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3rd Annual Fishing For Tyler - Some Questions


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I know there is an official thread for this, but I wanted to ask some questions about the event. We are planning on heading out there for Saturday, weather permitting, and we'll have our kids with us. One is 14 and the other is 4. I wanted to ask a few things.....


1) How does it work? Do we just head out and find a spot anywhere on the lake and fish?

2) We dont have an auger....are there loaners available?

3) Are there bathrooms/porta potties available for the kids and adults?

4) If things get really cold for the kids, is there a place to take them to warm up?

5) Is bait available there?

6) If we are targeting panfish...should we bring worms...or what would work for them so our kids can have a chance at catching them.

7) Will there be anyone there to help us with potential locations? We've never been there b4, and it's a BIG lake...LOL.


I'm sure I have a few more...but if anyone who has been there before can help answer some questions, it will help us be prepared for the day! Maybe there are some out there who are on the cusp of deciding to attend....answers to these questions may help them decide to participate!


Any other advice for making it better for the kids would be appreciated too!!


Thanks in advance!!!



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Hi Cliff; When you arrive you register at the trailer then you can go out and fish... You have to get your own bait..you will need minnows for bait.. there will be a trailer there that was used last year to warm up.. I'm sure someone will help you as to location and if you locate Chuck (chevy4x4) he might help you out with this.. Portable toilets I believe have been arranged .. Hope this helps...

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I don't believe Terry had any "live bait" on when he hauled up that big Laker last year..but I could be wrong.


There should be many there with augers, Cliff, me included.... so latch onto one of them and follow!


John confirmed the porta-potty and Ron's trailer will be there to warm up in. Supposed to be pretty warm and windless at this point..but we know how that works!

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Cliff, I will bring my auger up too. Just ask for Big Cliff I'll be working the BBQs with my trusty co-cooks. Register, and head out fishing, it isn't a contest really, everyone is there to have fun, help each other and have a good time. There are a few prizes for biggest fish etc. but then there is a draw for prizes also so keep your ticket stubs when you register. There are some really nice prizes to be had.


Food is free (donations appreciated) there will be chicken burgers, hot dogs, saussages, hamburgers, hot chocolat, coffee.


Right now I believe they are calling for a high of about -4 but sunny, should be a perfect day!


Hope to see you and the kids there, it's a fun day and a worthy cause.


Big Cliff

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Wow!! I knew people here would have solutions and suggestions! Thanks everyone...but keep them coming. There may be others on the fence about coming and if a lot of things are covered off and they know that fellow OFNers will be there to help, it may convince them to attend this great event.

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ccmtcanada, You can stay in closer to shore/shallower for the Perch to keep the kids busy. Usually small jigs or a simple split shot and hook rig with a small minnow will work. If you want to catch something bigger, you just need to venture further out from shore where the Lake Trout and Whitefish play.


For Trout/Whitefish lures

Williams ice-jigs, Jigging Rapala's in size W5, W7, and W9, and the popular Humpback Creeper, Bad Boyz, Meegs lures tipped with a tube jig work well too.

Also, a simple sliding egg-sinker rig with a large shiner hooked through the tail area will work for Whitefish (Let the sinker lay on bottom). You can even get fancy and put a 3-way swivel with a short section of line and another single hook about 5-10ft up the line (Above the sliding sinker) to tempt Lake trout with another Large Shiner hooked through the lips.


There will be people all over, so just ask someone if you can fish with them, I'm sure it won't be a problem as everyone is there to have fun!


See you Saturday!


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irishfield is right I didn't use live bait

I walked around talking to everyone and doing everything except fishing

1/2 an hour before the end I thought I would try fishing..a green meegs and a small green tube on it and Mr trout jumped all over it........wonder if I can do it again....but with bigchevy and Ron out there it will be hard to do it again

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Tony and Camillj...thanks! Great info!


I saw that registration was at 7am....that will be tough for us to get ther for then. We live about an hour and a half away and trying to get our teenager and 4 year old out the door by 530 will be impossible...LOL. If we arrive at say 8 or 830 is it too late to register for the day?

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Tony and Camillj...thanks! Great info!


I saw that registration was at 7am....that will be tough for us to get ther for then. We live about an hour and a half away and trying to get our teenager and 4 year old out the door by 530 will be impossible...LOL. If we arrive at say 8 or 830 is it too late to register for the day?



Registration starts at 7:00, what that means is, I won't be awake enough before then to take your money :D . You can register anytime after that Cliff, well anytime before 1:00pm when hopefully the last fish is measured.



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I'll be bringing a hand auger and a couple of ice fishing rods/reels for those who may not have any. No need for a great $$$ output to come and enjoy the day. Bring your good spirits and big smiles



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Wow...the support on this board is awesome! This is why this is the BEST online community anywhere on the net. Looking forward to a great time on the weekend! Thanks everyone...you've made our decision to attend and support this great cause incredibly easy and hard to resist.

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