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Pet Deer Killed...


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Gotta stop using the word hunter for this scum bag, he`s not even a poacher by the sounds of the article. Great hunters use words like respect and pride in the hunt, and great trappers take pride in what they do. This is some burn out, riding around with a gun shootin at stuff. I wonder if kids were playin in the road would he humor the thought of takin a shot at them? Probably. Look, this guy was just drivin around lookin for somethin to shoot. Real Hunters dont do that stuff. Just my opinion and thoughts about the subject.

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I don't believe thats accurate...if he shot out the car window and killed the deer in the front yard of the house wouldn't he be shooting directly at the house...even poachers aren't that stupid...and maybe he never retreived the animal because there were 2 dogs there as the story stated...to make a deer a pet is a little odd I guess but things are what they are...if I saw the tape I would probably consider it to be debris and take the deer as well and only in a legal situation...sad story who's too say whos right or wrong...gotta say if I saw sombody shoot my "family pet" at 14 I may embelish the story to my parents a little...I'm not saying he did but a guy rolls up infront of your house sees a deer and 2 dogs, kills the deer, takes off, all in front of a boy close enough to read his license plate???? Somthing smells a little about this one


Ya, you`re right, somethings fishy about the story. And you know the papers, well they like to sensationalize too. Weird I guess. Odd.

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good thread....tuff to comment on at this point in time for anybody not having all the facts confirmed


wrong wrong wrong for sure... whom ever articulated that thought---incident is a trifecta of errors from where i sit



not good news for OFC/Hunting Community members--could be an early Christmas present for P3TA





yah--it's just a Deer Dude sentiment--put Bambi in the ice closet nonsense before





65 K is chump change for a tier one mentored CO--worth every penny those folks in my opinion only


YES should be 20 new COs @65K a pop--pull back the fat cat 100K+ OMNR ivory tower morons pay packet and put some dough in the field!






let the courts sort it out--am confident he will get a fair shake in court with his stupid shot


bring your wallet




personally-- would like to see him made an example of


scum bad is a generous term--given the Christmas Season and all- it is kind on that posters part


nuff said





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This story made our paper today...what a bunch of bull



Yeah, we wouldn't want the poor "hunter" to be embarrased publically...


From the facts that are allegedly known: the "hunter" shot the deer illegally AND left the body, also an offense. The family nursed the deer to health from when it was young and gave it every chance to take to the wild...even turning down a neighbour's request to lock the deer in their barn during the hunting season. They never kept the deer against it's will...heck, if it wasn't for them, it wouldn't be alive. And if they ever attempted to abandon it somewhere, it probably wouldn't survive considering it's level of human socialization.


I don't see what the arguement is about...the hunter took the deer illegally, a deer that was raised by a family, on their own dime most likely. I could understand if they were trying to sue the "hunter" for killing their "pet", but I haven't read anything to that affect. They seem to be quite understanding in terms of the fact that they knew what happened could indeed happen one day.


Throw the book at him...

Edited by ADB
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Sure the poacher was illegal. Put him in jail. But why do all the papers have to use it as a heart throb filler piece. How bout something about a waste of tax dollars rather than trying to make hunters look like wicked people. As said before, it wasn't a hunter, it was a poacher.

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Sure the poacher was illegal. Put him in jail. But why do all the papers have to use it as a heart throb filler piece. How bout something about a waste of tax dollars rather than trying to make hunters look like wicked people. As said before, it wasn't a hunter, it was a poacher.


Why would you expect it to not be that type of story?

How is pursuing a poacher a waste of tax dollars?

I do not see how this makes hunters look bad. This was a drive-by shooting. If the entire hunting community condemns the actions of this person, it does not have an adverse effect on ethical sportsmen.

The deer was at risk of being shot by a REAL hunter and no one seems to dispute that. The collars were just a hope that it would deter a real hunter. It may have worked..you would not expect to see that. But this person is in clear violation of at least a few laws and as someone who believes in safe hunting and ethical use of resources, I hope they make a giant example out of him.

The Bambi effect actually helps in this case. P3TA can't make an example of this since this person does not deserve the title of hunter. He is a poacher and needs to be dealt with.

Yes, the people involved with the deer increased its risk by being involved, however from the story info it was a compassionate move on their part. I doubt many of us would do differently. Lots of hunters have found orphaned or abandoned off spring and have done the same thing. Remember that video of the moose hunters with the calf and how they tried and tried to get the thing to go away??

