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Cutting Others off in Traffic


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I get cut off far less than I get tailgated. Trailering my 20ft boat now around the Ottawa valley, it hangs off the back of my trailer about 3 feet, then there's the motor. I've got the boat and motor marked with reflective tape as well as an orange ribbon but I still can't believe how many a-howls sit right up behind me. And I drive quick enough too.


In Ottawa last week all the way up Hunt Club I had this idiot in a Mercedes swerving across lanes in behind me trying to pass traffic that was already 15-20km's over the limit. I enjoyed speeding up and slowing down repeatedly trapping him in the slow lane. I could tell he was annoyed, but I was hoping that he'd sit so close on my rear that when I suddenly had to brake hard for something, that my ball-hitch would go through his grill. Would be worth it.


I can't believe HD that one of the main reasons you left Ontario was because of the drivers though. That's having it bad dood. :lol: Do agree though... up north, people are in no hurry to go nowhere. :D



Remember folks... don't tailgate... it's 2 Mississississississississississississississippippippippippippippippippippippippi

ppippippippi's. Do the count and you'll get cut off more often in heavy traffic, but at least you won't have someone like me in front of ya PO'd and aching to let your hood meet my bumper. Muhahahahahahahaha!!!!

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Okay, so now I'm back at work after lunch, and as I mentioned, was cut off on my way home and my stuff went flying (no, not fishing stuff GBW :lol: ).


So I only work 5 kms from home. Well on the way back, no word of a lie, 2, count them 2, people passed me and the line of cars I was following, in a school zone, in the middle lane to my left (the yellow merge/emergency lane), then in another instance a guy decided he didn't want to be in the left turning lane, he actually wanted to be in the right turning lane, and promptly cut across in front of everyone on a green light :rolleyes: , then in another instance, a car in a left turning lane 3 blocks later was rear ended and the two were standing there arguing as they assessed the damages.


Who is teaching these people how to drive??????


What if a child was hit in the school zone? I mean really, what could be so important you need to pass illegally there???


*shaking my head*

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I saw the downward spiral in driver mentality over the years from probably a different angle than most of you in that I drove fire trucks in Toronto for more than 30 years.


Firetrucks are big & heavy and often difficult to manouver thru heavy traffic & congested streets, but because of obvious nessesity they must go faster than other vehicles and often on the wrong side of the road against the flow of traffic, so it's very important that folks get outta the way to allow them room to move.


When I first went on the job back in the 60's people were very aware of the rules of the road that stated right of way must be given to emergency vehicles, and they almost always did everything they possibly could to get out of the way to let us thru, even if it meant driving up on the sidewalk when necessary....(and safe)


It made getting there in a hurry much easier for us, plus the fact that the sooner help arrives, the better chance the victims involved have. Seconds really do matter when it's life & death.


Over the years though, things gradually changed and folks didn't move outta the way like they used to, infact they often didn't move at all as if they just didn't care. Great big trucks with red lights flashing, air horns blasting and sirens screaming right behind them and they almost seem oblivious and just keep motoring along in their own fuzzy little world.


I've been retired from the job about 9 years now but I still see it everyday here in Toronto, where emergency crews are trying to get somewhere in a hurry, but so many people just don't seem to care anymore and have absolutely no interest in moving to let them thru.


Not just yeilding to emergency vehicles though, it seems like the whole attitude of drivers is changing drastically for the worse and people just don't seem to care anymore. When your trying to change lanes they'll speed up to block you so you don't get ahead of them, if your exiting a driveway, they'll stop in front of you so you can't get out, almost nobody stops anymore to turn on a red light and stop signs are just an inconvenience to many.


Road rage is everywhere now and if you even glance at some of these characters on the road now they take it as a insult and look at you like you just shot their wife.


Things were much better on the road 30 - 40 years ago but I'm afraid the good ole days are long gone and things will only continue to get worse.....so sad.


Slow down folks, give somebody else a break, and when the odd person does allow you to exit your driveway, give him a wave and say THANKS. If everybody was just a little bit more courtious on the road, life ...and driving...would be much better for all of us.


Please, If you see a firetruck, police car or ambulance with red lights flashing, whether their coming up behind you or coming towards you, GET OUTTA THE WAY !!


