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The Axe is gonna Fall


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I suspect that there are many here who have never read the following and some who clearly need to be reminded.


The Rules


We'll keep it simple. Be nice and be respectful. Like your Mom probably told you, if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all.


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We would prefer that you do not post pictures of fish caught out of season.


Please do not post VERY SPECIFIC information on fishing spots, ie pinpoint locations and maps. It is our belief that sharing this type of knowledge to the general public is not at all good for the resource itself. When communicating info on spots, please keep it to email or a PM.


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Troublemakers will be warned and then if that doesn't work, placed on a Mod Queue. This means every post you make will need to be approved before it is visible. If being in mod queue doesn't help, offenders will be banned.


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Get together threads may be requested to be pinned, but no longer than 30 days before the event.


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One account per member, accounts cannot be deleted.




If you think I may have posted this for you, you're probably right. :whistling:

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You mod's must be busy because flaming goes on here every day as well as the first line saying if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.


Not hard to follow so I'll be good for now on i guess. However, if this stupid Scugog River doesn't start to produce I might get into the "adult" mode and be a pain in the butt.

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In teaching we have things called "exemplars" and they are designed to show the kids what a good and bad project/assignment looks like.

Perhaps we would all benefit from being shown what a "flame", an off-colour, or racially insensitive post actually looks like.

I can guarantee that the people doing it don't think that they are doing anything wrong (perhaps even me included!?!).


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In teaching we have things called "exemplars" and they are designed to show the kids what a good and bad project/assignment looks like.

Perhaps we would all benefit from being shown what a "flame", an off-colour, or racially insensitive post actually looks like.

I can guarantee that the people doing it don't think that they are doing anything wrong (perhaps even me included!?!).



What, you couldn't come up with an example yourself? (Flame.... ;) )

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