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A Christmas Query


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So here we are easing into the home stretch of Christmas. I hope the rest of you feel readier than I. It's not that I don't want to be ready, but I just can't find that little hook of Christmas spirit that we all need to get into the Yule groove.


Indulge me here, and I'll try to explain. Then I have some questions for those inclined to answer.


Back in my younger years I lived for Christmas. It was without question the very best time of the year. We had night after night of Christmas related events - Sunday School concerts (all I remember is wearing my dressing gown and a towel around my head and putting a hockey puck in the manger with Baby Jesus. I don't think the hockey puck was in the script), Christmas shopping with the savings from my allowance (58 years later my mom still has the Ivy plant I bought her), the lighting of the Christmas tree at the town hall, , the Santa Claus parade, going Christmas caroling around your town, the Christmas related things at school, and then best of all decorating the tree at home and setting out all the personal Christmas decorations that we'd had since we were first aware of Christmas. My favourite, and something I just passed on to my 33 year old son was my plastic Santa. My Mom tells me it was a gift when I was just a little baby.


Then we got to high school and were too cool for Yule, but I think most of us remained closet Christmas fans. Boxing Day remained a sad sad day, certainly for me at least, cuz it meant Christmas was as far away as it could possibly be.


It was a time we anticipated all year, and then we shared with all those we loved. It was special. But something happened to it as we grew up. The Santa myth exploded, there were no more Sunday School concerts, TV brought us dozens of new unbelievable santas and a much more commercial aspect to the whole holiday. It stopped being about Jesus and Santa Claus, nicely compartmentalized so we could be reverent and giddy in equal parts, and became all about toys and department stores.


I miss all that stuff, and the joy of a little kid caught up in the mixed spirit of Christmas and christmas.


So now for the questions:


What is the best Christmas movie of all time?


What is the best Christmas tv show of all time?


What is your favourite Christmas tune?


Do you go to your kids or grandkids Christmas concerts?


Do you go to a Christmas church service or a carol sing?


Do you decorate your home?


Do you wish everyone you meet a Merry Christmas for weeks before Christmas?


I don't expect many answers to these questions as this touchy feely stuff makes many folks uncomfortable. I just can't help wondering how many other folks feel a little let down at Christmas nowadays.


But just so you don't think I'm completely grinched out, I really do still get a little buzz from it. Thanks to those who get even a little bit of Christmas spirit happening because this makes you think about it and take the time to answer.


Merry Christmas everyone.



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The best Christmas movie of all time is: Miracle on 34th Street

The best Christmas show is: The Grinch that stole Christmas (original)

Favorite Christmas tune: White Christmas

Kids concerts?: You bet, wouldn't miss it

No church or carols sing, however have done both in the past.

I do decorate my home, inside and out.

I try to wish everyone that acknowledges me in the weeks beofre Christmas a merry Christmas.


John..what I believe your post all boils down to is the magic in Christmas for kids. Thanks for the reminder, I'm going to try make it all the more special for my daughter this year....


I mean that





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Hi John (and all),

A lovely read as usual.

Christmas was always a very special time for me and a special time for my wife (usually at least, anxiety overload is threatening this year. And it couldn't have come at a worse time as we are hosting Christmas dinner and are expecting 37 people. Thank God it's her family or else the whole thing would be called off).

This year has been a tough one for me to get into. I am not sure why but I think it has to do with the overall busy-ness that I feel our life has become. And we only have the one child, I don't know how others do it.

Here are my answers to your questions:


What is the best Christmas movie of all time?


1951 "A Christmas Carol" with Allister Sim. (black and white or coloured version doesn't matter)


What is the best Christmas TV show of all time?


A Charlie Brown Christmas (I don't know why but I think it is the music that automatically takes me to Christmas mode)


What is your favourite Christmas tune?


"O Holy Night" Sung by just about anyone, but that Irish tenor makes me stop and listen every time.


Do you go to your kids or grandkids Christmas concerts?


Jennifer does cause I am always at work. But I go to the ones at my school.


Do you go to a Christmas church service or a carol sing?




Do you decorate your home?


Jennifer does and it looks fantastic!


Do you wish everyone you meet a Merry Christmas for weeks before Christmas?


Not as much as I should, in fact, I am still caught off guard when people say it to me.


That's it from me.

Merry Christmas!