And if your in the country and you see a vehicle with a flashing GREEN light, that's a volunteer fireman on his way to an emergency in his own vehicle and you must also yield the right of way to him just like any other emergency vehicle.


Just remember, the life these guys are trying to save may be your own family.


Sorry to get off topic folks, but this thread it just seemed like a good spot to remind folks what red lights mean.

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Please, If you see a firetruck, police car or ambulance with red lights flashing, whether their coming up behind you or coming towards you, GET OUTTA THE WAY !!


I second that! Also slow down and be aware of your surrounding when crossing through an emergency scene (if you are even allowed). I've seen too many close calls lately.

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I second that! Also slow down and be aware of your surrounding when crossing through an emergency scene (if you are even allowed). I've seen too many close calls lately.


We were at a house fire one night, and I'd climbed onto the tailboard to grab the hose, and when I stepped down again and pulled the hose to the side of the truck I was hit by a car. :angry:


We had the street closed off but this moron figured it was closed to everybody but him and as he weaved his way thru the maze of firetucks, police cars and ambulances, he hit me.


Guess maybe I shoulda had a flashing red light on top of my helmet too, but then that probably wouldn't have stopped him either.........unbelievable !!!!

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We were at a house fire one night, and I'd climbed onto the tailboard to grab the hose, and when I stepped down again and pulled the hose to the side of the truck I was hit by a car. :angry:


We had the street closed off but this moron figured it was closed to everybody but him and as he weaved his way thru the maze of firetucks, police cars and ambulances, he hit me.


Guess maybe I shoulda had a flashing red light on top of my helmet too, but then that probably wouldn't have stopped him either.........unbelievable !!!!


un-freakin-believable. did you put him in the back of one of the police cars or ambulances you just mentioned?

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Remember folks... don't tailgate... it's 2 Mississississississississississississississippippippippippippippippippippippippi

ppippippippi's. Do the count and you'll get cut off more often in heavy traffic, but at least you won't have someone like me in front of ya PO'd and aching to let your hood meet my bumper. Muhahahahahahahaha!!!!



Here in Sudbury about 2 months ago Police were called to an incident like this. Witnesses squealed on the guy that slammed on the brakes. The rear-ender was charged with following too close and failure to yield, the rear-endee was charged with "performing a stunt in a motor vehicle"...complete with $2000 fine and 7 days on foot.

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Thank our wonderful boys in Queens Park for that one WSB.. 105 limiters..


Are you sure about that one? 105 limiters in no way require that two lanes be blocked by these jerks. There are 'wonderful boys' for sure, but the ones in Queen's Park are not responsible for that idiocy. If it takes the trucker 10 minutes to pass another on a four lane, mebbe he should pick another spot to pass.


Even if he don't, this has got to be better than a fully loaded semi pushing you in the middle lane at 120 or more. That's terrifying to most because he can't stop. There are a couple of notorious stretches of the 401 - one west of Port Hope, and the other west of London, carnage incarnate.

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I was in my buddy's car the other day and we're pulling out of a parking lot and I notice that he cut a guy off as we entered the street. I said, "Hey, you just cut that guy off behind us." He turns to me and says, "What are you talking about? He had lots of time to stop."


Now as far as I'm concerned, if you pull out into traffic and the driver in the vehicle behind you has to take his foot of the gas, you cut him off. If he has to hit the brakes, you've definitely cut him off. His point seemed to be that as long as the guy doesn't slam into you or have to veer out of the way to avoid doing so, that doesn't count as being "cut off". I told him that if the guy behind us hadn't have been paying attention or didn't get on the brake fast enough, he'd have plowed into us. He seemed to feel if that would have happened, it would have been the other driver's fault.


What do you guys think? I think that if someone pulls out ahead of you, and you need to take some form of corrective action (foot off gas pedal, application of brakes, or changing lanes) then you just got cut off. Also, regardless of the legalities...is it in any way wise to trust that some idiot is going to avoid hitting you? Why put your safety in the hands of someone else?


No offence to your buddy, but he is an idiot and shouldnt have a license. this is precisely the reason we have so many accidents on our roads.

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you know what grinds my gears?!?.. going down the 404 hwy and trying to exit right to 401east.. then all of a sudden you get 100 people thinking its ok to cut into the line at the front, and then people actually let them in!! :angry: give me a break! :wallbash:


Anybody know what im talkin about?


