cancel her policy and she will never get insurance again because she will have a pre-existing condition.


The question is, who is more likely to screw you...a big corporation or the government? I find insurance companies to be the single biggest weasel system on earth.

Canadians live longer, have a lower birth mortality and higher satisfaction rate than our US neighbours. Everyone here has coverage.


I think that sums it up very well.

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Canadian and US have a multi layer society.

The top one (politicians, CEO, bankers, a.s.o, doctors) always persuade the economic system to create their on services.

They don't like to get mixed with losers from middle or low class. I am not talking about poor class, that one is already condemned.

When you have chash you cand buy almost everthing.

They already have their own services, not available for the ordinary losers (read slaves).

The politicians are elected by masses to serve the masses interest but they serve mostly their own interst or the big companies who bribe them.

Is just simple like that. This is why in US health system will never by available for Joe the Plumber.

Obama does not have a chance to change the systems. The crocs will have his intentions buried in another year.

Already he was put down by old dinosausrus from Washinton hill. With Kenedy they did it in a harhser way.

In Canada the health system is not private yet, but the presure is constantly to move in that direction.

Why? Because Insurance companies wants more money. And they can buy the loby and push it. The masses are too buyssy with the day to day chores.

For more details watch movie like: Zeitgeist, Money as Debt and any neutral documentary about Corporations.

Also avoid to watch Fox, CNN, NBC - the TV channels sponsored by big guy. These networks are just huge networks of brain wash for masses.

The doctors also are some smiley guys who prescribe drugs from the farmaceutical companies who paid their tuition fees. The drugs witch taken on regular basis will do more damage to you than healing. One family doctor has only 15 minutes with the patient when you visit him. That is just enough time to smile, say Helo, write a prescription and say good bye. If you want to be healthy, read, take care yourself of you, eat good food, get inform and try to never meet the doctors, just only for very well and known vaccination.

This topic has nothing to do with fishing. But we should not bury our head in mud, because maybe one day the rivers and the lake will be private porperty and fishing will be just a priviledge for upper class.

All the best for everyone whatvever class you belong.

Edited by gogan
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From experience, here's what I know. I had cancer and waited for nothing. I signed two pieces of paper, had my surgery the same week as my diagnosis, my treatment and did not have any out of pocket expenses.


Last summer I herniated a disc in my back at work. Got my MRI within 5 days.


My sister lives in NY. She pays $6,000 for her premiums. She has co-pays, limits, lifetime caps and has to wait for insurance approval for each test.

There is no question that Canadian healthcare isn't bad for the majority of citizens here.


The medication for my chronic disability would be $2000/mnth or ($800/mnth on co-pay) in the US.

In Canada this cost is covered fully under benefits.


I needed MRI's, so they booked me the next day...etc.


At least i am able to keep my life intact so i can go fishing :Gonefishing: In the states there wouldn't be these possibilities.

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I think I know the answer (Why is the PM of NL going to the US for heart surgery).......but first I think "do you want fries with that" is what got him into trouble to begin with......and now the answer everyone is waiting for................................














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I have noticed that most of the people chiming in about how great our health care system is, are mostly from around the Toronto area. In Toronto votes are bought on a regular basis by our illustrious politicos. I'm sure wait times and medical assistance are timely and available for you guys. But to those who believe our system is so great, well I think you should look past the comfy environs of the GTA as the same is not so in many parts of our country. Toronto is the tail that wags the dog in Canada so to speak, and hey, call me Lundboy if you want haha.


I had a kidney stone in '06 that completely shut down my left kidney. After being seen by at least 5 healthcare professionals that all checked the exact same things, one of them incorrectly diagnosed me with diverticulitis, for which I took several pills for almost two weeks, until finding out I had a kidney stone. Then I waited two weeks to see a eurologist. When he eventually saw me, he told me my condition was very serious and wrote "urgent" on his report that he sent to the hospital that would perform my surgery. He also told me that a kidney could completely fail anywhere from 2 days to 28 days after blockage. It was exactly 28 days before I got in to surgery. In the meantime I had been given the name of a doctor from Syracuse and called his office. They had a spot open to take me in for surgery in two days and the surgery was going to cost under $2000. I was about to book with them when the hospital in Ottawa finally called to book me in the same day as the US hospital was going to book me in. If I would have lost my kidney there would have been a lawsuit....probaly would not have won against McGuilty and his cronies....they would simply buy lawyers with my tax dollars.