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I fully understand that sense of loss. I just cannot seem to light that spark. Christmas, in our family began the first weekend of December and ended th first weekend after New Years.

Yes our society has become ever so complex. A world of doubt, insecurity, and lack of faith. It's hard to revere when it is now 'just another day' to my offspring. The only thing special is the gifts.

I missed carol concerts by choir or band. I played Santa Claus parades from Hamilton to Huntsville as a cadet. The biggest kick was doing the "Eatons" Santa Claus parade back then. Spent many weekends building a Christmas float and costumes with our cubs in the Grimsby parade.

I never lost my belief in Santa Claus ( truth is he's a Finn ;) ) I've made thousands of wooden tree ornaments and toys for the less fortunate and played secret Santa for numerous children delivering presents late Xmas eve.

We shared Christmas with all around us with huge feasts and parties. Now we are afraid to let loose and have fun. Can't have a drink without fear of reprisal.


My choices reflect a need to be reminded of what Christmas is about.


A Christmas Carol featuring Alastair Sims should be watched by all.


For television, currently, it is a toss up twixt Charlie Brown and How the Grinch stole Christmas.

From the past, nothing beat sitting around the TV with my family watching the numerous Xmas variety specials nibbling Gram's baked goodies with tea or hot chocolate.


My preference is for the carols rooted in my faith. The most triumphant being Adeste Fideles, the most reverent being Stille Nacht.


The children are grown up so there are no more concerts, but the local school board does not approve of "Christmas" concerts.


The interior of the house is decorated but it was a struggle to engage any participation.


I am never afraid to offer a friendly greeting on the street, and more so at Christmas.


From one old child to another, John:

May you find that spark to fill you with light and joy this Christmas season


Merry Christmas

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It started to finally feel like Christmas for me today. We spent the day doing a bit of baking, i dug up a few of my grandmas recipes (too bad only one was written in english....gotta get my mom to translate the rest for me) My grandmother used to do a ton of baking around this time of year. Finnish gingerbread cookies and prune tarts are 2 of my favourites that she'd make. Today I tried making the prune tarts for the first time.... they turned out pretty decent actually, but they'll never be the same. Gonna try and tackle a few more traditional Finnish dishes to bring over to my mom as a surprise on Christmast eve, she hasnt really had much of that stuff in years.

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Hey John!

I hear you. Christmas has always been a big event for my wife and I. We are actually just a pair of big kids at heart.

This will be the first Christmas that we will not all be together. My middle Daughter was here yesterday, but went on a Caribbean cruise today. She is 22 years old and had an opportunity.

As for the other two girls 18 and 26, they will be here for Christmas morning and We will have a new Son-in-Law joining us as well.

Although we are really looking forward to the big day, we are far from prepared!

I finished work on Friday, so tomorrow, I will be shopping with my Daughters. that always helps get me in the mood.

I have also been building a winter/Christmas scene on a large folding table for the last several years but could not make it happen since we moved due to lack of space. well, I have it set up this year bigger than ever!


In answer to your questions:

1) Favourite movie would be Christmas Vacation or a Christmas Story. ( We all went to see the live stage version of A Christmas Story this afternoon here in Oville)

2) Favourite tune I like to hear these days is ``Driving Home for Christmas`` by Chris Rea

3) Concerts at the kids school were always great, but unfortunately are a thing of the past. I`ll always remember standing outside at the kids public school singing carols around a lit up Spruce tree. The Principal told me he was really walking on thin ice by doing this, but since he was due to retire, said what the heck!!! Sad isn`t it that he had to take us outside of the school building to sing these songs!, and also risked disciplinary actions from the board. Ah well, he sure gained my respect!

I guess the theater today was the next best thing!

4) We definitely decorate our home inside and out.

5) Church is not something we regularly attend, but who knows, the Minister that married our oldest Daughter this past Fall is a wonderful person and we would like to give it a go.

6) I certainly do try to wish everyone I meet a very Merry Christmas!


John, we need to get together and fish this year! I wish you and yours the very best of the season and a very Merry Christmas! I hope you catch the spirit very, very soon!

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We never had any kids, so we shared Christmas with family and nieces and nephews.

Over the years they have gone their own way,and I started losing the feel of the season.Just getting too commercialized.