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Seems most of you have missed the word "alleged" poacher...none of what the boy has said has been proven only that the deer is dead...Pretty quick to hang one of our own...how many of you would claim a deer with two hounds gaurding it, and do you all really think this guy drove up to the house with a muzzleloader and shot it in the front yard like I mentioned previously...especially in sight of a 14 year old boy who was close enough to get a plate number...sounds like a kid who just found his pet killed and wants a little revenge...guess will see in the end...hope I never have the need to find any of you on a jury!

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Seems most of you have missed the word "alleged" poacher...none of what the boy has said has been proven only that the deer is dead...Pretty quick to hang one of our own...how many of you would claim a deer with two hounds gaurding it, and do you all really think this guy drove up to the house with a muzzleloader and shot it in the front yard like I mentioned previously...especially in sight of a 14 year old boy who was close enough to get a plate number...sounds like a kid who just found his pet killed and wants a little revenge...guess will see in the end...hope I never have the need to find any of you on a jury!


Everyone is going with the facts available. You are introducing speculation. Only time will tell.

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This man has not even been charged and is only "under investigation" just saying most of you have him pinned allready...like I mentioned Rick would you claim a deer being gaurded by 2 deer hounds...I'd have to guess most of us wouldn't...Sure lots of people loved the deer and thats what is really bring out the headlines...but for once I agree with gbfisher a deer is food and not a pet...the real story is how the misguided kindness of a family put this deers life in danger far more times then I'm sure it would have been had it been left to the wild...this story says there were "shots" fired so if this guy was poaching in front of the house with his muzzle loader he took the time to reload and take another shot at it??? Doesn't sound like a very logical thing to do in mid crime????? Just seems to be more to the story then this kid is saying...it also states in the Toront Sun report that the guy stuck around and said to the family "I just killed Rudolph"??????? so tell me how that is fleeing the scene....This "story" stinks more and more every time I read it!!



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Everyone is going with the facts available. You are introducing speculation. Only time will tell.



Thats just it, there are NO facts available.



Remember the story on my hunt camp?


The guy reported that there were 4 bedrooms.

He was in the camp for a tour and in fact saw 8 bedrooms.

All he would have to do is think for half a second even if his notes were wrong.

How can we believe anything reported nowadays.


As far as it making hunters look bad, of course it does...not to hunters, but to non hunters.


Reporters should be taken to task for some of the crap they write.

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In order to be a poacher you have to be somewhat of an idiot to begin with so any actions would not be surprising.

I cannot imagine a scenario where I would take down a deer and two domestic dogs would be nearby.... and domestic dogs would hardly guard the deer. They would have a curiosity, but guard it?? Not even coyotes would likely make more than a bluff espcially after the blast of a muzzle loader.

What makes more sense given the info available?

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It states in the story the dogs went everywhere with the deer...and being 2 dogs used for hunting by the family I hardly think they would run at the shot of a gun...if there were shots and the guy shot the deer in a legal scenario he has all the right to track and take that animal...hence the "shots" I never said he wasn't a poacher I just said alot of things in this story don't make sense and most of you have allready past sentence on the guy...now whos speculating???

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The story says the dog was NOT guarding the deer and had in fact come running home. The shot was heard by the homeowner making it fairly close to the house. The car was reported as speeding away.

So, using what is reported... what conclusion can would come to?

The report of what the poacher said is Hearsay, so I ignored that.

It is not possible to know if there is a firearms discharge violation given the generalities in the location. As far as the owners kid being the first to be on the scene, that follows with what is reported since it was reported to happen close to the house. If I heard a gunshot I would be outside looking...or under the table if the shot accompanied broken glass :D

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id agree that this article doesnt contain all of the facts like most articles of this nature. they will always twist it any way possible to make the story sound more interesting. its a simple marketing tactic.


the more believable story would be this guy was cruising country roads looking for deer to shoot. he happened to see this doe somewhere while cruising by and he stopped to shoot it. he likely missed the first shot which is why there were multiple shots. this domesticated deer likely didnt run from the gunshots. then the deer ran back towards the house i would assume. even a deer hit in the vitals can run 80-100 yards. the guy likely booked it when the son started flipping out after going to investigate the shots or seeing the deer.


this is something most hunters in ontario are against and is illegal if you dont have permission for the property where you finally see a deer. these types are typically poachers and id like to see them punished. i believe there is also something that says you cant shoot within 500m of a dwelling.


im not defending the actions, just trying to give some insight on what is more believable than the newspaper...



the sound from a gun shot can easily travel kilometers, especially in open terrain and when it is cold out.

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