Same with my daughter who had a very severe ear infection. At the local hospital, she was bounced around by several healtcare workers who all performed the exact same checking, and then left us waiting.... When we finally got called in to see a doctor my daughter sat on a gurney for yet another half hour. While we were waiting we could hear a man and a woman in the next room chatting about their daily lives, laughing and talking and sure enough when they were done it was the nurse and doctor who entered the room to look at my daughter. From them we got no answers. We finally left in disgust and drove to CHEO....more or less the same thing. Checked eyes, ears, mouth, neck when we first arrived. Then another healthcare worker does the same thing. After about 3 hours in the waiting room, finally in to see the next healthcare worker. They did the same check and then told us a doctor would be in next. So in comes the "doctor" who performed the same test a fourth time. I started to ask a few questions and she says "I'm sorry, I'm just starting out in training, the doctor will be in to see you next". That next doctor after performing the exact same checking for a fifth time, finally gave her some medication to alleviate the pain. Nice way to to spend an entire day, listening to my daughter wailing continuously in pain, and finally receiving a bit of medication, a subscription for medication and a recommendation to see a specialist, with whom we had to make an appointment, which we did, but it was 8 months before she could get in to have those little ear implants installed.....about 15 minutes in surgery.


Our hospitals, especially CHEO do some wonderful things and all the healtcare workers seemed genuinely concerned for our daughter, but when it came to actually resolving the problem it was not quick or timely by any means.


And anyone who believes our healthcare is free, well.....never mind....... :wallbash:

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Well all i have to say is when I ripped my tendons in my spine and suffered horrible muscle damage i felt like I was royalty I was in and out, had my xrays, MRI scheduled, 3 specialists then another MRI all in a week. I think it is depending where you are, I am in Welland and got my treatment in St.kitts and hamilton then Welland. If i go to the ER here you are looking at a minimum of 1-2hrs could wait up to 8 hours. To be honest the system is not perfect, lost my father to cancer, cause the local hospital did not notice the fluid in his lungs and then his lungs collapsed and had a severe bacteria infection then days later died on pneumonia. So yes the system does have flaws but to be honest it has severed me well for when I have needed the care.

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Neither countries health care systems are perfect......who's is better, I really don't know....but I do know some of the best doctors do come over to the USA because the money is better....never heard of a US doctor going to Canada to work....

My cardiologist is exactly such an animal. He had very successful practice in Ohio and shut it down to come back to Canada. He feels our system is better due to the fact that it places people first rather than money.

So now you have heard of one.....and a specialist to boot!

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My cardiologist is exactly such an animal. He had very successful practice in Ohio and shut it down to come back to Canada. He feels our system is better due to the fact that it places people first rather than money.

So now you have heard of one.....and a specialist to boot!


i wonder if the americans almighty right to sue played into his decision....or maybe he realized that the weather in Ohio is pretty much the same as in Canada... :lol: j/k

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Neither countries health care systems are perfect......who's is better, I really don't know....but I do know some of the best doctors do come over to the USA because the money is better....never heard of a US doctor going to Canada to work....




Yup you hit the nail on the head, down south it`s all about the money and that is a big part of the problem.

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My cardiologist is exactly such an animal. He had very successful practice in Ohio and shut it down to come back to Canada. He feels our system is better due to the fact that it places people first rather than money.

So now you have heard of one.....and a specialist to boot!


It sounds like he's a Canadian to begin with that returned to Canada so I would say that doesn't count...

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Yup you hit the nail on the head, down south it`s all about the money and that is a big part of the problem.


In a capitalist society this is EXACTLY how you get the BEST of anything......would you work for half of what you are now being paid so the customer is happier than you....I know many wouldn't.

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