Today i went to do some shopping and saw a 'Santa' in the Mall. After watching the youngsters line up to talk to Santa, and the expresions on their faces, I came away with a smile on my face. Also a reminder of what Christmas is all about, besides the religious aspect. :D


Thanks fpr this thread JohnF

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Although we were atheists, my wife loved the idea of Christmas. The giving of gifts, reconnecting with old friends and distant family members...Plus and the whole Spirit of Good Will that one feels at this time of year.

The month of December was a big deal at my house. We had huge storage boxes of linens, pictures, wall hangings, special rugs and mats, table and kitchen decorations and nick-knacks that were all winter and Santa Claus related, but nothing religious.

All the regular decorations came down at the beginning of December and the house was redecorated for the holiday season. Even after the kids were grown-up and gone, we still redecorated for the Holidays.

When I lost my wife, almost ten years ago, I stopped celebrating. Since she's been gone, I haven't sent a card or put up a tree.

When my kids were young, we attended Xmas pageants and concerts etc.

My two favourite songs of the season are Bing Crosby's White Christmas and Elvis' Blue Christmas. I have no favourite Xmas TV show unless I can count A Christmas Carol ( Alastair Sim, 1951 ) TV was where I saw it every year. That was back in the days before VCR and DVD...also before colour...As a movie, as in something we first saw in a theater , my favourite is Jean Shepherd's A Christmas Story. Everything about it reminds me of being a kid in the 50's.

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Christmas shopping with the savings from my allowance (58 years later my mom still has the Ivy plant I bought her), the lighting of the Christmas tree at the town hall, , the Santa Claus parade, going Christmas caroling around your town, the Christmas related things at school, and then best of all decorating the tree at home and setting out all the personal Christmas decorations that we'd had since we were first aware of Christmas. My favourite, and something I just passed on to my 33 year old son was my plastic Santa. My Mom tells me it was a gift when I was just a little baby.


You and I are of the same era John and are fortunate enuff to remember when Christmas wasn't all commercialized and politically correct as it is now. It's still a nice time of year but seems to be losing it's meaning with so many folks afraid of offending everyone of a different faith. Most Christmas cards nowadays no longer use Merry Christmas as a greeting, but rather Happy Holidays, the same as most signs in stores. Here in Toronto a couple years back they actually re-named the tree at City Hall the Holiday Tree so as not to be offensive to anyone......so sad really :(


As kids, we would always pray for snow cause we'd shovel all the driveways in the neighborhood to raise money to buy gifts. A group of us kids would also go door to door singing Christmas caroles, and would make a surprising amount of money for more gifts. Thinking back on it now though, we prolly sang so terribly the neighboors were paying us just to go away :lol::lol:


To me, Christmas is all about little kids with HUGE smiles and everything associated with it.


The elves working all year at the North Pole building toys, then Santa and the reindeer magically flying across the sky and landing on the roof, then sliding down the chimney with his sack of toys and placing them under the tree.


I remember as kids Mom taking us downtown to Eatons to visit the REAL Santa.....all the others were just his helpers.....and I can still recall the feeling of actually talking the big guy himself and wispering to him all the goodies I hoped for.


Those were wonderful magical times, as they should be, and even though these days I often forget what I had for breakfast, I still vividly remember waaaay back then Eddy and I coming down the stairs Christmas morning with so much anticipation, and we were seldom disappointed. :santa:


When Diane and I had kids of our own, we did everything we could to make their Christmas as memorable & magical as ours were, and I think we did a pretty good job of it too. It was fun for them too and we always went far overboard to get them what they wanted.


When I was a kid, the folks always put out a COKE and plate of cookies for Santa along with a bag of carrots for the reindeer, and the feeling on Christmas morning seeing the empty bottle and plate of cookie crumbs, along with a few carrot pieces, and knowing that Santa had actually sat at our kitchen table for a snack was absolutely amazing :thumbsup_anim:


The snacks for Santa was a tradition we passed onto our own kids and they got as much of a kick out of it as I did.


With the death of my Mom this year, my only brother 3 years ago, my only son 5 years ago and my dad before that and no grandchildren, Christmas doesn't have alot of meaning to me anymore but we still go overboard with gifts and have a nice time.


Christmas is for kids and their only kids for a very short time, so I think parents should do EVERYTHING possible to build those wonderful memories that they'll carry with them for the rest of their lives.