I know exactly what your talkin about, those IQ challenged's make me late. the same thing happens at DVP and Bloor, Yonge and 401 West. People are just selfish!!! I personally dont let them in and flip alot of Birdies. lol

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We were at a house fire one night, and I'd climbed onto the tailboard to grab the hose, and when I stepped down again and pulled the hose to the side of the truck I was hit by a car. :angry:


We had the street closed off but this moron figured it was closed to everybody but him and as he weaved his way thru the maze of firetucks, police cars and ambulances, he hit me.


Guess maybe I shoulda had a flashing red light on top of my helmet too, but then that probably wouldn't have stopped him either.........unbelievable !!!!


Been there done that......as a volunteer firefighter, firetruck driver and fire police I have seen too much of this, especially lately. We use as many construction cones as possible to protect ourselves while directing traffic in a fire scene.... Had one direction closed one day and the lady insisted this was the only way she knew how to get to the Galleria Mall.....sorry lady but those are my fellow firefighters beyond this point and they come first and forth most....proceed beyond me and you will be arrested...do you understand ! ! !......she turned around....

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Today I just witnessed an accident myself, in front of me. A Jetta races and passes me on my left then tail gates and cuts to my lane in front, no signal, goes through a red light and gets T-Boned on the Passenger side by a full size pickup and skids to the curb and stops. The truck drivers wife has a whip lash, and the Jettas driver, a middle age lady gets out of her car and gets on the phone. I headed straight to the truck driver, asked them if they were OK and gave them my name as a witness. I imagine, or guess, the Jettas driver was OK. Yup I had absolutely no compassion for her.

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all in sequence,we will all get to where we are going,I let the odd person ahead of me when there merging.but to the nascar drivers on the qew,403 and 401 back off my van is loaded, and a v10 to plow you,I cant stop that fast.but it will push you hard.And if you see a rig merging let him in,they are on speed limiters now.You can get around them.with eaze.all in all be kind to us when we are working on the side of the highway,we dont need any agrivations,its scary at times when people see the lights and triangles and they think its a target.There is no need for anyone to crap their pants because someone is late for work,shaving,or a young lady playing with her whowho,seen that a lot.be safe,drive offensively,be smart.I want to make it to retirement.26yrs and month to go.

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I have lived in alot of places and drivers in Ontario are really bad. I mean really bad. I've seen people go through red lights 4 or 5 seconds after they turned red, insanely stupid things. Need stiffer penalties for bad driving. Especially when you endanger someone elses life. I remember guys in Vancouver street racing, killed a pedestrian who was on the sidewalk, they got 2 years house arrest. In Britain they have deterrants:


Cyclist going through traffic lights when they were red was hit by a women driving while using her cellphone and not looking (even although she had the green light). She'll be serving 5 years at the moment.

Bus driver who flipped his bus when he was going too fast, guy died on the bus, driver's serving 7 years at her majesty's pleasure.


Canada's laws are too wimpy. I mean 48hr ban for drink driving. what the hell is that? Again in blighty, you blow over the limit, automatic on the spot 1 year ban and a mandatory court appearance.


The only way to start to cut out bad driving is to have SEVERE penalties for those that get caught doing stupid things.

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Ask your wives/girlfriends what a whowho is,if they look at you funny,look down at there you knows.then look up,if shes smiling,youve got one one stringer.and one to be mounted.sorry guys,no pics to show,I just about crap my self on her driving ability.when I caught up to her I asked why didnt see the emergency lights,she said she was preocupied with other matters in HAND.

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No offence to your buddy, but he is an idiot and shouldnt have a license. this is precisely the reason we have so many accidents on our roads.



No offense you say? Gee...why would anyone be offended about being called an idiot? A comment like that is clearly not meant to offend anyone.

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Two Retarded truck drivers cruising down the 401 side by side doing 100 km's an hour for miles on end is an annoying one :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Speaking of truckers, get this. I was driving on the 401 around Toronto and was in the second lane from the right and a tractor trailer was in the right lane. He starts to cut into my lane when the trailer was still beside me. What the hell!!! If I didn't hit the brakes I'd be dead. He's lucky there wasn't a "how's my driving" sticker on the back or I'd be calling the number. With actions like that, no wonder truckers get a bad rap. Unbelievable!!!!

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