Thanks for bringing back some really wonderful memories John and I wish you & yours a very Merry Christmas & all the best in the new year. :santa:

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You are right Lew. I think the "magic" that our parents worked so hard to create is what did it for us and makes us want to duplicate that magic and keep it alive. Our kids are grown now too, but that has never stopped the magic of Santa in our house!

We still leave out the snacks and hang our stockings on the fireplace.


I remember a couple of special Christmases from a long time ago.


I wanted a toy tow truck that did all sorts of neat things. It was called "A Big Bruiser". They were real popular that year and I now know that Santa had to really stretch things and go out of his way to make that happen. I'll never forget the magic that came over me when I saw that gleaming beauty sitting under the tree that Christmas morning!


We always had relatives that dropped in Christmas eve and Christmas morning after our gifts were open. Those people are all long gone now....but will never be forgotten.


It really is about the magic! Whether it was a shiny new bike or just something special that we wanted, Santa never disappointed us. We were so fortunate to have parents and Santa in our lives.


Yeah, we might get caught up in a bit of commercialism these days, but my Wife and I have not forgotten that magic. It is so special and important to both of us. We do everything we can to keep it alive for our Children (and us!).


There is a light snow falling this morning and the birds are at the feeders. Life is good!

Soon it will be off to do some shopping!


I guess Grandchildren some day will make it even more special!

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John if it wasn't for my kids I'd have a hard time enjoying the season.

Seeing it through their eyes has rekindled the magic for me.

Hope you find the magic yourself my friend, best wishes to you and yours.


Was at my daughter Riley's grade 1 Christmas play recently. The vid isn't the greatest, but here's a short clip. :)




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Well, with kids aged 6 and 7, Xmas is an incredible time of year around our house... I've had to duct tape the top of my kid's heads down as they are moments from complete self distruction! LOL

We have been enjoying various Xmas shows since the day after Hallowen, been to many Xmas concerts for the schools, Beavers and Sparks.

We have set up a "kids" tree in the basement, which the kids took a great deal of joy in decorating themsleves. The how many sleeps till Xmas question has been in count down mode for a month!

At our house, we really enjoy many of the seasonal shows and have many of them on tape/dvd... for the kids, they love the Sponge Bob Xmas as well as the Polar Express film... for my wife and I. well, I've been a sucker for White Christmas for years, because, well, we'll follow the old man kinda gets me...

The gathering of family, the jokes, the nudging and spending time with people who really know you and are excited to see the kids, well, that's the priceless thing about Xmas.

(Some prime rib in the oven get's me going!)


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I hear ya john, Im 38 now and it seems to dwindle a little more each year, and i get even more bummed out that it is dwindling, so it takes it even further away from me trying to manufacture that feeling i used to get as a kid. Every now and again i get that flash feeling when i hear a song, or pull out an old decoration i put up now that my parents used to put out every year as a kid. But it doesnt last too long.


Dont get me wrong, im still into it, but as we grow up......its a little harder each year. I wouldnt let the kids in the family see that though.


I still decorate the house outside and in, i refuse to put up a fake tree or buy a parking lot tree. I make a point to get the immediate family together and go out to ski country and cut down a tree with a lunch afterwards (theres some great places to go make a day of it down here in ellicotville ny) And I make sure im very particular about making the kids x-mas's just right as far as gifts and i dunno. The biggest issue with me is the shopping, if i would just get it DONE a couple weeks before the 25th.........i could sit back and relax and enjoy it as i pass all the malls to go home to my well lit house and collection of x-mas movies

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What is the best Christmas movie of all time?

Miracle on 34th Street... love the spirit of the Judge when he is confronted with THE BIG QUESTION in the end.


What is the best Christmas tv show of all time?

Didn't know there was one.... lol


What is your favourite Christmas tune?

Chris Rea : Driving Home For Christmas



Do you go to your kids or grandkids Christmas concerts?

Yes - Love em


Do you go to a Christmas church service or a carol sing?

Not a church service per se,,, but a spiritual service that is located in a church setting.


Do you decorate your home?

Yes... my wife does ! :P


Do you wish everyone you meet a Merry Christmas for weeks before Christmas?

NO... Just to people that like ME! lol

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Part I look forward most to Christmas is being over at my parents places in the few days around the 25th. Someone will drop over for a drink, then someone else.....usually ends up in a full shift.


Far more important than the big dinner and gifts etc....the chance to catch up with family and friends and enjoy a few laughs. The best part is most of my family lives within walking distance, so no driving!

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I'm turning 39 this Christmas and for me, it's a time to get together with family and friends, the magic for myself is long gone. However, for my two little girls, it is magical and the smiles and excitement on their part is the most wonderful feeling. After doing some renovations and painting at home, we just finished decorating the house and tree and the kids are bouncing around just loving it. I look at Christmas being for the kids. For us adults, it's different but still a great time of year, you see friends and relatives that you don't see that often because life has become too busy. It has become too commercialized and far too Politically Correct. My family traditionally celebrated Christmas on January 7h but when they came to Canada, they assimilated and we have always celebrated on the 25th. I always wish people a Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays. My friends and clients of the Jewish faith are always wished a Happy Hannukah (and they have no problem wishing me a Merry Christmas).


So on that note, Merry Christmas to All and To All A Good Night!!

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What a great post, John :) Don't know if I have an answer for all of the questions, but, here goes:


What is the best Christmas movie of all time? Gotta be It's a Wonderful Life, for me...but some others that I really enjoy are Elf (Will Farrell...just try it) and A Christmas Story


What is the best Christmas tv show of all time? The original Grinch is a good one...pretty hard to skip.


What is your favourite Christmas tune? Don't know if I have a favourite...I turn the radio on to 98.1 a few weeks ahead of Christmas, and find all kinds of good stuff, such as "Rockin' around the Christmas Tree"; "I saw mommy kissing santa claus"; "I want a hippopotamaus for Christmas (okay, not modern, but hilarious); "Santa Baby". One of my fave's is one called "The Gift" by Aislinn Devison...find that one...it's great.


Do you go to your kids or grandkids Christmas concerts? My son is 9...and I didn't even notice that there was no Christmas concert at his school this year...whoops! My little girl is just over the 2 month mark...so every night is a Christmas Concert so far :lol: I'm waiting for her rendition of Silent Night :rolleyes:


Do you go to a Christmas church service or a carol sing? LOVE Christmas Eve at church...candlelight services are the best :) Went carolling one year and it was actually quite a blast


Do you decorate your home? Yes...don't go too crazy, but at least a tree, and some Christmas-y stuff hanging around the place. I love pulling out all the ornaments that have accumulated over the years...especially the ones that were made by my son, or by myself when I was a kid (still have those)


Do you wish everyone you meet a Merry Christmas for weeks before Christmas? Yup! I make a point of saying Merry Christmas, and haven't been told off yet...I figure I won't get offended if they say "Happy Holidays/Hanukkah/Diwali/Kwanzaa" so why should they be offended if I say Christmas? ;)


You know, John...I'm ALMOST suspicious that you have no trouble getting into the Christmas spirit, and that this is your way of making us all stop and think about what we appreciate and remember most at this time of year.

To share a bit from my personal side of things...Christmas has caught me almost unawares this year, what with a new baby, and some finances that are taking a serious beating. On top of that, my son accidentally blabbed about the whole Santa thing to my wife's younger niece and nephew, which caused a great big stink, resulting in him thinking he got Christmas cancelled at home, and the other kids taking some serious convincing from their mom that Santa would be coming. Sheesh. I REALLY appreciate you starting this thread. In writing this response, I've been thinking about my family, my faith, and just how great I really have it. In the light of Christ's love, which is what Christmas is about for me, none of my problems seem like anything to worry about at all.


Merry Christmas, John, and everyone!! :D :D :D

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John..what I believe your post all boils down to is the magic in Christmas for kids. Thanks for the reminder, I'm going to try make it all the more special for my daughter this year....


I mean that






I think you're right, and I wish every kid in the world could have Christmases as wonderful as all mine were. I guess it's asking too much to wish for them to be as great all through our lives. Kids are just so much better believers.



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From one old child to another, John:

May you find that spark to fill you with light and joy this Christmas season


Merry Christmas


Ya know, as maudlin (if that's the right word) as this sounds, this thread and your responses are as close as I've gotten to experiencing the Christmas spirit this year, and I thank you all for that. Perhaps it's really meant to be for the kids, and it's up to us to provide the right environment for it to happen. We had our turn.


Merry Christmas kiddo


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Ya know, as maudlin (if that's the right word) as this sounds, this thread and your responses are as close as I've gotten to experiencing the Christmas spirit this year, and I thank you all for that. Perhaps it's really meant to be for the kids, and it's up to us to provide the right environment for it to happen. We had our turn.


Merry Christmas kiddo



Were you watching Miracle on 34th Street again.... :P

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You and I are of the same era John and are fortunate enuff to remember when Christmas wasn't all commercialized and politically correct as it is now. It's still a nice time of year but seems to be losing it's meaning with so many folks afraid of offending everyone of a different faith. Most Christmas cards nowadays no longer use Merry Christmas as a greeting, but rather Happy Holidays, the same as most signs in stores. Here in Toronto a couple years back they actually re-named the tree at City Hall the Holiday Tree so as not to be offensive to anyone......so sad really :(


As kids, we would always pray for snow cause we'd shovel all the driveways in the neighborhood to raise money to buy gifts. A group of us kids would also go door to door singing Christmas caroles, and would make a surprising amount of money for more gifts. Thinking back on it now though, we prolly sang so terribly the neighboors were paying us just to go away :lol::lol:


To me, Christmas is all about little kids with HUGE smiles and everything associated with it.


The elves working all year at the North Pole building toys, then Santa and the reindeer magically flying across the sky and landing on the roof, then sliding down the chimney with his sack of toys and placing them under the tree.


I remember as kids Mom taking us downtown to Eatons to visit the REAL Santa.....all the others were just his helpers.....and I can still recall the feeling of actually talking the big guy himself and wispering to him all the goodies I hoped for.


Those were wonderful magical times, as they should be, and even though these days I often forget what I had for breakfast, I still vividly remember waaaay back then Eddy and I coming down the stairs Christmas morning with so much anticipation, and we were seldom disappointed. :santa:


When Diane and I had kids of our own, we did everything we could to make their Christmas as memorable & magical as ours were, and I think we did a pretty good job of it too. It was fun for them too and we always went far overboard to get them what they wanted.


When I was a kid, the folks always put out a COKE and plate of cookies for Santa along with a bag of carrots for the reindeer, and the feeling on Christmas morning seeing the empty bottle and plate of cookie crumbs, along with a few carrot pieces, and knowing that Santa had actually sat at our kitchen table for a snack was absolutely amazing :thumbsup_anim:


The snacks for Santa was a tradition we passed onto our own kids and they got as much of a kick out of it as I did.


With the death of my Mom this year, my only brother 3 years ago, my only son 5 years ago and my dad before that and no grandchildren, Christmas doesn't have alot of meaning to me anymore but we still go overboard with gifts and have a nice time.


Christmas is for kids and their only kids for a very short time, so I think parents should do EVERYTHING possible to build those wonderful memories that they'll carry with them for the rest of their lives.



Thanks for bringing back some really wonderful memories John and I wish you & yours a very Merry Christmas & all the best in the new year. :santa:


Man, we sure did come from the same era. You described it better than me.


The rest of this post is maudlin and schmaltzy, about losing kids, and should be ignored by folks who hate that stuff. :P


And I know what you're saying about the loss of loved ones over the years having an affect on our perception of Christmas. You and I (and the others here who've lost kids) may have a special awareness of that. I know losing a parent or grandparent isn't easy, but it's more the natural way of things than losing your kid, or your sibling. Our son was 18 and loving his life. And why not? He was a heck of an athlete with promises from a university and a better than average shot at a look from the national team. He was a good looking kid with a beautiful girlfriend. Best of all was the story I heard a year or so after he died from the mother of a teenaged girl who lived near us. Now, at the risk of sounding like a proud pop, Steve was a 6'1 handsome kid. Girls loved him judging from the phone calls. He was pretty popular at school because he was kind of a hero on the school teams etc. But also he was something of a hero to the kids who weren't popular. I found this out in stories after he died. He was the cool kid who'd always take the time to hang with the less than cool kids and stick up for them when some of the hotshots got a little pushy. I liked that a lot. But the mother's story really said it all.


Her daughter was a nice chubby girl. In fact she was kinda fat, more than just chubby, and suffered the ostracism fat kids always seemed to suffer from the cool kids. This mother told me that her daughter, who seemed to have a pretty realisitic view of her own popularity, loved Steve because he was the only cool buy who would walk home from school with her, talk to her at school, treat her like a regular teenager, just generally treat her in a regular way, not like a tubby outcast. She knew he had a regular girlfriend, and that he wasn't going to be dating her, but she just really liked that he included her in his life. I heard these stories from other people about how he would sit down in the cafeteria and talk to kids who weren't exactly mainstreamers and just make them feel included. THere were stories about him talking to the younger kids in high school about their problems with drugs and stuff. I like to think it was in part because he was a nice well-adjusted kid himself. One of his friends once told me they teased him about his "my body is a temple and no drugs or booze go into it" athlete attitude. I liked to hear that he felt that way. I think every parent worries about their kid being into drugs and booze.


And all that paves the way for me to tell you about Christmas and my family today. I hope I've painted an accurate picture of what a great kid he was, so you might understand how losing him suddenly at 18 in a car accident (I was driving but in no way responsible) had a huge traumatic effect on the family. For my wife it meant that Christmas became a sadder than normal time for her. I'm not sure what the connection was other than the accident was just a few weeks after Christmas. The only other thing that makes sense is that she enjoyed Christmas with our boys best of all times of the year. Whatever happened for her, she now hates Christmas. It's a time of year she suffers thru and can't wait for it to end. As a result decorations are kept to a minimum, Christmas functions are something to be endured, and the only good part of it all is that we leave for Mexico right after the Christmas cleanup. I don't blame her for how she feels. My problem is that I still really like Christmas, or at least I like what it used to be and I'd like to have it back.


I'm not about to force Christmas down her throat just so I can relive my childhood but I hope that everyone else has a Merrier Christmas. I'm actually getting used to it but I can't help having little twinges of Christmas spirit every now and then. All I'm really looking for in this thread is some kind of assurance that kids are still having the chance to experience Christmas the way we did as kids. How well they perpetuate the enjoyment is up to them when they grow to adulthood. /End maudlin rant. :blush:


So that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


Merry Christmas, Lew, all the best to you and yours



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John if it wasn't for my kids I'd have a hard time enjoying the season.

Seeing it through their eyes has rekindled the magic for me.

Hope you find the magic yourself my friend, best wishes to you and yours.


Was at my daughter Riley's grade 1 Christmas play recently. The vid isn't the greatest, but here's a short clip. :)





That's what I'm talking about. Thanks.


Merry Christmas to you and yours


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I'm turning 39 this Christmas and for me, it's a time to get together with family and friends, the magic for myself is long gone. However, for my two little girls, it is magical and the smiles and excitement on their part is the most wonderful feeling. After doing some renovations and painting at home, we just finished decorating the house and tree and the kids are bouncing around just loving it. I look at Christmas being for the kids. For us adults, it's different but still a great time of year, you see friends and relatives that you don't see that often because life has become too busy. It has become too commercialized and far too Politically Correct. My family traditionally celebrated Christmas on January 7h but when they came to Canada, they assimilated and we have always celebrated on the 25th. I always wish people a Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays. My friends and clients of the Jewish faith are always wished a Happy Hannukah (and they have no problem wishing me a Merry Christmas).


So on that note, Merry Christmas to All and To All A Good Night!!


We have some Jewish friends and they make the most of Christmas and Hannukah (whichever way you spell it). They love it. It's a long holiday for them. :lol:


Happy Hannukah



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You know, John...I'm ALMOST suspicious that you have no trouble getting into the Christmas spirit, and that this is your way of making us all stop and think about what we appreciate and remember most at this time of year.


Merry Christmas, John, and everyone!! :D :D :D




Actually, you're a little bit right.


Christmas will always hold a special place in my heart, but I do wish I could get a little more into the whole Christmas spirit thang the way I did through my own childhood and my boys'. Mebbe it's enuf just wanting everyone's Christmas to be merry. :P


Merry Christmas


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Hey, just so y'all know my life isn't completely bereft of Christmas music and spirit, here's my little brother playing guitar with the singer he does production work for. I think this was on 100 Huntley St. Rick doesn't spend much time in church but he's hell on christian type music. :P



This is one of my favourites. It isn't Rick's best guitar work but this one is all about the voice and lyrics. Some of you from North Bay (or is it Sudbury?) might recognize Don Reed, the fiddle player. Rick says he's a helluva session guy.


Hope you enjoy.



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